Title: Economic Dimensions of Migration Challenges to Citizenship Education
1Economic Dimensions of Migration Challenges to
Citizenship Education
- Johan Wets
- PICUM Platform for International Cooperation on
Undocumented Migrants - HIVA University of Leuven, Belgium
2Undocumented migrants in Europe
- Estimated 5-8 million undocumented migrants (UDM)
in EU - Legal entry overstayers (tourist, work, student
visas/permits), rejected asylum seekers - Clandestine entry
- To tackle irregular migration, EU has developed
strict measures (community return policy,
reinforcement of external borders, readmission
agreements) - No evidence that strict border controls have
reduced numbers of UDM
3UDM largely invisible to policy makers in Europe
- All measures taken by EU have common focus on
entry or return of UDM, not on those currently in
EU - EU refers to fundamental rights but real focus
remains on border control - Communication on fight against illegal migration
(July 2006) - Face problems in accessing decent housing,
education, health care, fair working conditions - Exclusion leads to marginalization and
4Contradictory messages
- EU member states restrict access to basic social
services as ways to fight illegal migration - Refugee Action and Amnesty Intl UK reports (Nov.
2006) governments policy on cutting off
support for refused asylum seekers does not work
and leading to a new wave of widespread
destitution - UDM criminalized and chased on the one hand, and
desired and exploited on the other hand - UDM people with rights, recognized in intl human
rights treaties, but these rights systematically
51. They are here to stay
61a.The world population (billion)
71b. Population Doubling time
82. Large scale, unwanted migrationis the export
of the problems of the third world
92a. Income distribution
102b. Human Development
113. No human being is illegal.Only the
legislation in the countriesof destination
makesmigration illegal.
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4. Consumers create the marketwhere irregular
migrants find their job.
148a. The role of consumers
155. Also undocumented migrantshave basic (human)
rights inthe country of residence
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17Ten Ways
- Widespread situation of exploitation and abuse of
undocumented workers - What is civil societys response?
- PICUM research
- 50 NGOs and unions
- Europe and USA
- Ways and Recommendations
181st Way Raising public support
- Coalition of Immokalee Workers (USA)
- Consumer campaign against Taco Bell
- McDonalds
192nd Way Collecting data
- Influence policy making
- UN Special Rapporteur on Rights of Migrants
- OKIA - Dutch study on undoc. workers in
203rd Way Informing undocumented workers
- Help desks
- Printed material (comic books)
- OR.C.A. Brussels, guide to rights, workshops
for community leaders
214th Way Empowerment
- Influence decision-making affecting their lives
- Leadership development
- Civic participation
- Domestic Workers United - New York
225th Way Unionizing
- A worker is a worker!
- Challenges for unions
- Recent positive developments
- Dutch and U.S. unions
236th Way Employers
- Prevent exploitation
- Hold them accountable
- Social Responsibility Law Portugal
- Â Â Â Â Â Â
247th Way Mediation and collective actions
258th Way Legal system
- Barriers! (Fear, proof, cost)
- Examples in Germany, France, USA
- Spain 2002 Supreme Court ruling
- Ruling affirmed that undocumented workers have
inalienable labor rights
269th Way Working with governmental agencies
- A worker is a worker!
- Labor inspection
- Occupational safety and health
- EMPLEO alliance (Los Angeles, USA)Â Â Â Â Â
2710th Way Advocating for legal status
28Thank You
- www.picum.org
- info_at_picum.org