Title: The radar altimetric observations 1:
1Part 3.
- The radar altimetric observations (1)
- Altimetry data
- Contributors to sea level
- Crossover adjustment
- From altimetry to Gravity and Geoid(2)
- Geodetic theory
- FFT for global gravity fields
- Least Squares Collocation
- The Global Altimetric Gravity Field (3)
- Accuracy assesment
- Applications
2Global Marine Gravity fields.
- Presently several global marine gravity fields
are available on 2 by 2 resolution or better
for free download on the Internet - Hwang et al. 1999, 2001?
- Sandwell and Smith, v7.2, v8 v9, v10, v11, v12
- Andersen and Knudsen. KMS99, KMS02. (ftp.kms.dk)
- Andersen05 shortly. - Wang. GSFC98, GSFC 00
- Numerous local and global marine gravity
anomalies have been created using a variety of
successful techniques (e.g., Haxby (1987),
Balmino et al. (1987), Sandwell (1992), Knudsen
(1991), Knudsen et al. (1992), Tscherning et al.
(1993), - Several other global high resolution fields are
available like CLS-SHOM (Hernandez and Shaeffer,
2000) and OSU (Yi, 1995) maybe more??? lower
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4Sandwell and Smith.
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- Comparison by Trimmer et al., (2004),
- Compares the KMS02, the GSFC00 field by (Wang,
2001) and the Sandwell and Smith (SSv8grav 2)
with unclassified NIMA gravity observations in
very difficult test region
7Comparison with marine observations (difficult
Comparison in whole test area with 3,433,653
marine gravity observations. All values are in
mGal. Comparisons by Kenyon Trimmer (2004)
suggest that the accuracy Of KMS03 is around or
better than 3 mGal globally.
- Inertial Navigation Ship, satellite, missile
guidance, GPS - Petroleum surveys extending seismic surveys
- Detailed mapping of the spreading ridges
- Mid Atlantic spreading zone north of Iceland
- Improving bathymetry mapping.( Equatorial
Atlantic Spreading Zone) - Lithospheric studies (strength, compensation
mechanism) - Mapping subduction zones, continental margins.
- Mapping of seamounts in the Pacific place.
- Mapping in Arctic regions.
9MidAtlantic spreading zone hardly detectable from
marine gravity
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11Improving Bathymetry
Bougouer correction (assuming infinite
slab) ?g0.04188 s mGal/m s density
contrast s water 1.0 g/cm3 s sediment 2.7
g/cm3 s 1.6 g/cm3
12KMS01 Bath
SS v7.2
13Applications (Seamounts)
Systematic search for seamounts in the Pacific
plate from vertical gravity gradients in the
global high resolution altimetric gravity
field by Sandwell and Smith. Wessel and Lyons