Title: Professionalism and Personal Skills
1Professionalism and Personal Skills
2Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Objectives
- By the end of this lecture the student should
- Appreciate the Ethical Issues
3Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Overview
- What part do Ethics play?
4Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Aim of Computer Ethics
- Make Computer Professionals
- More thoughtful
- More careful
- Produce better computer scientists
- Provide usable concepts and material for use in
an integrated approach for teaching and applying
computer ethics
5Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Aim of Computer Ethics (cont)
- Aim to have Computer Ethics Applied across all
computer science - Make Computing and People who use Computers more
Socially Responsible
6Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Other Ethical Issues
- Electronic Commerce
- E-Mail
- Ethics Policies
- Software/Hardware
- Copying/Pirating Software
7Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Other Ethical Issues
- Most computer security systems are a result of
competition between hackers and those attempting
to maintain security - New challenges appear on every technological
horizon - WWW programming language JAVA has created an arms
race between security protection experts and
8Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Other Ethical Issues
- Surreptitious malicious applets that delete files
and send private information are causing major
concern - Known Java based attacks can be summarised into
five categories
9Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Computer Professionals and Computer Ethics
Education - Gotterbarn (1995)
- Positive guides to ethical behaviour need to be
in place in current software engineering courses
starting in the early stages and running through
the entire program - Discussion of ethics interactively throughout the
course is likely to be most effective
10Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Computer Professionals and Computer Ethics
Education - Martin Martin (1990)
- Ethical dimensions should be integrated into the
early stages of education and linked to managing
technology - Computer education now begins in elementary
school, this is where computer ethics education
should begin
11Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Computer Professionals and Computer Ethics
Education - Lu Lin (1999)
- Challenge to the Educators - integrating computer
ethics topics into various modules could be the
most effective way
12Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Computer Professionals and Computer Ethics
Education - Johnson (1998)
- Proactive integrated approach to ethical issues
in computing - Enhanced ethical behaviour by creating awareness
of computer ethics and responsibility in young
users of computers
13Professionalism and Personal Skills
- What Using Computer Ethics and Aspiring to
Professionalism Can do for YOU - Help you get a better JOB
- Improve the standard of your WORK
- Help Society make best use of Technology
- Create Safe environments for people working with
and using Computer Technology - Create Computer Ethics policies
- Trust Confidence
14Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Objectives
- Appreciate the Ethical Issues