Title: PERL
- By C. Shing
- ITEC Dept
- Radford University
- Understand the history
- Understand constants and variables
- Understand operators
- Understand control structures
- Understand functions
- Understand file I/O
- Understand command line arguments
- Understand how to use Perl for system
- Perl (Practical Extraction Report Language) by
Larry Wall (1986) - Language between C and shell Scripting , need
interpreter - Provide File access and Unix utilities
- Download site http//www.perl.com
- File extension (.pl)
- Interpret with error message
- perl -w filename.pl arg0 arg1
- Artistic license variation of GNU public
license, free
- Scalar
- Number integer, real, scientific notation
- String within
- Boolean
- 1 represents true
- 0 represents false
- Scalar begin with
- Number integer, real
- String string, character
- Array begin with _at_
- Index starts from 0
- Associative begin with
- use hash
6Control Structures
- Print
- Assignment
- Conditional
- Loop
- Function (Subroutine)
7Control Structures - Print
- Syntax each statement ends with
- Print variable constant
- Example
- print "Please enter a number"
8Control Structures - Assignment
- Syntax each statement ends with
- Variable expression
- Comment begins with
9Control Structures - Assignment
- Scalar Variable
- Number integer, real
- Example
- i5
- j-6.2
- String string, character
- Example
- monthJanuary
- char\t
10Control Structures - Assignment
- Scalar Variable
- Number integer, real
- Example
- i5
- j-6.2
- number ltSTDINgt (keyboard input)
- String string, character
- Example
- monthJanuary
- char\t
- guess ltSTDINgt (keyboard input)
- fileString ltFILEHANDLEgt (getting data
from file)
11Control Structures - Assignment
- Array Variable
- Example
- _at_array ("john", "susan", "david", "sarah",
"ryan", "laura") - _at_numRange (1..6)
- Where
- array0 john
- array1 susan
- array5 laura
12Control Structures - Assignment
- Associative Variable
- Example
- hash ("smith"gt"john", "sides"gt "susan",
"davis"gt"david", "star"gt"sarah",
"rush"gt"ryan","lane"gt "laura") - Where
- arraysmith john
- arraysides susan
- arraylane laura
13Operators Arithmetic, Logic, Relational
- Arithmetic ,-,,/
- Logical ,
- Relational
- Numeric , !, gt, gt, lt, lt
- String eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le
14Operators - String
- String
- Concatenation .
- Example
- month month.char
- message "This is a number ".\t.number.
"\n" - Match
- Example
- line s/the/THE/g (replace all the by THE
in the line) - line /(\w)(\s)(\w)(\s)/ (line that
matches the pattern word, spaces, word
15Control Structures - Conditional
- Syntax
- If (condition)
- If (condition)
- else
- If (condition1)
- elsif (condition2)
- else
16Control Structures - Conditional
- Example
- if (guess eq "hello")
- print "The word ".guess." that you guessed
is correct.\n\n" -
17Control Structures - Conditional
- Example
- if (avg gt0.895avgall)
- grade"A"
- elsif (avg gt0.795avgall)
- grade"B"
- elsif (avg gt0.695avgall)
- grade"C"
- elsif (avg gt0.595avgall)
- grade"D"
- else
18Control Structures - Loop
19Control Structures While Loop
- Syntax
- while (condition)
- when condition is false, exit loop
20Control Structures While Loop
21Control Structures Until Loop
- Syntax
- until (condition)
- when condition is true, exit loop
22Control Structures Until Loop
- Example
- until (array20 eq "listing")
23Control Structures Foreach Loop
- Syntax
- foreach variable (variableRange)
- when variable is outside of variableRange, exit
24Control Structures Foreach Loop
- Example
- foreach month (1..12)
25Control Structures For Loop
- Syntax
- for (initialization condition ending body
stmt) -
- when condition is false, exit loop
26Control Structures For Loop
27Control Structures - Function (Subroutine)
- Library function
- User (-defined) function
28Control Structures Library Function
- lc() or lc convert to lower case
- uc() convert to upper case
- open(), close(), die(), exit(), last() See File
I/O - print()
- length() length of string
- index()
29Control Structures Library Function
- Example
- search item through list
- foreach user (_at_list)
- if (user eq lc(item))
- user_correct 1
- foreach
30Control Structures Library Function
- keys() gives the key value of the hash
- chomp() delete the new line character from
variable - split (delimiter, variable) split a variable
using delimiter - my() create local variable
- shift (arrayName) get rid of 1st element in the
arrayName - push (array1, array2) push array2 to the end of
31Control Structures Library Function
- Example
- while (lineltNAMEFILEgt)
- chomp(line)
- username are separated by space(s)
- _at_arraysplit /\s/, line
32Control Structures Library Function
- Example
- foreach userkey (keys hash)
- if (hashuserkey eq lc(name))
- user_correct 1
- lastnameuserkey
- foreach
33Control Structures User Function
- Function call
- Syntax
- functionname (actualParameterList)
- Example
- check (name, _at_array)
34Control Structures User Function
- Function definition
- Syntax
- sub functionname
- my localVar1 _0
- my localVar2 _1
- my _at_localArray _at__
35Control Structures User Function
- Function definition
- Example
- check (name, _at_array)
- sub check
- the following 3 lines declare local
variables - my item _0
- my _at_list _at__
- my user_correct 0
36Control Structures User Function
- Example
- printArray(_at_array)
- sub printArray
- _at_array is a local variable in the sub
- my _at_array _at__
- foreach cell (_at_array)
- print cell."\t"
- print "\n"
- sub printArray
37File I/O
- Open/Close file
- Syntax
- open (FILEHANDLE, ltfilename)
- close (FILEHANDLE)
38File I/O
- Open/Close file
- Example
- read all names into _at_array from input data
file sixth2.txt - open (NAMEFILE, "ltsixth2.txt")
- die "Error Unable to open the file !"
- open output file for print
- open (OUTFILE,"gtattend.txt")
- print OUTFILE "Lastname\t\tFirstname\t\tE-Mail
39Command Line Arguments
- perl w filename.pl arg0 arg1 arg2
- Arg0, arg1 and arg2 are command line arguments
- Inside the program, they are stored in array _at_ARGV
40Command Line Arguments
- Example
- open (USERFILE, "ltuserARGV0.txt") die
"Error Unable to open the file !" - open (OUTFILE,"gtattendARGV0.txt")
- print OUTFILE "Library Attendance for ITEC
41System Administration
- Call system library when using shell commands in
Perl - Give full path name for shell commands
- Use which command to find full path name
- Watch for reserved names in Perl
42System Administration
- Example Run Perl in Unix environment
- system("/usr/local/gnu/bin/awk 'print
\1,\2,\9' temp1.txt gt temp2.txt") - system("/usr/bin/rm -f temp2.txt")
- If you run Perl in Unix, make sure to change data
into Unix format, such as - system("/usr/bin/dos2unix session.txt