Title: Demonstration Title Here
1ltDemonstration Title Heregt
ltPresenter Name Heregt
ltText or Figuregt
ltText or Figuregt
ltText or Figuregt
2Quick Boot up with Video Playback
Surprisingly quick cold boot up..
It eliminating the unnecessary process fork in
the starting up time.. See the sample code here.
main (argc,argv) / Here is an example /
process_a (_INTQUICK, 0) process_foo ()
kill_kernel (IMMEDIATE) / It is bad way
kill_kernel (AFTER) /
You may relocate the position of this section.
Taking account of the characteristics of the
symposium, please consider to provide the patches
related to your demonstration to as much Linux
developers. It is not CELF internal
You may relocate the position of this section.
The patch is available in the forum patch archive
Power PC 440 32MB NAND Flush Memory ..