Title: Preparing for a Changing Climate
1Climate Change, Agriculture, and Outreach
Challenges and Opportunities
2Extension Concerns
- Farmers are not interested
- Agriculture is a small part of the problem
- Farming will get blamed unfairly
- Insufficient data on possible impacts
3Extension Interest
- Agriculture will be affected
- Understanding needed despite uncertainty
- Many responses good management
- Innovations may increase profitability
4(No Transcript)
5CAST Recommendations
- Increase carbon sequestration
- Reduce land clearing
- More use of bio-fuels
- Increase N use efficiency less N2O
- Increase manure mgmt less CH4
6One Size Fits All
- Slow global warming by reducing greenhouse gases
- 2) Build our capacity to cope and adapt
7Capture carbon in plants
8Legume N instead of fertilizer N
9Waste vegetable oil for fuel
10Burning waste vegetable oil
11GH heated with waste vegetable oil
12Making biodiesel on the farm
13Growing oil seed crops on the farm
14Making alcohol on the farm
15Grass pellets look promising
16on-farm wind power (net metering matters)
Butterworks Farm, Westfield, VT 35 kW generator
produces 3,000-3,500 kW / month in winter (60
of farms electricity, 15 in summer)
17Reducing tillage no-till
18Reducing tillage spader
19Food Distribution local less energy
20(No Transcript)
21Irrigation is becoming essential
22Corn Earworm earlier?
Pest patterns have changed
Potato Leafhopper more frequent?
23perennial crops at risk hard to adapt
24Current and projectedrange of Sugar Maple
Based on projected doubling of CO2 by 2050 and
reduced precip.
From Margaret Davis, University of Minnesota
25Lets get it on the program!
Climate Change