Title: Risk Management: Best Practices to Optimize Prevention
1Risk Management Best Practices to Optimize
- All-Grantee Meeting, Washington D.C.
- June 24, 2008
- Petra S. Berger PhD RN, CPHRM
- Healthcare Quality, Risk Patient Safety
Consultant - pberger_at_rmpsi.com - Phone 517281-7816
2 Learning objectives
- Discuss concepts and tools of risk management,
patient safety and integration with quality
improvement - Describe ten clinical risk factors (process
outcome) common _at_ Health Centers, along
with strategies of risk prevention control
- Patient Safety Q. I. Risk
Management identify risk respond
- Efficiency Cost control
- Access to care Referral mgt
- Patient Satisfaction
- Clinical Effectiveness
- Regulatory compliance
- Patient Safety vs. error, delay, omission
- Patient Advocacy
- PROTECT the Healthcare facility from
- litigation and financial loss
- patient and community distrust
- PROTECT involved Providers Staff
6Health Center Trends and Issues
- Claims Occurrence
- Error in Diagnosis 30
- Treatment related 21
- Medication related 10
- OB Related 22
- Surgical Procedures 6
- Claims Location
- Health Center 65
- Hospital 35
7Liability Analysis Allegation of NEGLIGENCE
- Duty based on existing provider-patient
relationship - To exercise degree of care that a reasonable
- competent provider would exercise under same
- or similar circumstances
- Breach of Duty
- Plaintiff must show that defendant failed to
exercise - reasonable care, and adherence to
- established clinical standards (expert testimony)
- Injury proximately CAUSED by breach (foreseeable)
8Case Example Medication Monitoring
- 58-year-old male patient is scheduled for a major
diagnostic procedure at the hospital where a
certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
provides conscious sedation. - A required copy of the clinic medical record is
sent preoperatively. No mention is made of the
patients seizure medication.
9Case Example Medication Monitoring
- No recent blood level had been obtained related
to the patients seizure medication. - Patient compliance with the medication was
unknown. - The patient underwent scheduled procedure
- The patient experienced a grand mal seizure
during the procedure and had a respiratory
arrest. Intubation was delayed and the patient
suffered permanent brain damage.
10Liability Analysis Duty? Breach? Injury?
- A. Standard of Care - prelude to Q. measures
- Monitoring patient medication document
- Test result reported to signed off by provider
- Patient notified documented
- Treatment plan updated, w/ or w/out change
- Medical records accurate comprehensive
- B. CRNA hospital standards of care
Identification Analysis
- Event or Claims review Root Cause analysis
- Incident reporting - adverse event (1 - 30)
- Omitted or delayed diagnostic workup
- Adverse medication event
- Patient or family complaint or feedback
- Staff feedback surveys
- Risk reporting marathons snapshots
- Occurrence Screens
- Missed appointments Waiting times
12Risk process 1 Patient communication
- Patient assessment interview
- Treatment planning Goal contracting
- Non compliance Termination of care
- Informed Consent / refusal
- Health instruction literacy interpreters
- Explain back / read back
- Patient feedback complaints
13Informed Consent or refusal
- Used whenever an invasive procedure is proposed
that carries a risk of harm - Medical Provider has discussion of the
- Procedure and benefits (P)
- Risks of the procedure ( R)
- Alternatives to the procedure (A)
- Questions asked (Q)
- What should be documented?
- Consent process, any questions answered
14Complaints Regulatory requirements
- CMS CoP - Infraction of patient rights IF
- Evidence of non responsiveness
- Non-resolution of complaint or grievance
- Complaint verbal, informal, promptly resolved
- Grievance req. investigation 7d TAT appeal
- Develop PP w/ time frame implement
- Inform patients on how to report a concern
- Use grievance committee as needed
- Pt Complaints GrievancesNo Leeway for Lapses
in Resolution RMPSI IE - 08/13/07
15Complaints Preventive factors
- Organizational Factors
- Culture of Patient centeredness
- Certain care processes that invite complaint
- Medical Provider Staff Factors
- Communication skills Clinical skills
- Time pressure, fatigue, frustration
- Patient Factors
- Difficulty understanding feeling abandoned
- Stress of diagnosis, finance, grief, fear
- Somatizing non adherence
16Disclosure What and How
- Known Facts s/p investigation
- Same as documentation, medical record
- SUMMARY Sequence of events
- SUMMARY Discovered Cause(s) per evidence
- Clinical results effects on patient
- Corrective actions taken no staff names
- Empathy concern expressed to patient
- Apology if error made and harm caused
17Risk Process 2 Organizational Provider
- Flow Availability of Organizational Information
(P P, Staff Educ., Pt. Info., MR) - Inter-provider team relations conflict mgmt
- Communication breakdowns occur during hand-off at
transition points from one provider to another --
verbal written - Communication barriers are cause of 2/3 of
serious medical errors (JC reports)
18Risk process 3 Litigation review
- ?Treatment rationale ?Diagnostic Follow Up
- Omissions \ delays in needed care
- Contradictions confusion between provider
- Finger pointing subjective statements
- Corrections Write overs White out
- Illegibility error prone abbreviations
- Altered Medical Records Late entries
- Do not mention incident report completed
19Risk process 4 Clinic Operations (systems)
- Continuum of care (62 claims) F. U.
- vs. Fragmentation across settings
- Referral management
- Diagnostic test tracking
- After hours coverage Telephone triage
- Access to care No shows
- Missed Appointments
- Tickler system, patient return for annual exams,
FU tests, preventive screens
20Risk process 5 Clinical Practice
- Medical evaluation Treatment
- Complex medical conditions Cancer, Co-morb.
- Medication therapy Pre-natal risk factors
- Pre- and post-surgical patient evaluation
- Use of Practice Guidelines decr. variability
- Asthma, Anticoagulants, Stroke, Pediatric Fever
- Guarding against Complications (preventable)
- OB, Surgical procedures, Emergency
- Sample protocols can be accessed at
21Risk Outcome 6 Diagnostic Error, Delay,
- Most frequent
- Cancer Myocardial infarction Stroke
Meningitis Acute abdomen Fractures Prenatal
risk factors Infections post surgical - Factors
- Atypical signs symptoms
- Incomplete or inaccurate information about
medical history many co-morbidities - Insufficient diagnostic work up Delays
22Confirmation Bias
- Paris in the
- the Spring
- Once we decide that we know what something
is, we tend to exclude or neglect information
that may be contrary to our original perceptions
23 Diagnostic Test tracking per Flowchart
- Test ordered by med. provider log
- Request form created - copy retained
- Test completed - patient compliance?
- Results received and logged in / ck log
- Results reported to provider (same day for
abnormal /critical value results) - Patient notification documented
24Risk process 7 Medication Safety
- Adverse Medication events related to phases
- Product labeling, packaging, nomenclature
- Prescribing Indications, interaction, off label
- Antibiotics, anticoagulants, narcotics,
cardiovascular, steroids - Dispensing compounding, distribution error
- Administration wrong drug/ dose/ route
- Source National Coordinating Council on
Medication Error Reporting and Prevention
- Emergency protocols implemented and monitored for
- Medical emergency
- 1 BLS trained staff on-site at all times
- Crash cart (incl. pediatrics) checks
- Behavioral emergency
- Building /weather (power outage fire)
26Behavioral Emergencies
- OSHA cites healthcare facilities under general
duty clause for failure to prevent patient
violence against healthcare workers - Medical providers staff exposed to potentially
dangerous confrontations incl. ill-intended
trespassers - Security audits needed to reveal problems
- Address potential risk of violence
- Source ECRI, HRC Risk Analysis Overview
Managing Risks in Physician Practices, July 2003.
27EQUIPMENT LIABILITYMonitoring to protect against
- appropriate for procedure
- used in reasonable manner (vs. user error)
- inspected for obvious defects prior to use
- on regular preventative maintenance schedule
- All staff using the equipment were adequately
EDUCATED AND TRAINED - Procedures developed staff trained on how to
respond in case of equipment failure
28Environment of CareInfection control Hazardous
- Develop, implement monitor an Infection control
(I.C.) plan pertinent to pt population - Involve I.C. professional
- Protect staff, providers, patients, and visitors
from hazardous material BBP - Trend I.C. events take corrective action
29Risk process 9 Clinic Staff performance
- Staff qualification orientation
- Qualified staff
- Clear, written directives
- Job-tailored Training, initial ongoing
- Human factor remedies distraction, memory
overload, fatigue, confirmation bias - Performance feedback (data based)
- Staffing levels Material resources
30 Accountability Just Culture
- Imperfect behaviors, lapses, oversight
- Inadequate realization of risk, inadequate
diligence systems barriers gaps? - At-risk behaviors -- e.g. shortcuts
- Intentional conduct that unintentionally
increases risk non compliance double check - Reckless behavior
- Recognition of high risk but risk is disregarded
- Intentionally hazardous acts
31Credentialing Focus Initial vs.
Licensure verification,
References re privileges Qualifying education
experience, NPDB ck Provisional credentialing and
Proctoring - RE-CREDENTIALING need Quality Risk data
- Which measures to select how to obtain
- What to do with quality risk information
32Risk process 10 Provider performance, MS
- Quality measures trending
- Service Volume Guideline adherence
- Documentation Prescription review
- Peer Review Risk events
- Adverse outcomes Inadequate processes
- Complaints Disruptive behavior
- Proctoring Provisional Credentialing
33Credentialing Files Risk Quality section
- Credentialing files organized into 2 sections
- Top Confidential, keep secured
- Separate Quality file per practitioner
- Sect. A - Quality data trends
- Guideline adherence MR Documentation
- Sect. B - Risk data events practice pattern
- P.C.E. Potentially compensable event
- Pt. c/o RCA results Peer review reports
34 Medical Record Pertinence Review
- Adequate health history physical exam as
pertinent to pt. presentation complaint - Clinical risk factors IDd on Tx plan
- Conclusions Dx supported by findings
- Diagnostic therapeutic orders supported
- Patient /family involved in Tx plan
- Progress notes indicate continuity of care
- Consulting providers support Tx plan
- Abnormal findings addressed
35California Dept. Managed Health Care (DMHC) Fines
Kaiser Health Plan for Lack of Quality Oversight
- DMHC observed that of 228 peer-review files,
one-third were deficient, such as - Not handling quality concerns promptly
- Not fully considering a physicians complaint
history in evaluating peer-review matters - Not carrying out corrective actions
- HRC Alerts at http//www.ecri.org
36External Peer Review
- Purpose
- Baseline data \proctor role \SE case review
- Contract w/ external qualified physician
- Designate external MD as official member of peer
review committee of requesting facility - A contract protects MD reviewer under HCQIA
- MD reviewer stays anonymous unidentified
- MD may clarify questions re findings, BUT
- External reviewer is adjunct to internal peer
review decision NOT involved w/ investigation