Title: Ch 7 The Manager as a Decision Maker
1Ch 7 The Manager as a Decision Maker Programmed
Decision Making - Routine, almost automatic
decision making that have well-established
solutions Non-programmed Decision Making -
Non-routine decision making that involves new,
unusual, or unpredictable situations
2Intuition - Ability to make sound decisions based
on past experience and feelings about the info
Judgment - Ability to develop a sound opinion
based on evaluation of the importance of the
info Optimum Decision - The most appropriate
decision that are believed to lead to the
most desirable consequences
3Decision Making Techniques
- Analytical
- Pay less attention
- to intuition
- Follow instruction and rules
- Do more planning
- Organized, careful
- Realistic, serious
- More anxious
- Intuitive
- Tend to use intuition
- Creative, imaginative
- Exciting
- Daydreaming
- Like challenges
4- Classical Decision Making Model
- Rational, Normative, and Ideal Model
- Focus How decisions should be made
- Basis
- - Systematic Logic - Rational Analysis
- Assumptions
- - Problem clarity
- - Know options
- - Clear criteria to evaluate options
- - Make the optimum decisions
5- Administrative Model
- Descriptive, Behavioral, and Practical
- Focus How decisions are actually made
- Basis Rational analysis and intuition
- Assumptions
- Bounded rationality - cognitive limitations
- Satisficing choose satisfactory solutions
6- Why Information Is Incomplete?
- Risk degree of probability for the outcome
- Uncertainty Unpredictability
- Ambiguous info
- That can be interpreted in multiple ways
- Time constraints and info costs
- No time or money to search for all options
7Fleet Corp.
- Making decisions on marketing strategy
- for Beavis and Butthead Trading Cards
- What did they decide on?
- Design
- Retail price
- Advertising
- Sampling
8 Cognitive Biases and Decision
Making Heuristics - Rules of thumb that simplify
decision making Systematic Errors - Errors that
are made over and over Cognitive Biases - Prior
hypothesis bias - Representativeness bias -
Illusion of control - Escalating commitment