Title: Core Research Questions
1Core Research Questions?
- Can theory X (TAM, TPB) predict use of
wireless? mobile? security tools? - Can theory X (TTF?) explain differences in wired
versus wireless? application usage? - Is a new or improved theory needed to
explain/predict mobile/wireless usage?
2Other Research Questions?
- Does intent to use security tools lead to (1)
actual use and (2) effective use? - (Methodology) Do online experience sampling and
adaptive sampling methods offer advantages . . .
3Task-Technology Fit
Task Characteristics
Performance Impacts
Task-Technology Fit
Technology Characteristics
4Task Technology Fit Factors
5TTF Utilization Measures
- IS-related
- Proportion of time users choose to utilize
- Extent of integration into an individuals
routine - Extent of users dependence on system
- Mobile/wireless-related
- IS-related plus
- Number of authenticated sessions?
- Quantity of traffic for various applications?
6TTF Performance Measures
- IS-related
- User-reported perceived
- Effectiveness
- Productivity
- Job performance
- Mobile/wireless-related
- User-reported perceived
- Effectiveness?
- Personal productivity?
- Convenience?
7Theory of Reasoned Action
Attitude Toward Act or Behavior
Behavioral Intention
Subjective Norm
8Theory of Planned Behavior
Attitude Toward Act or Behavior
Subjective Norm
Behavioral Intention
Perceived Behavioral Control
9Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, Bagozzi,
Warshaw 1989)
Perceived Usefulness (U)
Attitude Toward Using (A)
Behavioral Intention to Use (BI)
External Variables
Actual System Use
Perceived Ease of Use (E)
10Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
11TAM For Wireless Internet (Lu, Yu, Liu, Yao 2003)
Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Facilitating Conditions
12Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Sample of our possible survey questions Others
tell me I should be using a firewall. Smart
computer users use a firewall.
Facilitating Conditions
13Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Sample of our possible survey questions I dont
think anyone is intercepting my wireless network
traffic. I think I have taken adequate measures
to ensure my wireless privacy. I think the campus
wireless network is safe and secure.
Facilitating Conditions
14Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Issues for our research Do we try to measure
user perceptions of complexity? Or objective
technology characteristics such as whether WEP,
etc. is implemented? (And our entire network
would be the same on most . . .)
Facilitating Conditions
15Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Our variables? Demographics gender, age,
etc. Experience levels Personal
innovativeness Familiarity with security tools
Facilitating Conditions
16Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
We might try to measure Availability of
training, assistance, support, etc. Availability
of tools such as free firewalls.
Facilitating Conditions
17Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
To be added!
Facilitating Conditions
18Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
We might try to measure How easy users think it
is to obtain, install, use, and maintain tools
for firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc.
Facilitating Conditions
19Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Sample of our possible survey questions I intend
to install and use firewall software for use on
my laptop computer when connected to wireless
networks . . .
Facilitating Conditions
20Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
Sample of our possible survey questions I think
firewalls are useful enough that I should be
using one . . .
Facilitating Conditions
21Social Influences
Long-term Usefulness
Intention to Accept
Wireless Trust Environment
Near-term Usefulness
(Actual system use not included)
Technology Complexity
Attitude to Use
Ease of Use
Individual Differences
This is where we can determine not only what
users say they do, but what they actually are
doing We can ask them if they are implementing a
firewall, etc. We can detect whether they are
(and whether its properly implemented)
Facilitating Conditions