Title: CostEffectiveness of health programs Nov. 16, 2000
1Cost-Effectiveness of health programsNov. 16,
Presented by Donald S. Shepard, Ph.D. Schneider
Institute for Health Policy Heller School, Room
122A, Mail Stop 035 Brandeis University Waltham,
MA 02454-9110 Tel 781-736-3975 Fax
Web http//ihp.brandeis.edu/shepard E-mail
Shepard_at_Brandeis.edu Brandeis University Nov.
16, 2000
2Practical information
- Teaching assistant
- Jsuaya_at_Brandeis.edu
- Administrative assistant
- Linda Purrini, Next to library in Heller
- 781-736-3930
- Purrini_at_Brandeis.edu
- Cost of packet 4.50
3Cost minimization
- Ancestor of cost-effectiveness
- Goal find the least expensive approach to
generating the same output. - Illustrated by the refrigerator costing exercise,
in which you attempt to minimize the cost of
keeping vaccines refrigerated.
4Measuring effectiveness
- Two fundamental policy issues in debating policy
- Prediction what will happen
- Valuation an appropriate measure of output
- Zeckhauser and Shepard (1976) article discusses
these issues.
5Von Neumann Morgenstern Utility 1
- Suppose we have a good outcome which has a
utility of 1 (e.g. living year in perfect health) - Bad outcome has a utility of 0 (e.g. dying at the
start of the year) - Intermediate outcome (I) has utility of x (e.g.
living with a health limitation), x u(I)
6Von Neumann Morgenstern Utility 2
- Suppose I is indifferent between probability p of
good outcome, and 1-p of bad outcome - The utility is von Neumann-Morgernstern if x
equals p.
7Ways of assessing utilities
- Probability approach breakeven probability
- Time tradeoff - breakeven time
8Time tradeoff
- Time tradeoff - find the breakeven time
- Suppose we were to live 10 years with an impaired
state, I - Instead, we could live Y years with perfect
health. - Suppose the the value y would make us just
indifferent. - Then the utility of I is y / 10.
- E.g., if y is 7, then the utility is 7/10 0.70.
9Burden of disease
10Assessing utilities in the conservation sector
- Identify most important attributes, i.e.,
- Assessing awareness about conservation issues
- Assessing behavior of villagers around
conservation - Develop a way of measuring each
- Examine the tradeoffs between them
11Assessing awareness aboutconservation issues
- Interview a sample of villagers, with a
questionnaire, e.g. Can you identify a
particular endangered species - Is it good or bad to cut large trees for
firewood? - How can we prevent the cutting of trees?
- Scale identify 5 domains about conservation
practices, and topics within those domains.
Perfect score is a correct answer for all items - Worst wrong score on all items. 100 questions
(score 0 to 100).
12Assessing behavior of villagers around
- Surveying villagers about their self reported
behavior - How many trees were planted during the past year
- Observe the number of seedlings
- Forest protecting behaviors
- Scale worst clear all trees in the area
density is 0 - No harm cut no trees.
- Best Raise the density of trees up to 2.5 meter
spacing in square pattern - Best brings density up to 1600 trees in 100 m x
100 m. - Tree scale proportion of the maximum possible of
13Discounting of health impacts
- Impacts in future years should be discounted,
just as money is discounted - Discounting arises due to time preference
- We are anxious to get good things soon.
- If we have to wait, them good is less highly
valued now.
14Discount factors
15Graph of discount factors
16Table of DALYs