Title: School Conference 20210504
1School Conference 20-21/05/04
Managing Research Data and Records
Sue Childs Research Fellow, IMRI and Julie
McLeod Senior Lecturer, ICS
2School Conference 20-21/05/04
- Context
- Methodology
- Findings
- Conclusions
3School Conference 20-21/05/04
- Funded by JISC - Joint Information Systems
Committee - May to October 2003
- JISC's records lifecycle study
- research function
- retention
- electronic records
- Research records
- research process
- outcomes or products
- management of the process
- primary and analysed research data
4School Conference 20-21/05/04
Methodology (1)
- Case study within the School of Informatics
- Range of disciplines
- Computing
- Maths
- Spectrum of research activities
- nature / type of research
- methodology
- currency
- duration
- management requirements
- size
- Staffing
- funding source
5School Conference 20-21/05/04
Methodology (2)
- Interviews
- Researchers, managers, support, IT
- Who, Why, What, When, How, Where, With Whom
- Advisory Panel
- 1st - informed project activities, set
institutional context - 2nd - discuss findings, agree and prioritise
solutions - Reflect on our own project
- Our own records management decisions
- Personal diaries
6School Conference 20-21/05/04
Findings (1)
- Issues
- Confidentiality
- Digital records
- Joining up
- Primary research data
- Resources
- Retention management
- Re-use / re-purposing
- Roles / responsibilities
- Security
- Sharing / use
- Systems
- Processes and procedures
- IT systems
7School Conference 20-21/05/04
Findings (2)
- Solutions
- Guidelines, standards, policy
- Training
- Systems
- Resources
8School Conference 20-21/05/04
- Implementation framework
- Principles
- Risk management
- Champion
- Institutional strategies / policies
- Records management
- Digital preservation
- Records centre(s) / archive(s)
- Virtual records centre
- Virtual archive
- JISC lifecycle study
- Useful
- Explanatory notes
9School Conference 20-21/05/04
The Problem
- The Problem - Primary Research Data
- Retention and re-use - basis of scientific
research - Data protection
- Practicalities of storage - range of media
- The Solution - Semi-analysed / analysed research
data - Anonymous
- Standard software packages
- Reduce the storage requirements
How much do we really need to keep for posterity?