Title: Integration Legislation
1Integration Legislation Protocols
- Welcome to the first of six Webcasts in the
South West LHIN Webcast Series Integration
Legislation and Protocols - Why the Webcast series?
- How did we get here?
A Healthier Tomorrow
3The South West LHIN Webcast Series
- Health System Integration January 9, 2009
- Health System Design January 23
- Health Human Resources February 6 (note date
time change) - Seniors Adults with Complex Needs February 20
(note date change) - Primary Health Care and Chronic Disease
Prevention Management March 6 - eHealth Strategy March 27
A Healthier Tomorrow
4Objectives for South West LHIN Webcast Series
- Inform partners of LHINs vision, mission,
values, and health system improvement goals. - Inform partners of how the Priority Action Teams
future directions align with the LHIN goals and
how recently funded projects move us closer to
the desired state identified by the Priority
Action Teams. - Acknowledge contributions of volunteers and
partners who were actively involved in defining
the development of the LHINs work.
A Healthier Tomorrow
5Purpose of this Presentation
- Provide an overview of the legislation
- Review definition of integration and types of
integration - Develop a better understanding of what the
legislation, regulation and protocols require
and - Provide an overview of resources on South West
LHIN website.
A Healthier Tomorrow
- The Local Health System Integration Act, 2006
(the Act) was passed to - provide for an integrated health system to
improve the health of Ontarians through better
access to high quality health services,
coordinated health care in local health systems
and across the province and effective and
efficient management of the health system at the
local level by local health integration networks
A Healthier Tomorrow
7Levels of Governance
- The Act has resulted in two levels of governance
of the local health system
- System level governance the responsibility of
the LHIN - Organizational level governance the
responsibility of the health service provider
A Healthier Tomorrow
8Evolving Roles of Boards in Integration
LHIN Board
HSP Board
- Provide strategic support of the organization for
LHIN system integration - Participate in LHIN community engagement and
initiate community engagement as required for new
initiatives - Establish HSP policy direction for integration
initiatives with others to align with IHSP - Approve integration initiatives at the level of
the organization - Sign accountability agreement with LHIN and
monitor performance - Monitor performance and outcomes of integration
- Provide strategic leadership to health system
integration - Lead community engagement
- Establish LHIN decision process and criteria for
integration initiatives in context of IHSP - Approve and allocate resources to integration
initiatives - Sign accountability agreement with HSP Boards
- Monitor performance and outcomes of IHSP and
integration initiatives
A Healthier Tomorrow
9Evolving Roles of Management in Integration
HSP Management
LHIN Management
- Design and manage/support LHIN community
engagement process - Manage development of IHSP
- Collaborate with HSPs in identifying and
developing integration initiatives - Recommend to LHIN Board resources required by
HSPs to support IHSP implementation and
integration initiatives
- Design and manage/support HSP community
engagement process - Contribute expertise to the development of the
IHSP - Collaborate with LHIN and other HSPs in
identifying and developing integration
initiatives - Implement integration initiatives within the
policy direction/ resources allocated by the HSP
Board and LHIN Board
A Healthier Tomorrow
10- Our Vision
- A health care system that helps people stay
healthy, delivers good care to them when they get
sick and will be there for their children and
grandchildren - Our Mission
- The South West LHIN brings people and
organizations together to build a health care
system that balances quality, access and
sustainability - Our Values
- Compassion, Courage, Evidence Informed,
Innovation, Integrity, Trust Respect
A Healthier Tomorrow
11South West LHIN System Level Goals
- A Healthier South West LHIN Community
- Equitable Access to Services
- Quality of Care and Service
- Sustainability of the South West Local Health
System - Integration of Health Care Delivery
12Defining Integration
- The LHSIA defines integration broadly to include
a range of activities that enable outcomes that
are central to the provincial goals
- Improving accessibility of health services to
allow people to move more easily through the
health system - Improving the match between services provided and
the multiple needs of clients and - Making the health care system more sustainable
accountable and promoting service innovation by
enabling effective and efficient use of system
resources and capacity.
A Healthier Tomorrow
- As defined in the Act, includes
- To coordinate services and interaction between
different persons and entities - To partner with another person or entity in
providing services or in operating - To transfer, merge or amalgamate services,
operations, persons or entities - To start or cease providing services and
- To cease to operate or to dissolve or wind up the
operations of a person or entity.
A Healthier Tomorrow
14Definition of Service
- The term service as defined by the Act
- A service or program offered directly to people
(e.g. home care services) - A service or program that supports a direct
service (e.g. laundry services in a hospital) - A function that supports an organization that
provides either a direct or a supporting service
or program (e.g. payroll services that may be
either within or outside an organization).
A Healthier Tomorrow
15Types of Organizational Integration
- Governance or corporate integration (e.g. merger
or amalgamation, transfer of funding) - Administrative integration defined as the behind
the scenes services that support the
organizations ability to serve its clients (e.g.
management, back-office business processes
(finance, human resources, information
technology, marketing), planning, policies
procedures, fund-raising, education) - Service integration defined as procedures and
structures that help several agencies coordinate
their efforts (e.g. implementation of best
practices, coordination, access models,
standardized processes, shared care)
A Healthier Tomorrow
16Integration Approaches
- Providing or changing funding (s.25)
- Facilitated, e.g. integration activities
involving at least one health service provider,
and facilitated or negotiated by the LHIN (s.25) - Voluntary, e.g. integration activities
voluntarily initiated by health service providers
(s.27) - Required, e.g. LHIN or ministry may require
health service providers to provide or cease to
provide services, or transfer services from one
location or health service provider (s.26) and - Ordered by the Minister (s.28).
A Healthier Tomorrow
17Integration Through Funding (s.25)
- The LHIN can
- Provide funding to a HSP to provide services
- Change the amount of funding provided to a HSP to
reduce services - Stop funding a HSP
- .. all subject to terms of the MLAA and the
service accountability between the LHIN and HSP. - The LHIN can also put conditions on the funding
A Healthier Tomorrow
18Facilitated/Negotiated Integration (s.25)
- When a LHIN negotiates or facilitates the
integration of entities, at least one of the
entities must be a HSP as defined in the Act. - The LHIN may negotiate or facilitate the
integration of services between two or more HSPs
or between a HSP and an entity that is not a HSP. - There may be circumstances where public input is
particularly important and other circumstances
where the nature of the negotiation warrants
greater confidentiality.
A Healthier Tomorrow
19Required Integration (s.26)
A LHIN that has made copies of an IHSP available
to the public may, if it considers it in the
public interest to do so, make a decision that
requires one or more HSPs to which it provides
funding, to do any one or more of the following
- To provide all or part of a service or to cease
to provide all or part of a service - To provide a service to a certain level, quantity
or extent - To transfer all or part of a service from one
location to another - To transfer all or part of a service to or to
receive all or part of a service from another
person or entity - To carry out another type of integration of
services that is prescribed and - To do anything or refrain from doing anything
necessary for the HSP to achieve anything under
the above 5 bullets, including to transfer
property or to receive property from another
person or entity in respect of the services
affected by the decision.
A Healthier Tomorrow
20Integration by the Minister (s.28)
After receiving advice from the LHIN, the
Minister may, if considers in the public interest
to do so, order a HSP that receives funding from
the LHIN, and that carries on its operations on a
for profit or not for profit basis to do any of
the following on or after the date set out in the
- Cease operating, to dissolve or wind up its
operations - Amalgamate with one or more HSPs that receive
funding from LHIN and - Transfer all or substantially all of its
operations to one or more persons or entities.
A Healthier Tomorrow
21Health Service Provider Role in Integration
- Be aware of the LHIN IHSP
- Provide leadership in pursuing voluntary
integration initiatives - Identify opportunities to integrate services
- Work collaboratively with other HSPs to identify
integration opportunities - Engage the community in the development of the
integration plan - Give notice of voluntary integration to the LHIN
(s.27) - Comply with the LHIN integration decision and
- Be accountable to the LHIN and community for the
outcomes of the integration activity.
A Healthier Tomorrow
22Voluntary Integration
- Ultimately, the South West LHIN is aiming to
maximize health service providers opportunities
to initiate voluntary integration initiatives.
- Policy / Flow Chart
- An Overview of Integration
- Health System Improvement/Integration Pre-
- Proposal Form (H-SIP)
- Notice of Voluntary Integration Form (to
- be completed by HSP(s))
Resources on South West LHIN Website
A Healthier Tomorrow
23Questions to Consider in Determining a Voluntary
- Is there more than one Health Service Provider
involved? - Does the initiative have a significant impact on
patient/client care and on the population of the
LHIN in terms of such things as access, choice,
quality, timeliness, continuity and coordination
of services, and health outcomes? - Does the initiative have an impact on the
Accountability Agreement of a Health Service
Provider? - Does the initiative have an impact on the
governance of the Health Service Provider or of a
program being delivered by the Health Service
Provider e.g. program transfer?
24Voluntary Integration Flow Chart
25When is an Integration Decision Required?
Under LHSIA, a LHIN is not required to issue an
integration decision when it integrates through
funding. The LHIN must issue an integration
decision in any of the other three circumstances
- When it facilitates or negotiates integration
involving a HSP - When it requires a HSP to undertake integration
and - When it orders a HSP not to proceed with
integration. - (s.252)
A Healthier Tomorrow
26Steps in Issuing an Integration Decision
27Integration Decision Making Process
There are a number of fundamental principals the
LHIN will consider in structuring its integration
decision making protocols
- Public accountability and transparency will
underlie decision making, demonstrating that the
health system is governed in a manner that
reflects the public interest - Consistency in decision making will be promoted
- Decision making will be evidence based
- Planning for and integrating the local health
system will be carried out in alignment with
provincial strategic directions and the IHSP and - Cooperation and shared responsibility among
communities, providers, LHIN and government will
be supported.
A Healthier Tomorrow
28Determining Whether it is in the Public Interest
to Issue an Integration Decision
- Sample questions to consider
- Does the integration promote appropriate,
coordinated, effective and efficient health
services? - Does the integration promote better access to
high quality health services? - Does the integration achieve quality improvements
in clinical outcomes, health service delivery
and/or system performance? - Does the integration support person centred
health care? - Does the integration promote efficient and
effective management of local health system to
ensure sustainability? - Does the integration ensure value for money?
A Healthier Tomorrow
29Content of an Integration Decision
- The purpose and nature of the decision (with the
exception of a decision issued under Section 27
of the Act ordering a HSP not to proceed with
integration) - The parties to the decision
- The actions the parties must take/not take,
including any time period for doing so - A requirement that the parties develop a human
resources adjustment plan - The date on which any transfers of services take
effect and - Any other matter the LHIN considers relevant.
A Healthier Tomorrow
30Required Integration Flow Chart
31Integration on the South West LHIN Website
A Healthier Tomorrow
32Integration on the South West LHIN Website
General Integration Policies
Voluntary Integration Policies
Facilitated Integration Policies
Required Integration Policies
33Determining Whether it is in the Public Interest
to Issue an Integration Decision
This document can be found on the website with
the Integration information
A Healthier Tomorrow
34Reporting on Integration Activities
- MLAA requires LHINs to report on integration
activities in their annual reports - LHINs expected to provide progress reports on
integration activities in second quarter reports,
summarizing activities to date and planned
activities to year-end and - LHINs will be required to report on planned and
actual reallocations within, between and among
A Healthier Tomorrow
35Key Messages
- The Act places an obligation on LHINs and on
Health Service Providers to identify
opportunities to integrate services - The SW LHIN would like to maximize the
opportunities for HSPs to initiate voluntary
integration initiatives and - We look forward to working collaboratively with
you through this process and sharing key
learnings. - Please contact the appropriate Planning and
Integration Lead to discuss voluntary integration
activities you are pursuing. Planning and
Integration Leads will link with their
Performance, Contract and Allocations team member
to address voluntary integration initiatives
brought forward to the LHIN.
A Healthier Tomorrow
36Key Contacts
37Next Steps
- Further discussion at Area Provider Tables to
- Ensure clarity regarding integration processes
- Consider local integration opportunities
- Identify LHIN-wide strategies to share
integration examples success stories and
lessons learned
Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a
few moments to complete our short Online Survey
about this webcast. http//www.surveymonkey.com/s.
A Healthier Tomorrow
39Please join us for our next Webcast
- When January 23, 2009
- Time 930am-1100am
- Topic System Level Design
- Details See the South West LHIN Website
- Please note that todays webcast presentation and
audio will be posted on our website, and
available for the next year.
A Healthier Tomorrow
Dial 1-866-507-1212 and ask for South West
Local Health Integration Network
A Healthier Tomorrow