Title: Library Resources for Psychology
1Library Resources for Psychology
- Colleen D. Anderson
- Douglas Judith Krupp Library
- Bryant University
- canderso_at_bryant.edu
- Spring 2006
2Searching for Books
- Use the HELIN catalog to look for books.
- A keyword search that is not limited to a
specific library is the broadest search you can
run. - To limit to Bryant Universitys collection,
select Libraries/Campuses and then select Bryant. - Click the blue Request button to request
materials from another HELIN library. It will
take 3 days for the requested book to arrive at
Bryants Circulation Desk. You will be notified
by email of the books arrival.
3Searching for books
4Submitting a HELIN request to obtain books from
another HELIN library
5Searching for Articles
- The Douglas Judith Krupp Library has 4 major
indexes that will be useful to locate
peer-reviewed articles on psychology topics.
These are - PsycInfo (only an index, full text pointed to)
- PsycArticles (all full text)
- These indexes are all located under the
E-Resources link on the library web page. - Proquest (psychology module)
- EBSCO Academic Search Premier
6Proquests Interface
7Selecting a psychology subject in Proquest
8To limit your Proquest Search to Scholarly
9Selecting a psychology subject in PsycInfo
10Selecting a psychology subject in PsycArticles
11Go to the HELIN catalog to search for print
journals carried by the Krupp Library
12Browse print psychology journals on the first
floor of the library
- Print copies of journals are located on the first
floor of the Douglas Judith Krupp Library. - Journals are arranged alphabetically by title.
The current issue of the journal will be facing
you on the shelf. To look at past issues
(2003-2005), lift the shelf up and you will see
them stacked in order.
13Advanced Internet Searching
- Most Internet search engines have an advanced
search feature which enables you to limit your
search to a phrase and/or essential words. You
can also limit by domain name to search for
sources from educational institutions (.edu),
from government sources (.gov), or from
associations/organizations (.org).
14An Advanced Google Search for ADHD Materials
15Example of Document retrieved from the NIMH
16How to search for a support group with online
17Example of a search result for a support group
18How to Evaluate Information
- Make sure you evaluate the information you
retrieve from the Internet. Some important
points to consider - The credentials of the author
- Is the author qualified to talk on the topic
being presented. - Who is the sponsor of the site? Do they have any
bias? - Timeliness
- How current is the information on the site?
- Are other sources of information on the topic
suggested on the site? - Is the language used unbiased?
- Can you contact the producer of the site to ask
questions about the content?
19How to Cite Information for using APA Style for
Psychology Papers
- For the correct format for citing electronic
documents, go to APA Style.org at
http//www.apastyle.org/elecref.html - See also The Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association - Ready Ref BF76.7 .P83 2001
- To learn more about citing using APA and MLA
formats, go to - http//web.bryant.edu/7Elibrary/cite.html