Title: CS 151
1CS 151
- Quiz 5 is available through midnight tonight.
- Programming assignment 6 is due before midnight
tonight. - Programming assignment 7 is described now. Due
monday after thanksgiving break. - Be sure to check your score posting (assignment 5
should show up sometime this afternoon)
- A string is an array of characters
- char myString30 / memory allocated, no chars
/ - char yourString / no memory allocated /
- char herString / no memory allocated /
- char hisString "hee hee hee"
- / memory allocated, chars assigned, '\0'
appended - char theirString "no no no"
- / memory allocated, chars assigned, '\0'
3int scanf(const char , ...)
- char a80
- scanf("s", a) / could use scanf("s", a0)
/ - Reads from KB until white space encountered.
Copies into a. - If you type "Go Beavers!!" as input, a
will have only "Go". - scanf can be used only to input single words.
4char gets(char )
- char a80
- gets(a)
- Copies characters from keyboard into a up to
but not including the newline ('\n'). - Copies everything including spaces.
- Puts '\0' at end.
- Must be enough room in a for the input!
- C does not check for going past the end of the
5int strlen(const char s)
- char s "This string is 28 chars long"
- printf("d", strlen(s))
- Prints the value 28
- Does not count the '\0' at the end.
6char strcpy(char s, const char t)
- char s10, t "12345"
- strcpy(s, t) / copies into s from t /
- printf("s", s)
- /or printf("s", strcpy(s,t)) /
- prints the string "12345"
- You must make sure s is big enough to hold all
of the characters of t! - e.g., if declared s3, then BIG TROUBLE.
7int strcmp(const char s, const char t)
- char s"smith", t"smyth"
- n strcmp(s, t) / n is negative /
- n strcmp(t, s) / n is positive /
- n strcmp(s, s) / n is zero, /
- This function is used for sorting words
alphabetically. - Note that strcmp ("Smith", "smith") is negative,
i.e. "Smith" is less than "smith".
8char strcat(char s, const char t)
- char s20, t "bea", u "vers"
- strcpy(s, t) / copies t to s /
- strcat(s, u) / s now contains "beavers" /
- Appends (concatenates) second string onto end of
first (starting at '\0' position). - You must have room in s or again there will be
TROUBLE. - If s3 declared, it wont work (sometimes).
9char strchr(const char s, int ch) char
strrchr(const char s, int ch)
- Searches s for a character and returns pointer to
the character -- strchr() from the start,
strrchr() from the end. - char s "The quick sly beaver jumped over the
lazy white duck" - strchr(s, 'y') points to here.
- strrchr(s, 'y') points to here.
10char strstr(const char s, const char t)
- Searches s for a substring, t and returns pointer
to the beginning of the substring - char s "The quick sly beaver jumped over the
lazy white duck" - strstr(s, "jumped") points to here.
11- int main (void)
- char a80 int count 0
- while(gets(a)) count word_count(a) / get
lines from KB and count / - printf("d\n", count) printf("d\n", count)
- return 0
- int word_count(const char s)
- int c 0 / initialize word count /
- while (s ! '\0') / loop until terminal null
character found / - while (isspace(s)) s / skip white
space / - if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ - c / found non-space so start of word
/ - while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0') s
/ increment thru word / -
- return c
Counting Words
big enough?
needed because of bug in CodeWarrior.
returns NULL pointer on error or EOF
12Starting (c 0)
cs151 is a really tough course!
- int word_count(cons char s)
- int c 0 / initialize word count /
- while (s ! '\0') / loop until terminal null
character found / - while (isspace(s)) s / skip white
space / - if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ - c / found non-space so start of word
/ - while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0') s
/ increment thru word / -
- return c
13Start of first word (c 0)
cs151 is a really tough course!
- int word_count(cons char s)
- int c 0 / initialize word count /
- while (s ! '\0') / loop until terminal null
character found / - while (isspace(s)) s / skip white
space / - if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ - c / found non-space so start of word
/ - while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0') s
/ increment thru word / -
- return c
14Finished first word (c 1)
cs151 is a really tough course!
- int word_count(cons char s)
- int c 0 / initialize word count /
- while (s ! '\0') / loop until terminal null
character found / - while (isspace(s)) s / skip white
space / - if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ - c / found non-space so start of word
/ - while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0') s
/ increment thru word / -
- return c
15processing spaces (c 1)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_count(cons char s) int c 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ c / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
162nd word (c 2)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_count(cons char s) int c 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ c / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
172nd word end (c 2)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_count(cons char s) int c 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ c / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
18lots of space (c 2)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_count(cons char s) int c 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ c / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
19last word (c 6)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_count(cons char s) int c 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ c / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
20finished (c 6)
cs151 is a really tough course!
int word_cnt(char s) int cnt 0 /
initialize word count / while (s ! '\0') /
loop until terminal null character found /
while (isspace(s)) s / skip white space /
if(s ! '\0') / make sure not at end
/ cnt / found non-space so start of
word / while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
s / increment thru word / return
21string declaration and memory
char a3
char p
char p "abc"
char a "abc"
a b c \0
??? ??? ???
a b c \0
22constant and variable strings
- char p, a3, b "abc"
- p "xyz" / OK. Assigns pointer to p /
- a "xyz" / NO, a is a constant /
- a "xyz" / NO, syntax error /
- p b / OK. b (pointer) assigned to p /
- a p / NO, involves copying all elements,
- use strcpy()/
- a b / NO, same problem as above /
23An array of strings
- char s "one", "two", "three"
- This is an array of pointers that point to arrays
of characters, thus it is a 2-d array. - s0 ?
- s11 ?
- s0 ?
- s ?
24In memory we have
s0 s1 s2
o n e \0
char s "one", "two", "three"
t w o \0
t h r e e \0
25Dos/Unix command arguments
- On command line systems (DOS/Unix) the arguments
are passed as an array of pointers to characters - int main(int argc, char argv)
- argc - count of number of arguments
- argv - each argument as a string
26Array of strings vs 2-d array of char
- char s "ab", "cd"
- not the same as
- char t3 'a','b','\0', 'c','d','\0'
- Former is an array of pointers pointing to
strings. - Latter is linear sequence of characters.
27The memory picture
a b \0 c d \0
s0 s1
t0 t1
a b \0 c d \0
char s "ab", "cd" / s0,s1 are
char t3 'a','b','\0', 'c','d','\0' /
t0, t1 are constants /
28Printing Words Backwards
- Use an array of strings (2-D array of char).
- char s530 / 5 words up to 30 char each /
- int i
- Get words from keyboard input
- for(i 0 i lt 5 i)
- scanf("s", si)
- Print them backwards.
- for(i 4 i gt 0 --i)
- printf("\ns", si) / run the program /
29Sorting Words by swapping pointers
- char s530, p5
- int i
- for(i0 ilt5 i)
- gets(si) / get the words from KB /
- pi si / initialize pointer array /
- bubble(p, 5) / sort words using pointers /
- for(i0 i lt 5 i)
- printf("s ", pi) / print the words /
30The new bubble()
- include ltstring.hgt
- void bubble(char a, int n)
- int i, j
- for(i 0 i lt n-1 i)
- for(j n-1 j gt i --j)
- if( strcmp(aj-1,aj) gt 0)
- swap(aj-1, aj)
- return
31The new swap()
note that p is a pointer to (a pointer to char),
i.e. p points to an address which is itself a
pointer to a character.
- void swap(char p, char q)
- char tmp
- tmp q / swap the pointers /
- q p
- p tmp
- return