Title: Chemistry 151
1Chemistry 151
- Chemistry and Health
- (from an elementary school perspective)
3Molecular Components of Food
- Macronutrients needed in large amounts
- Micronutrients needed in smaller amounts
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats
42010 Nutrients Activity
Who Stole the Playstation?
- Students will understand the basic concepts of
different nutrients in foods. - Students will chemically test and compare
different nutrients using extraction techniques. - Students will observe the presence of various
nutrients in foods.
5We have been called in by Colbys Security
Department to help them recover a Playstation 3
(PS3) that was stolen from their office. The PS3
was removed at approximately 900 PM while the
officer on duty was called away from a game of
Grand Theft Auto to investigate a potentially
illegal gathering in one of the residence halls.
The officer noted five suspicious persons on his
way out of Roberts. Fortunately, the culprit left
behind a clue in the form of a crumb of food. We
will conduct an analysis of the snack food eaten
by each suspect to try to match it to the
culprits crumb. Note that we will also analyze a
donut as a control to make sure that the crumb
wasnt left behind by the security officer
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82010 Nutrients Activity
What is a pirates favorite drink?
- Students will understand the importance of
micronutrients to protect against diseases like
scurvy. - Students will test various beverages for vitamin
C content.
- High tech purify from cheek cells, amplify using
PCR - Low tech purify from strawberries or other source
102013 DNA Activity
Determining Rh Factor
- Students use their own DNA as a template for PCR.
- Students determine whether their blood type is Rh
positive or negative after analyzing the PCR
products via electrophoresis.
112013 DNA Activity
Determining Rh Factor
- Students use their own DNA as a template for PCR.
- Students determine whether their blood type is Rh
positive or negative after analyzing the PCR
products via electrophoresis.
122013 DNA Activity
Determining Rh Factor
- Students use their own DNA as a template for PCR.
- Students determine whether their blood type is Rh
positive or negative after analyzing the PCR
products via electrophoresis.
132012 DNA Activity
See your own DNA!
- Students purify their own DNA from a cheek cell
142010 Microbes Activity
Do you know how fast microbes spread?
- One student is infected with yeast and then
shakes hands with a classmate, who shakes hands
with a classmate, and so on. Student then see if
their hands were infected by inoculating a
yeast growth plate.
152012 Fitness Activity
Healthy Hearts
- Students use heart rate monitors under various
conditions (at rest, after exercise, listening to