Title: Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides
1Rethinking the Designof Presentation Slides
Peter Heath International Co-Operation and
Languages Expertise Centre Tampere Polytechnic
Sulkala and Vierula, 2006
2Rethinking the Designof Presentation Slides
Sulkala and Vierula, 2006
3Recently, slides following PowerPoints defaults
have received much criticism
Tiresome after two or three slides
Too many words
Parker, 2001 Tufte, 2003 Schwartz,
2003 Keller, 2003 Heath, 2006
4Our slide design arises from principles of
rhetoric, cognitive psychology, and human factors
Mayer, 2001 Shaw and others, 1996
Sulkala Vierula, 2006
5In a pilot study, we tested this new design in
the teaching slides of a large geology course
Message delivered with typical slide design
Students Fall 2004
Alley et al., 2006
- An abundant metal, makes up 5.6 of earths crust
- Properties
- shaped, sharpened, welded
- strong, durable
- Accounts for gt95 of metals used
- Iron ores discovered in 1844 in Michigans Upper
Peninsula - Soon found other ores in upper Wisconsin and
Iron Ore Distribution
Kesler 1994
7Where is the largest concentration of iron ores
in North America?
Iron ores make up 5.6 of the earths crustand
account for 95 of the metals used
Iron Ore Distribution
Iron ore
Can be shaped, sharpened, and welded
Is strong and durable
Kesler 1994
8When the tested assertion was in the sentence
headline, students performed significantly better
Q How abundant is iron in the earths crust?
Led to 59 recall
Led to 77 recall
Level of significance lt 0.001
Alley et al., 2006
9When the tested assertion was in the sentence
headline, students performed significantly better
Overall percent correct (traditional
headline) 70 Overall percent correct (sentence
headline) 82
p lt 0.001
Alley et al., 2006
10Recent research at TAMK shows the sentence
headline helps students understand information
The sentence headline, and the information it
contained, helped me to understand the meaning
of the slide.
Strongly agree
Slightly agree
In total, 54 students answered the questionnaire
11In summary, this slide design is much more
effective than PowerPoints default design
more readily understood
more memorable
more persuasive
Sulkala Vierula, 2006