Title: Chae Sub, Lee
1CJK NGN WG (2nd Phase for CJK NGN drafting
- Chae Sub, Lee
- Chae-sub.lee_at_ties.itu.int
- Achievements from the 1st Activity
- Next Phase of Drafting Activity
- Remaining works from SG13
- Proposal
31. Achievements from the 1st Activity
- Good contributions to July NGN-GSI Meeting
- Total 12 AAP, 2 TAP and 2 Supplements were going
to approval process and approved - Followings are resulted draft Recs. supported by
CJK through drafting activity - 7 draft Recs. out of 12 AAP
- 2 draft Recs. out of 2 TAP
- 1 supplement out of 2
- One draft (CSF) is still going on for the final
decision at October meeting
41. Achievements from the 1st Activity
Recommendations for AAP
51. Achievements from the 1st Activity
Recommendations for TAP
Continue to the end of the process
62. Next Phase of Drafting Activity
Different Conditions for Drafting
- Beginning for Release 2- From scope/requirements
to detailed subjects, just start- Almost same
opportunity for all Regional/National SDOs - Many of remaining subjects leaded by CJK
members- About 32 drafts are leaded by CJK
members as editors- Covers most of questions in
NGN-GSI - Almost same target timing for approval- Most of
drafts will target at end of 2007 or middle of
2008- From now on, 3 or maximum 5 meetings work
72. Next Phase of Drafting Activity
Questions before going into next phase
- Coverage of the scope- Mainly focus on SG 13 and
partially SG19 (MMR and FMC)- What is a view to
SG11, from protocol aspects?- What is a view to
SG4, especially NGNMFG?- When will it be take
care about IPv6 issues? - Relationship with other activities- How
harmonize the NGN works with IPTV, especially
Architecture, QoS, Security and Network control
aspects?- How harmonize in N-iDs aspects taking
consideration with N-iDs JCA, Didalos and
others like JTC1?
83. Remaining works from SG13
93. Remaining works from SG13
103. Remaining works from SG13
113. Remaining works from SG13
123. Remaining works from SG13
134. Proposal
Configuration of IP-TV ad-hoc Group