Title: PeertoPeer P2P Recommendation Systems RS
1Peer-to-Peer (P2P)Recommendation Systems (RS)
2What a traditional RS is?
- Traditional RSs are big servers (usually web
servers). - The users can interact using a client (usually a
web browser). - The server collects information of users
preferences on items through their interaction
with the server, implicitly or explicitly - Based on these information, the server gives
recommendations on which items the user will like.
Keep in mind Amazon.com!
3How traditional RS recommends?
4How traditional RS recommends?
- Users profile is set of ratings
- Collaborative Filtering
5Problems with traditional RS
- A RS needs to collect a lot of data from a lot of
users - Users history on amazon.com cant be used on
barnesandnobles.com (it is in their hard disks!) - If RS server is down (temp or forever) or not
reachable, the user cant use the service. - Data about many users allow to win other market
as well and to defeat new competitors (monopoly). - Privacy policies are defined by RS server.
6New vision of RS
In this network, peers exchange only Users
profiles. Not Items info!
7New vision of RS exchanged info
(I rate Item74 as 7/10 on 23Oct02)peer31
Peer31 rates Item74 as 7/10 on 23Oct02
8New vision of RS exchanged info
(I trust Peer12 as 0/10 on 18Aug02)peer31
Peer31 trusts Peer12 as 0/10 on 18Aug02
9New vision of RS
IDEA Every peer can now make recommendations on
behalf of its user, using only the data it
currently has. SUB-IDEA If a peer has not
enough memory or CPU, it can ask recommendations
to other (trusted) peers.
10New vision of RS
Every peer has the same complete information? NO
- Every peer keeps its view of the items and of
other peers, based on - personal interests,
- personal trust on peers,
- limitations (memory, CPU)
11What about the Items Info?
- Items Info are NOT on peers!
- They can be on a different repository
- Centralized repository (as a website)
- Distributed file storage (as Freenet)
- but even a physical library!
- Only requirement
- items are identified by a unique id (URI)
- Scientific papers manager and alerter!
- Your unified window on research world
13GnuYork details
- Mapping of real directories
- Bibliography (bibtex, ref, )
- ItemsScientific papers (uniquely identifiable!)
- Items repositoryCiteseer or a copy (for now)
- Ratings are implicitly inferred but can be
modified - Functionalities
- Recommendations!
- Publishing as HTML/XML of your work!
- It can be used with other interfaceseven
integrated in your emacs (editor) if you like!!
14GnuYork protocol
- Peers exchange these (signed) messages
- Opinions on papers
- Ratings (peer12 rates item278 as 7/10 explicit
on 10oct02) - Cocitations (peer13 cites item12, item16 in my
paper on KM) - Codirectoring (peer45 puts item1, item6 in dir
know manag) - Opinions on peers (Peer31 trusts Peer12 as 0/10
on 14Aug02) - Recommendation requests (please, give me a
recommendation!) - Protocol (mainly pull to prevent DoS)
- AskMsg ReplyMsg with hash(AskMsg)
- Every msg is signed and can be safely forwarded
15GnuYork interesting issues
- Cryptography
- Pseudonymous are used for privacy
- Every msg is signed and can be surely forwarded
- Identification of peer (with unique ID public
key) - Abstract communications pluggable in every p2p
net - First mapping on JXTA
- Reputation/Trust metrics
- In a p2p net, you cannot define behaviour!!!
- Prevent Denial of Service attacks
- Emerging protocol
- Social network analysis and visual representation
- Recommending users, community (conferences!)
16GnuYork state of project
- Defining protocol
- Defining better the functionalities
- Designing the interface
- Writing a general peers code with JXTA
- Trying cryptography in JXTA and PKIs (Public Key
Infrastructure) - Free software
- I used/will use a lot of free software
- Give possibility to look code to be sure there is
no spy-ware - Anyway, if it get used there will be people
writing their own peers simply by
retro-engineering communications (mojonation,
kazaa, edonkey, )
17GnuYork suggestions?
- How to get this used by someone?
- Papers alerter no more need to spend time in
trying to stay up to date with a certain topic! - Easy web publishing of your work no more need
to edit html pages when you write a new paper! - GnuYork does it for you!!!
18GnuYork thanks
- Thank you for your attention!