Title: BCMA Diabetes Collaborative Learning Session
1BCMA Diabetes Collaborative Learning Session
1Registry Data Drives Disease Management
Ministry Resources for CDM
- Rosemary Grayfor Knowledge Management
TechnologyPrimary Care Enhancement - Ministry of Health Planning/Services
- 4 March 2004
- Vancouver, BC
- MoH Information Mgmt Technology Overview
Resources for Practitioners - Using the CDM Toolkit
- Contacts / Resources
Population Health Outcomes Clinical/Functional
Created by Victoria Barr, Sylvia Robinson,
Brenda Marin-Link, Lisa Underhill, Darlene
Ravensdale Anita Dotts (2002)
4MoH Secure Web Site for Practitioners
- One Point of entry for secure provider
interactions - Provider-to-MoH/HA
- MoH/HA-to-provider
- Provider-to-provider
- 2 factor authentication / security model
- gt400 physician users province wide
- 800-1000 users by March 2004
- Available to all physicians in BC
- Permits secure file pick-up and drop-off
- Includes CDM Toolkit access
- Needs Internet connection and browser (only)
5Future possibilities
- Health Registry patient demographic transactions
(PHN lookups, MSP Eligibility checks, Address
updates, etc) - Pharmacare Special Authorities
- Medical Practice Access to PharmaNet (MPAP)
- Comprehensive multi-disease flowsheets
- ? Prenatal forms, Immunization records, ?others
6What is the CDM Toolkit?
- Guideline (Flowsheet)-based confidential data
capture and reporting - Facilitates
- Recall/reprints of records, Patient call back
lists - Data sharing among authorized users (e.g.
physicians MOAs, nurses, other physicians) - Collaborative and comparative reports
performance indicators and quality improvement
measures - Direct data imports from office-based EMR
software - Secure information sharing
7CDM Toolkit Contextual Overview
MSP CDM Registers
Web browser(manual)
HNFTP(file transfer)
File extract (from clinic EMR)
8Benefits of the Toolkit
- Easy identification of CDM patients
- Access to current Guidelines and Protocols
- Standardized clinical and quality improvement
reporting - Provides peer comparisons individual to group
comparisons - Tracks changes in processes and patient outcomes
over time - Provides Guideline-based Patient Recall reports
- Supports multiple chronic conditions per patient
without data duplication - Supports interdisciplinary care teams and shared
patient care - Permits updates to MSPs probabilistic CDM
Registers - Supports GPSC FSFP data collection requirements
9Benefits (contd)
- New MSP CDM Registers and Flowsheets
automatically available to users - Integration with GP office EMR software (10
vendors participating to date) - ONE userid and password to access many secure web
services - Direct access to CDM Secure Website for secure
file transfer - Pickup e.g. Probabilistic CDM registers,
Performance Measures - (Coming Soon) Send e.g. Consult notes, referral
letters to other physicians, file transfers
between providers and HAs/MoHP/S - Direct access to related Health Registry/Primary
Health Care secure web services - Health Registry patient demographic transactions
(PHN lookups, MSP Eligibility checks, Address
updates, etc) - PHC population-based registration transactions
and reports - .. irrespective of an individual GPs level of
office automation Internet access and a web
browser are all that are required
10Access and Security How secure is the data?
- 128-bit SSL Encryption
- The same strength used for online banking
- Client-Side Certificates
- A second factor of authentication to ensure the
user is entitled to use his/her user id (i.e. are
you who you say you are?) - Certificates issued by Ministry of Health
- Role-Based data access
- Only physicians or their authorized delegates can
see patient-specific data - Other users can only see aggregate reports
11Access and Security What data can I see?
- Physicians (MRPs)
- Patient data for your own patients
- Patient data for other providers patients for
whom you have been granted access - Detailed, patient-specific reports for all
patients for whom you have access - Summary reports for all patients and providers
for whom you have access - Summary reports for the Collaborative(s) to which
you belong - MOAs, Nurses, other provider Delegates
- Patient data for patients to whom a physician has
granted you access - Detailed, patient-specific reports for all
patients for whom you have access - Summary reports for all patients and providers
for whom you have access - Health Authority and Collaborative Administrators
- Summary reports for all patients and providers
within their HA or Collaborative - Ministry of Health Administrators
- Summary reports for all patients and providers
within the CDM Toolkit - Access Administration for all users (to manage
user access to patients and to providers data)
12Sample Run Chart Report
Pop 1 My Patients Pop 2 All Providers in BC
(sample/test data only)
13Sample Run Chart Report
Pop 1 My Patients Pop 2 All Providers in BC
(sample/test data only)
14How does this impact me?
- The BCMA Diabetes Collaborative
- Using the CDM Toolkit
15CDM Toolkit - Status
- Production in Jan 2004
- CHF, VIHA Collaboratives already using Toolkit
- BCMA Collaborative Teams going live now
- Physicians registering for access
- HAs helping to identify Teams (physicians, MOAs,
nurses. see Team Spreadsheet) - MoH pre-loading diabetes data
- HA/Collab support staff assigned user IDs
- BCMA Collaborative beginning data entry and
reporting for diabetes patients
16CDM Toolkit - Status
- By March 5th, 2004
- All Collaborative physicians signed up for access
(i.e. submitted the online Registration
Agreement) - All Collaborative teams completed Team
Spreadsheet and returned it to HA contact - MoH and HA plan support/followup required for
individual Teams
- CDM Toolkit / PHC HNWeb / CDM Secure Website
- REGISTRATION https//healthnet.hnet.bc.ca/has/reg
agree/4614fil.pdf - LOGIN https//healthregistry.moh.hnet.bc.ca
- FAQ http//www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/cdm/secur
efaqs.pdf - MoHS CDM Website http//www.healthservices.gov.bc
.ca/cdm - MoHS MSP Website http//www.healthservices.gov.bc
.ca/msp - MoHP PHC Website http//www.healthplanning.gov.bc
18Contact Information
- CDM Toolkit
- Ministry of Health Help Desk
- Tel 250-952-1234
- Rosemary Gray, Project Manager
- Tel 250 952-3384
- Email rosemary.gray_at_gems2.gov.bc.ca
- Alec Matthews, Information Analyst
- Tel 250 952-2864
- Email alec.matthews_at_gems9.gov.bc.ca