Title: SEG3560: Course Review
1SEG3560 Course Review
- It is important to know the main EC concepts and
technologies. - It is a close-book exam.
- One A4 page (double-sided) is allowed to take
into exam.
2Overview of Electronic Commerce and Electronic
Commerce Technologies
- e-commerce definitions and concepts
- EC classification
- typical EC business models
3E-Marketplaces Structures, Mechanisms,
Economics, and Impacts
- e-marketplaces
- types of e-marketplaces
- auctions
- types of auctions and list their characteristics
4Retailing in Electronic CommerceProducts and
- e-retailing business models
- sample e-retailing services
- benefits of e-retailing
5B2B E-Commerce Selling and Buying in Private
E-Markets and Public B2B Exchanges
- basic types of B2B EC
- sell-side e-marketplaces
- buy-side e-marketplaces and e-procurement
- supplier aggregation model
- group purchasing and buyer aggregation model
6Consumer Behavior, Market Research,
Personalization, and Advertisement
- consumer behavior online model
- one-to-one marketing and personalization
7eCRM, Support Services for E-Marketplaces, Data
Warehousing, Data Mining
- CRM, its methods, and its relationship with EC
- concepts of data warehousing and data mining
8Order Fulfillment, ERP, E-Supply Chains,
Collaborative Commerce, Intrabusiness EC, and
Workflow Systems
- ERP and its relationship with EC
- SCM and its relationship with EC
- order Fulfillment
9EC Technologies Building EC Applications on the
Web, Database Technologies, XML, and Web Services
- Web architecture for building EC applications
- databases and its relationship with EC
- XML basics and well-formedness
10Electronic Payment Systems
- the payment process
- money
- banking systems
- clearance and settlement
- gloss and net settlement, and payment graph
- octopus card and settlement
11Mobile Technologies, Mobile Commerce, Pervasive
Computing, and RFID
- basics of wireless network
- RFID and octopus card
12Cryptography, E-Commerce and Network Security
- EC security issues
- basic EC security technologies