Title: Dissemination of Best Practices in Chronic Disease Prevention
1Dissemination of Best Practices in Chronic
Disease Prevention
- Using A Framework for Enhancing the Dissemination
of Best Practices
Rebecca Fortin, Dissemination Coordinator
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
4Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- University of Waterloo
- Systematic literature reviews
- International key informant interviews
- Best and Promising Practices Compendium
- www.hhrc.net/bpt/pubs/hhrc_best_prom_v100.pdf
5 6Overview
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
7Development of the Dissemination Framework
- Nancy Dubois and Associates
- Literature review
- Identification and analysis of dissemination
processes - Pilot-testing the framework
- Revised framework and Summary Report
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
9The Dissemination Framework
- Long-Term Goal
- To adopt Best Practice Programs in CDP
- by multiple audiences
10The Dissemination Framework
- Knowledge Developers
- Knowledge Brokers
- Adopters
11The Dissemination Framework
- Sources
- Information
- Interactive Process
- Context for Use
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
13The Dissemination Strategy
- Long-Term Goal
- To adopt evidence-informed practice
- in CDP by multiple audiences
14The Dissemination Strategy
- Evidence-Informed Practice
- Best Practices
- Best Practices Tools
- Best Practices Concepts/Research
15The Dissemination Strategy
- Knowledge Developers
- Developers of identified BP/PP Practices
- Knowledge Brokers
- TEIP Team
- Adopters
- High, moderate, low intensity adopters
16The Dissemination Strategy
- High Intensity Adopters
- Five pilot community partnerships
- Moderate Intensity Adopters
- Community partnerships across Ontario
- Low Intensity Adopters
- Ministry of Health, OHPRS, NGOs
17The Dissemination Strategy Sources
- Variety of communication sources
- Credible source
- Appealing
- Materials are easy to use or access
- Materials offered free of charge
18Use of the Dissemination Framework Information
- Adopter on advisory committee
- Adopter feedback
- Sharing stories and lessons learned
- Manual disseminated in sections
- Compendium disseminated in a variety of ways
19(No Transcript)
20The Dissemination Strategy Interactive Process
- Interaction between Knowledge Brokers and
Adopters - Pilot communities and TEIP team partnership
- Participants on advisory committee
- All participants are involved in feedback
evaluations - Passive dissemination is generally ineffective
- Bero et al. 1998
21The Dissemination Strategy Interactive Process
- Interaction between Adopters and
Developers/Researchers - Lessons learned by adopters communicated to
researchers, decision makers, other BP initiatives
22Interaction Between Research and Practice
Knowledge Brokers
23The Dissemination Strategy Context for Use
- Pilot Community Context
- Limited resources
- Limited time
- Limited evaluation expertise
- Already had community based CDP programs in place
- The context I which new practices are introduce
is increasingly recognized as central to
understanding the dissemination process Kitson
et al., 1998
- Identification of Best Practices in CDP
- Development of the Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Framework
- The Dissemination Strategy
- Lessons Learned
25Lessons Learned
- Dedicated resources to strategic dissemination
- Financial, material, expertise
- Different levels of intensity depending on
audience - Disseminate Best Practice Programs is not
sufficient - Adopters need and want to use concepts and tools
26Towards Evidence-Informed Practice
- Rebecca Fortin, Hon. BScDissemination
Coordinator - rfortin_at_opha.on.ca