Title: English as a Second Language ESL
1English as a Second Language(ESL)
- The teaching process and how hard it actually
is to teach ESL classes. -
Celene Gutierrez
2- It soon became clear that, besides concerning
myself with the issues of my actual teaching I
needed to understand and make decisions about
many other issues that surrounded and permeated
ESL classroom instruction. - -Helene Becker
3Important Factors
4 a) Background knowledge
6c) Linguistic challenges
7d) Emotional Challenges
8e) adaptation to the new culture
9f) Tools the students need to succeed in other
10- a) background knowledge
- b) culture
- c) emotional challenges
- d) linguistic challenges
- e) help the student adapt to the culture
- f) provide the necessary tools the students need
to succeed in other classes.
11 12No control over the kindof materials the
government provides them with.
13Celene What has been your biggest challenge
teaching ESL classes?Ms. Sajor There are not
many resources out there, so you have to
developed your own methods. Basically is a trial
and error process but each year it gets
14No control over exit exams
16Before 2004
17 a) writing skills b) communication skills
18After 2004
19good writing skills b) communication
20How are students placed into ESL classes?
- 101 lt2 years
- 102 2lt yrs lt4
- 103 gt4 years
21 False Beginnersvs. Absolute Beginners
22- Celene Does your ESL teacher
- speaks English? If yes, is it
- more challenging for you.
- Student 1 (absolute beginner) Yes, because
there are times when I do not know how to ask her
a question and I end up misunderstanding the
material. - Student 2 (false beginner) No, because I
understand everything she says and I also speak
English well enough to ask her any questions.
23Celene Why do you think some students do not ask
questions when they actually need help? Ms.
Sajor The majority of the students are very shy
and ask little or not questions but those who are
not shy tend to ask me a lot of questions.
24 Miscommunication
25Communication is a key
26- a) background knowledge
- b) culture
- c) emotional challenges
- d) linguistic challenges
- e) help the student adapt to the culture
- f) provide the necessary tools the students need
to succeed in other classes.
27 False Beginnersvs. Absolute Beginners
28Why are ESL classes so different ?
30There are so many factors a teacher must focus on
besides teaching the language.
31The END