Title: Applications of Logic in Computer Security
1Applications of Logic in Computer Security
- Jonathan Millen
- SRI International
2Areas of Application
- Multilevel Operating System Security
- Orange Book, Commercial Trusted Product
Evaluation, A1-level - Emphasis on secrecy, security/clearance levels
- Access Control Policies
- Discretionary or role-based policies
- Emphasis on application-specific policies,
integrity - Public-Key Infrastructure and Trust Management
- Network and distributed system security
- Digitally signed certificates for identity and
privileges - Cryptographic Authentication Protocols
- For network communication confidentiality and
authentication - Other areas databases, firewalls/routers,
intrusion detection
Computer Security
Network Security
3Contributions of Logic
- Undecidability Results
- Safety problem for discretionary access control
- Cryptographic protocol analysis
- Theorem Proving Environments
- Verifying correctness of formal OS specifications
- Inductive proofs of cryptographic protocols
- Logic Programming
- Prolog programs for cryptographic protocol
analysis, trust management - Model Checking
- For cryptographic protocol analysis
- Specialized Logics
- For cryptographic protocol analysis, trust
4Multilevel Operating System Security
- Motivated by protection of classified information
in shared systems - High-assurance (A1) systems may protect Secret
data from uncleared users - Architecture trusted OS kernel, hardware support
- Abstract system model of access control
Bell-LaPadula (ca. 1975) - Structured state-transition system
subject-object access matrix, levels - Security invariants and transition rules (for OS
functions) - Formal Top-Level Specification (FTLS)
- More detailed state-transition system
- Formal Proofs
- Model transitions satisfy invariants
- FTLS is an interpretation of the system model
- Carried out in environments like Gypsy, FDM, HDM
- Some FTLS errors reflected in code were
discovered - Of Historical Interest
5Access Control Policies
- Safety Problem
- Subject-object-rights matrix
- rights were arbitrary, representing different
kinds of access - Operations create/delete subjects, objects
enter/remove rights - System of conditional rules to apply operations
- Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman Undecidability Result
- Whether S can ever receive right r to object O
- Comm. ACM 19(8), 1976
- Decidable if number of subjects is bounded
- Historical Impact
- Led to interest in efficiently decidable systems
- Take-Grant, DAC, RBAC
6Public-Key Certificates
- Based on asymmetric encryption
- Key pair KA, KA-1 one made public, one kept
secret - Text block encrypted with KA can be decrypted
only with KA-1 . - Impractical to compute secret key from public key
- Digital signature
- Text string T
- Apply one-way (hash) function
- Encrypt with secret key
- Verify by decrypting with signers public key,
compare hash result - Public Key Certificate
- Binds name to public key, signed by trusted party
- Logical Equivalent
- A says (KB is the public key of B)
- provided that KA is the public key of A
T ? h(T) ? h(T)KA-1
7Logic of Distributed Authentication
- Origination
- Authentication in distributed systems theory
and practice, by Lampson, Abadi, Burrows, and
Wobber, ACM Trans. Comp. Sys., 10(4), 1992 - Theory of says and speaks for (? relation)
- (A ? B) ? ((A says s) ? (B says s))
(P8) - (A says (B ? A)) ? (B ? A)
(P10) - Application to distributed systems
- A and B are principals users or keys (can say
something) - A says s means A authorizes command (operation,
access) s - A ? B means B delegates authority to A
- Certificate T,T KA-1 means KA says T
- Public key certificate means KA ? A
- Credentials sent from one network node to another
to authorize resources - Implemented in Taos operating system
8Trust Management
- Policymaker
- Decentralized trust management, Blaze,
Feigenbaum, Lacy, 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security
and Privacy - Identified trust management as a distinct problem
- Purpose to define and implement policy using
credentials to process queries - Delegation Logic
- A logic-based knowledge representation for
Authorization with Delegation, Li, Feigenbaum,
Grosof, 1999 Computer Security Foundations
Workshop - Language to express policies
- Primitives include says, delegates (speaks for
with object) - Access permission is decidable
- Logic program implementation (in Datalog)
9Cryptographic Protocols
- Cryptographic protocol
- an exchange of messages over an insecure
communication medium, using cryptographic
transformations to ensure authentication and
secrecy of data and keying material. - Applications
- military communications, business communications,
electronic commerce, privacy - Examples
- Kerberos MIT protocol for unitary login to
network services - SSL (Secure Socket Layer, used in Web browsers)
- IPSec standard suite of Internet protocols due
to the IETF - SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
10A Popular Example
- The Needham-Schroeder public-key handshake
- R. M. Needham and M. D. Schroeder, Using
Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks
of Computers, Comm. ACM, Dec., 1978 - A ? B A, NaKb
- B ? A Na, NbKa
- A ? B NbKb
- Purpose mutual authentication of A and B,
sharing secrets Na, Nb - This is an Alice-and-Bob protocol specification
- Na and Nb are nonces (used once)
- Ka is the public key of A
- The protocol is vulnerable...
11The Attack
(thinks hes talking to A, Nb is compromised)
Lowe, Breaking and Fixing the Needham-Schroeder
Public Key Protocol Using FDR TACAS 1996, LNCS
A malicious party M can forge addresses, deviate
from protocol
12Undecidable in General
- Reduction of Post correspondence problem
- Word pairs ui, vi for 1 ? i lt n
- Does there exist ui1...uik vi1...vik?
- Construction
- Protocol with one role (or one per i)
- Compromises secret if solution exists
- Attacker cannot forge release message
- because of encryption
- Observations
- Messages are unbounded
- Construction suggested by Heintze Tygar, 1994
- First undecidability proof by Even Goldreich,
1983 - 1999 proof by Durgin, et al shows nonces are
send ?,?K receive X,YK if X Y ? ?, send
secret else choose i, send Xui,YviK
13Analysis Approaches
- Model checking
- State-space search for attacks
- Inductive proof
- Using verification tools or by hand
- Can prove protocols correct (for abstract
encryption) - Belief-logic proofs
- BAN logic and successors
- For authentication properties
14Linear Logic Model
- Linear Logic
- Reference J.-Y. Girard, Linear logic,
Theoretical Comp. Sci, 1987 - Constructive, used to model state-transition
systems - Application to cryptographic protocols
- Cervesato, Durgin, Lincoln, Mitchell, Scedrov, A
meta-notation for protocol analysis, 1999
Computer Security Foundations Workshop - Model-checking with linear-logic symbolic search
tool LLF (LICS 96) - State-transition rules
- F1, , Fk ? ?x1, , ?xm. G1, , Gn
- State is a multiset of facts Fi, predicates
over terms - Rule matches facts on left side with variable
substitution - Variables xi are instantiated with new symbols
(like nonce!) - Left-side facts are replaced by right-side facts
in multiset
15The MSR Model
- Implementation of linear logic model
- Special term and fact types for cryptographic
protocols - Symbols for principals, keys, and nonces
- Terms for encryption and concatenation
- Facts for protocol process state, messages
- Multiset holds current states of many concurrent
protocol sessions - Example A sends message A,AK (to B) with new
K - A0(A,B) ? (?K) A1(A,B,K),M(AK)
- Attacker rules eavesdrop, construct false
messages, e.g., - M(AK),M(K) ? M(AK),M(K),M(A)
- Attacker model is standardized
- MSR model applied as intermediate language
- CAPSL ? MSR ? analysis tools (Millen, Denker 1999)
16Model Checking Tools
- State-space search for reachability of insecure
states - History back to 1984, Interrogator program in
Prolog - Meadows NRL Protocol Analyzer (NPA), also
Prolog, 1991 - Prolog programs were interactive
- General-purpose model-checkers
- Search automatically given initial conditions,
bounds - Iterative bounded-depth search
- Roscoe and Lowe used FDR (model-checker for CSP),
1995 - Mitchell, et al used Murphi, 1997
- Clarke, et al used SMV, 1998
- Denker, Meseguer, Talcott used Maude, 1998
- Successful at finding previously unknown
17Non-Repudiation Protocols
- Different objectives and assumptions
- Fairness objectives contract signing, proofs of
receipt, fair exchange - Applications to electronic commerce
- Parties are mutually distrustful, network
well-behaved, no intruder - Trusted third party to resolve detected breaches
- Alternating Temporal Logic application
- Kremer, Raskin, Formal verification of
non-repudiation protocols, a game approach,
Workshop on Formal Methods and Computer Security,
2000 - Used model checker MOCHA
- Example Objective
- ?ltltB,Comgtgt ?(NRO ? ?ltltAgtgt ?NRR)
- Means B and Com (the network) do not have a
strategy leading to a state where B has proof of
non-repudiation of origin (of some message) but A
has no strategy (from there) leading to a proof
of non-repudiation of receipt
18Inductive Proofs
- State-transition model similar to model checking
approaches - Application of general-purpose specification and
verification tools - Influential Examples
- R. Kemmerer, "Analyzing encryption protocols
using formal verification techniques," IEEE J.
Selected Areas in Comm., 7(4), May 1989 (FDM). - L. Paulson, The inductive approach to verifying
cryptographic protocols, J. Computer Security
6(1), 1998 (used Isabelle) - Paulsons approach inspired others
- Bolignano (using Coq), Millen (using PVS)
19BAN Logic
- Papers
- Burrows, Abadi, Needham, A logic of
authentication, ACM Trans. Computer Systems
8(1), 1990 - Gong, Needham, Yahalom, Reasoning about belief
in cryptographic protocols, 1990 IEEE Symposium
on Security and Privacy - Approach
- Modal logic of belief plus specialized predicates
and inference rules - Protocol messages are idealized into logical
statements - Objective is to prove that both parties share
common beliefs - Idealization
- A ? B A, K, BKB becomes
- B sees good-key(A, K, B)KB
- Objective
- Infer that B believes A said good-key(A, K, B)
B ? A A ? B
20Inferences and Problems
- Example
- P believes fresh(X), P believes Q said X - P
believes Q believes X - Assumption
- Protocol idealization must be consistent with
beliefs about confidentiality - Problem
- Observed by Nessett right away for digital
signature example - Good key must not be given away accidentally (or
on purpose) - Takes deep analysis to determine this
- Needham-Schroeder Public Key protocol proved
correct (!!??) - These logics are still used because
- They are efficiently decidable
- They help to understand the protocol
- They can be used manually
- Many applications of logic in computer security
are indirect, through use of tools that require
deep logic-system knowledge to design - Several unusual or specialized logical systems
have application to computer security - Cryptographic protocol analysis is an active,
fertile area for logic applications