Title: Stats 330: Lecture 27
1Stats 330 Lecture 27
Contingency tables
2Plan of the day
- In todays lecture we apply Poisson regression to
the analysis of one and two-dimensional
contingency tables. - Topics
- Contingency tables
- Sampling models
- Equivalence of Poisson and multinomial
- Correspondence between interactions and
3Contingency tables
- Contingency tables arise when we classify a
number of individuals into categories using one
or more criteria. - Result is a cross-tabulation or contingency table
- 1 criterion gives a 1-dimensional table
- 2 criteria give a 2 dimensional table
- and so on.
4Example one dimension
Income distribution of New Zealanders 15 2006
5Example 2 2 dimensions
New Zealanders 15 by annual income and sex
2006 census
6Censuses and samples
- Sometimes tables come from a census
- Sometimes the table comes from a random sample
from a population - In this case we often want to draw inferences
about the population on the basis of the sample
e.g.is income independent of sex?
7Example death by falling
- The following is a random sample of 16,976
persons who met their deaths in fatal falls,
selected from a larger population of deaths from
this cause. The falls classified by month are
8The question
- Question if we regard this as a random sample
from several years, are the months in which death
occurs equally likely? - Or is one month more likely than the others?
- To answer this, we use the idea of maximum
likelihood. First, we must detour into sampling
theory in order to work out the likelihood
9Sampling models
- There are two common models used for contingency
tables - The multinomial sampling model assumes that a
fixed number of individuals from a random sample
are classified with fixed probabilities of being
assigned to the different cells. - The Poisson sampling model assumes that the table
entries have independent Poisson distributions
10Multinomial sampling
11Multinomial model
- Suppose a table has M cells
- n individuals classified independently
- (A.k.a. sampling with replacement)
- Each individual has probability pi of being in
cell i - Every individual is classified into exactly 1
cell, so p1 p2 . . . pM 1 - Let Yi be the number in the ith cell, so
- Y1 Y2 . . . YM n
12Multinomial model (cont)
- Y1, . . . ,Ym have a multinomial distribution
This is the maximal model, as in logistic
regression, making no assumptions about the
- If there are no restrictions on the ps (except
that they add to one) the log-likelihood is
maximised when pi yi/n - These are the MLEs for the maximal model
- Substitute these into the log-likelihood to get
the maximum value of the maximal log-likelihood.
Call this Log Lmax
- Suppose we have some model for the probabilities
this will specify the form of the probabilities,
perhaps as functions of other parameters. In our
example, the model says that each probability is
1/12. - Let log Lmod be the maximum value of the
log-likelihood, when the probabilities are given
by the model. - As for logistic regression, we define the
deviance as D 2log Lmax - 2 log Lmod
16DevianceTesting adequacy of the model
- If n is large (all cells more than 5) and M is
small, and if the model is true, the deviance
will have (approximately) a chi-square
distribution with M-k-1 df, where k is the number
of unknown parameters in the model. - Thus, we accept the model if the deviance p-value
is more than 0.05. - This is almost the same as the situation in
logistic regression with strongly grouped data. - These tests are an alternative form of the
chi-square tests used in stage 2.
17Example death by falling
- Are deaths equally likely in all months? In
statistical terms, is pi1/12, i1,2,,12? - Log Lmax is, up to a constant,
- Calculated in R by
- gtylt-c(1688,1407,1370,1309,1341,1388,
- 1406,1446,1322,1363, 1410,1526)
- gt sum(ylog(y/sum(y)))
- 1 -42143.23
18Example death by falling
- Our model is pi1/12, i1,2,,12. (all months
equally likely). This completely specifies the
probabilities, so k0, M-k-111. Log Lmod is, up
to a constant,
gt sum(ylog(1/12)) 1 -42183.78 now calculate
deviance gt Dlt-2sum(ylog(y/sum(y)))-2sum(ylog(1
/12)) gt D 1 81.09515 gt 1-pchisq(D,11) 1
9.05831e-13 Model is not plausible!
19gt Monthslt-c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "
Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") gt
20Poisson model
- Assume that each cell is Poisson with a different
mean this is just a Poisson regression model,
with a single explanatory variable month - This is the maximal model
- The null model is the model with all means equal
- Null model deviance will give us a test that all
months have the same mean
21R-code for Poisson regression
- gt monthslt-c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May",
- "Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
- gt months.faclt-factor(months,levelsmonths)
- gt falls.glmlt-glm(ymonths.fac,familypoisson)
- gt summary(falls.glm)
22Coefficients Estimate Std. Error z
value Pr(gtz) (Intercept) 7.43130
0.02434 305.317 lt 2e-16 months.facFeb
-0.18208 0.03610 -5.044 4.56e-07
months.facMar -0.20873 0.03636 -5.740
9.46e-09 months.facApr -0.25428 0.03683
-6.904 5.04e-12 months.facMay -0.23013
0.03658 -6.291 3.15e-10 months.facJun
-0.19568 0.03623 -5.401 6.64e-08
months.facJul -0.18280 0.03611 -5.063
4.13e-07 months.facAug -0.15474 0.03583
-4.318 1.57e-05 months.facSep -0.24440
0.03673 -6.655 2.84e-11 months.facOct
-0.21386 0.03642 -5.873 4.29e-09
months.facNov -0.17995 0.03608 -4.988
6.10e-07 months.facDec -0.10089 0.03532
-2.856 0.00429 Null deviance 8.1095e01
on 11 degrees of freedom Residual deviance
-7.5051e-14 on 0 degrees of freedom gt D 1
Same as before! Why????
23General principle
- To every Poisson model for the cell counts, there
corresponds a multinomial model, obtained by
conditioning on the table total. - Suppose the Poisson means are m1, mM .... The
cell probabilities in the multinomial sampling
model are related to the means in the Poisson
sampling model by the relationship - pi mi/(m1 mM)
- We can estimate the parameters in the multinomial
model by fitting the Poisson model and using the
relationship above. - We can test hypotheses about the multinomial
model by testing the equivalent hypothesis in the
Poisson regression model.
24Example death by falling
25Relationship between Poisson means and
multinomial probs
26Relationship between Poisson parameters and
multinomial probs alternative form
27Testing all months equal
- Clearly, all months are equal if and only if all
the deltas are zero. - Thus, testing for equal months in the multinomial
model is the same as testing for deltas all zero
in the Poisson model. - This is done using the null model deviance, or,
equivalently, the anova table. - Recall The null deviance was 8.1095e01 on 11
degrees of freedom, with a p-value of
9.05831e-13, so months not equally likely
282x2 tables
- Relationship between Snoring and Nightmares
- Data from a
- random sample,
- classified according
- to these 2 factors
29Parametrising the 2x2 table of Poisson means
Main effect of Nightmare
Main effect of Snoring
Snoring/nightmare interaction
30Parameterising the 2x2 table of probabilities
Marginal distn of Snorer
Marginal distn of Nightmare
31Relationship between multinomial probabilities
and Poisson parameters
- Events A and B are independent if the
conditional probability that A occurs, given B
occurs, is the same as the unconditional
probability of A occuring. i.e. P(AB)P(A). - Since P(AB)P(A and B)/P(B), this is equivalent
to P(A and B) P(A) P(B)
33Independence in a 2 x2 table
- Independence of nightmares and snoring means
- P(Snoring and frequent nightmares)
- P(Snoring) x P(frequent nightmares)
- (plus similar equations for the other 3 cells)
- Or, p1 (p1 p2) (p1 p3)
- In fact, this equation implies the other 3 for a
2 x 2 table
34Independence in a 2x2 table (cont)
- Three equivalent conditions for independence in
the 2 x 2 table - p1 (p1 p2) (p1 p3)
- p1 p4 p2 p3
- g 0 (ie zero interaction in Poisson model)
- Thus, we can test independence in the
multinomial model by testing for zero interaction
in the Poisson regression.
35Math stuff
36More math stuff
37Odds ratio
- Prob of not being a snorer for frequent
nightmares population is p1/(p1 p3) - Prob of being a snorer for frequent nightmares
population is p3/(p1 p3) - Odds of not being a snorer for frequent
nightmares population is - (p1/(p1 p3)) /(p3/(p1 p3)) p1/p3
- Similarly, the odds of not being a snorer for
occasional nightmares population is p2/p4
38Odds ratio (2)
- Odds ratio (OR) is the ratio of these 2 odds.
Thus - OR (p1/p3) / (p2/p4) (p1p4)/(p2p3)
- OR exp(g), log(OR) g
- OR 1 (i.e. log (OR) 0 ) if and only if snoring
and nightmares are independent - Acts like a correlation coefficient between
factors, with 1 corresponding to no relationship - Interchanging rows (or columns) changes OR to
39Odds ratio (3)
- Get a CI for the OR by
- Getting a CI for g
- Exponentiating
- CI for g is estimate /- 1.96 standard error
- Get estimate, standard error from Poisson
regression summary
40Example snoring
gt ylt-c(11,82,12,74) gt nightmareslt-factor(rep(c("F"
,"O"),2)) gt snorelt-factor(rep(c("N","Y"),c(2,2)))
gt snoring.glmlt-glm(ynightmaressnore,familypoiss
on) gt anova(snoring.glm, test"Chisq") Analysis
of Deviance Table Model poisson, link
log Response y Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
P(gtChi) NULL
3 111.304 nightmares 1
110.850 2 0.454 lt2e-16 snore
1 0.274 1 0.180
0.6008 nightmaressnore 1 0.180 0
0.000 0.6713
No evidence of association between nightmares and
41Odds ratio
- Coefficients
- Estimate Std. Error z value
Pr(gtz) - (Intercept) 2.39790 0.30151 7.953
1.82e-15 - nightmaresO 2.00882 0.32110 6.256
3.95e-10 - snoreY 0.08701 0.41742 0.208
0.835 - nightmaresOsnoreY -0.18967 0.44716 -0.424
0.671 - Estimate of g is -0.18967, standard error is
0.44716, so CI for g is -0.18967 /- 1.96
0.44716, or - (-1.066 , 0.6868,)
- CI for OR exp(g) is (exp(-1.066), exp(0.6868) )
- (0.3443, 1.987)
42The general I x J table
- Example In the 1996 general Social Survey, the
National center for Opinion Research collected
data on the following variables from 2726
respondents - Education Less than high school, High school,
Bachelors or graduate - Religious belief Fundamentalist, moderate or
liberal. - Cross-classification is
43Education and Religious belief
44Testing independence in the general 2-dimensional
- We have a two-dimensional table, with the rows
corresponding to Education, having I3 levels,
and the columns corresponding to Religious
Belief, having J3 levels. - Under the Poisson sampling model, let mij be the
mean count for the i,j cell - Split log mij into overall level, main effects,
interactions as usual
45Testing independence in the general 2-dimensional
table (ii)
- Under the corresponding multinomial sampling
model, let pij be the probability that a randomly
chosen individual has level i of Education and
level j of Religious belief, and so is classified
into the i,j cell of the table. - Then, as before
46Testing independence (iii)
- Let pi pi1 piJ be the marginal
probabilities the probability that Educationi. - Let pj be the same thing for Religious belief
- The factors are independent if
- pij pi pj
- This is equivalent to (ab)ij 0 for all i,j.
47Testing independence (iv)
- Now we can state the principle
- We can test independence in the multinomial
sampling model by fitting a Poisson regression
with interacting factors, and testing for zero
48Doing it in R
counts c(178, 570, 138, 138, 648, 252, 108,442,
252) example.df data.frame(y counts,
expand.grid(education c("LessThanHighSchool",
"HighSchool", "Bachelor"), religion c("Fund",
"Mod", "Lib"))) levels(example.dfeducation)
c("LessThanHighSchool", "HighSchool",
"Bachelor") levels(example.dfreligion)
c("Fund", "Mod", "Lib") example.glm
glm(yeducationreligion, familypoisson,
dataexample.df) anova(example.glm, test"Chisq")
49The data
gt example.df y education religion 1
178 LessThanHighSchool Fund 2 570
HighSchool Fund 3 138 Bachelor
Fund 4 138 LessThanHighSchool Mod 5 648
HighSchool Mod 6 252 Bachelor
Mod 7 108 LessThanHighSchool Lib 8 442
HighSchool Lib 9 252 Bachelor
50The analysis
Degrees of freedom
gt example.glm glm(yeducationreligion,
familypoisson, dataexample.df) gt
anova(example.glm, test"Chisq") Analysis of
Deviance Table Model poisson, link
log Response y Terms added sequentially (first
to last) Df Deviance Resid.
Df Resid. Dev P(gtChi) NULL
8 1009.20
education 2 908.18 6
101.02 6.179e-198 religion 2 31.20
4 69.81 1.675e-07 educationreligio
n 4 69.81 0 -2.047e-13 2.488e-14
Small p-value is evidence against independence
51Odds ratios
- In a general I x J table, the relationship
between the factors is described by a set of
(I-1) x (J-1) odds ratios, defined by
- Consider sub-table of all individuals having
levels 1 and i of education, and levels 1 and j
of religious belief
Column j
Row i
53Interpretation (cont)
- Odds of being Education 1 at level 1 of Religious
belief are p11/pi1 - Odds of being Education 1 at level j of Religious
belief are p1j/pij - Odds ratio is (p11/pi1)/(p1j/pij)
54Odds Ratio facts
- Main facts
- A and B are independent iff all the odds ratios
equal to 1 - Log (ORij) (ab)ij
- Estimate ORij by exponentiating the
corresponding interaction in the Poisson summary - Get CI by exponentiating CI for interaction
55Numerical example odds ratios
Estimate Std. Error educationHighSchoolreligionMo
d 0.38278 0.12713 educationBachelorreligionMo
d 0.85671 0.15517 educationHighSchoolreligi
onLib 0.24533 0.13746 educationBachelorreligi
onLib 1.10183 0.16153
56Confidence interval
- Estimate of log(OR Bach/Lib) is 1.10183, standard
error is 0.16153, so CI is 1.10183 /- 1.96
0.16153, or (0.7852312 1.4184288) - CI for OR is exp(0.7852312 ,1.4184288)
2.192914, 4.130625 - Odds for having a bachelors degree versus no
high school are about 3 times higher for Liberals
than fundamentalists