Title: Creating a Customer Focused Culture
1Creating a Customer Focused Culture
- Who are you serving?
- Opportunity Knocks
- March 11, 2009
2Session Goals
- Explore the role your companys culture plays in
facilitating dynamite customer experiences - Learn how to identify your best customers
- How to establish a training program for your
business so your employees give outstanding
customer service. -
- Consider yourself as a customer
- How or what have you changed in how you shop or
hire services - Discuss at table groups
4What is Culture?
- Most simply the way we do things here
- Like the air we breathe, invisible but real
- Rooted in embedded beliefs
- Impacts the bottom-line and the feel of the
5Why Examine Culture?
- Benchmark for what it is like here now
- Captures key historical threads
- Focuses effort and energy
- Guides training and development
- Impacts customers and employees draw to you
- Workforce trends
6Key Culture Elements (Denison Model)
7Example of a Small Business Culture Plan
- Know Thyself
- 5 Critical Values
- Mission
- Start with Employees
- Document and Communicate
- Align Management
- Align Employees
- Build Systems
- People
- Marketing (Branding)
- Sales
- Operations
8Why does (your company) exist?
- What makes you
- successful?
- How do you know?
9Successful Organizations
- Are customer focused
- Satisfy external customers by satisfying internal
customers - Rely on strong processes to ensure satisfaction
- Seek feedback as a foundation for continuous
10PDCA Cycle of Continuous Improvement
11Plan a change or a test, aimed at improvement.
Act Adopt the change, adjust or abandon it or
run it through the cycle again.
Check the results. What did we learn? What went
Do - Carry out the change or test, preferably on
a small scale.
12A system of assumptions used to predict whats
going to happen.
- A thousand examples will not prove a theory.
- A single example is enough to disprove a theory.
13Applying PDCA
Experience alone teaches nothing. We must start
with a theory based on experience. Without a
theory we cannot learn.
14Multiple PDCACycles
Knowledge for Improvement
Hunches and Theories
15Who are Your Customers?
16A Customer is anyone who receives
- Information
- Product
- Service
that adds value
17A Supplier provides
- Information
- Product
- Service
in a way that increases its value to the customer
18- If you arent adding value by providing
information, product or service directly to the
external customer then you are doing so for
someone - who is.
19Customer/Supplier Chain
Ask for Feedback
Ask for Feedback
Give Feedback
Give Feedback
20Effective Feedback
- Think about the last time you received feedback
about your work that you found to be really
meaningful. - What aspects of that feedback made it so
21Seeking Internal Customer Feedback
22An Example of What to Ask
- What should I start doing?
- What should I stop doing?
- What should I do differently?
Look for trends.
23Receiving Feedback
- Breathe, listen carefully
- Stay focused on the
- process
- Ask clarifying questions
- Acknowledge valid points
- Dont be defensive!
24Kano Model
More is better
Customer Satisfaction
Must be
Presence of a Characteristic
25Customer Feedback
- Allows us to see ourselves through the eyes of
others. - Tells us if we are satisfying our customers.
- Forms a basis for improvement.
- Allows us to test our theories.