Title: Applied and Theoretical Issues in Income Redistribution
1Applied and Theoretical Issues in Income
- Mallorca summer course (June 2001)
- F. Bourguignon
2II . Optimal income redistribution in practice
- A reminder of the basic optimal (labor) income
redistribution model (OIRM) - Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Adequacy of the OIRM for redistribution analysis
in developed and developing countries
3A) A reminder of the basic optimal (labor) income
redistribution model (OIRM)
- Original model due to Mirrlees (1971). More
accessible statements may be found in various
texts (Atkinson-Stiglitz, Stiglitz, Tuomala,
Myles, ) - Purpose here is to recall the structure of the
model, the first order conditions and their
interpretation, and then to reflect on the ways
to apply them to actual data, something which was
not done until recently, most of the applied OIRM
literature bearing on hypothetical distributions.
4Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Statement of the model
- Individuals in population are heterogeneous with
respect to their productivity, w. - Redistribution authority does not observe w but
only labor income w.L. - But it knows what are the (identical) individual
preferences, U(c, L), over consumption,c and
labor, L. - It also knows the statistical distribution of w
in the population. f() is the corresponding
density function.
5Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
6Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- 2) Indications on the solution of the general
model - Original variables and functions
- T(wL), Lw, T(), y wL - T(wL), V(w, T( )
) - New variables z wL, c z T(z), u U(c,
w/w) - Question what is the optimal correspondence
between w and (z, c, u), or the optimal functions
z(w), c(w), u(w) ? - Redistribution function T( ) may then be
recovered from the implied relationship between c
and z. -
7Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- This leads to the optimal control problem (state
variable u, control variables c, z)
8Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Preceding problem has a solution as long as the
'agent monotonicity' property holds. - This property requires that optimal consumption
is an increasing function of productivity, w, in
the absence of taxation. In other words,
consumption gives a truthful information on
(unobserved) productivity. - Sufficient that consumption is not an inferior
good for the preceding property to be satisfied.
9Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Some general properties of the optimal
redistribution schedule and the need for
simulation - Optimal T' lies between 0 and 1
- T' 0 at the lowest and highest level of
productivity but this may of little practical
relevance - It may be optimal to have the agents with the
lowest productivity not working - Pre-tax income and consumption are increasing
functions of productivity
10Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Properties obtained by numerical simulation
- G(u) u1- ?/(1-??) with the limit Rawlsian case
of ???? - U(y , L) CES with varying substitution
elasticities - f( ) Pareto, Log-normal
- marginal tax rates my be declining, increasing or
constant w.r.t. productivity - High marginal tax rates do not necessarily
require a Rawlsian social welfare function - Intermediate values for ? and for the CES
elasticity of substitution lead to approximately
constant T' () linear redistribution system.
11Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- 3) The case of quasi-linear preferences (Diamond,
Atkinson, ..) - leading to optimal tax rates solution of
- Where t(w) marginal tax rate at w , S(w)
average marginal social welfare G'() of agents
with productivity greater than w and F( )
cumulative of f( ) .
12Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Intuitive proof of optimal tax formula
- Increase the marginal tax rate at the
productivity level w by ?t. - All people with productivity greater than w pay
the tax. Total receipt 1 F(w) ?t - People concerned by the marginal tax rate change
modify their labor supply L by ?L ?.L.?t
/w(1-t). The corresponding change in tax
payment then is t.w ?L t.w.?.L.?t /w(1-t) - Density of people concerned by marginal tax rate
change density of z wL at productivity level
w. From z B.w1??(1-t)?, it may be shown that
this density is given by f(w)/(1 ?).L - People in a) loose on average a social welfare
S(w), people in b) have no loss of welfare.
Additional tax receipt distributed as an equal
lump sum to all individuals, with an average
welfare gain equal to S(w0). -
13Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Intuitive proof of optimal tax formula
- Collecting all preceding terms together and
noticing that the change in social welfare cannot
differ from zero at the optimum leads to - And then
14Reminder of the OIRM (cont'd)
- Analysis of this optimal redistribution system
easy if social welfare function reasonably simple - Full tax system obtained by integrating t(w)
along z. - Government budget constraint satisfied by
modifying the constant of integration, T(0). - - T(0) guaranteed disposable income at 0 income
from labor
15II) Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â Â 1) Motivation
- Various recent attempts at identifying features
of optimal redistribution schedules based on
'true' data i.e. true f(w). See Diamond
(1998), Salanié (1998), Saez (2000), Bourguignon
and Spadaro (2000) - Should the optimal marginal tax rate curve be
U-shaped, increasing, decreasing, flat ? - What follows summarizes problems and results
obtained by Bourguignon and Spadaro (2000)
16Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â Â 2) Methodological issues
- a) Choosing a labor supply elasticity
- Â - hours of work and labor supply
- Â - heterogeneity of ? across various types of
individuals - Â - 'household' productivity and labor-supply
elasticity - Â
- b) Estimating the distribution of productivities
f(w) - - use observed wage ratesÂ
- - Choose elasticity parameter, ?, and 'invert'
observed EMTR and gross labor income, z, to get
w for the household z B.w1??(1-t)? . Â
17Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â Â c) Choosing and calibrating a social welfare
function - Probably the simplest social welfare function
G(u) to use is piecewise linear. This facilitates
the computation of the mean marginal social
welfare S(w). - The function being used here is of the following
charitable conservative type - G(u) u if F(w) ? q
- G(u) bu if F(w) gt q with blt1
- This function has the usual properties of being
increasing and concave
18Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â
- How to calibrate the social welfare function ?
- G(u) u if F(w) ? q
- G(u) bu if F(w) gt q with blt1
- b 1 ? Utilitarian
- b 0 ? Rawlsian
- Preferred choice b such that relative poverty
would optimally be eliminated if the labor-supply
elasticity were 'small'. This is equivalent to
imposing T(0) - .5mean income.
19Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â Â d) Some complications
- Â (i) Continuity and differentiability
- (ii) Household size
- (iii) Households with zero income and households
with apparently 'irrational' behavior - - 100 per cent marginal tax rate at minimum
income - Less than 100 per cent marginal tax
rate at minimum income - Â Drawing measurements errors to eliminate
anomalies extrapolating productivity
distribution for non-working individuals - (iv) Lack of observations at the top of the
distribution (approximation by a Pareto)
20Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Â Â 3) Results for 4 EU countries
- Data base Household surveys used in Euromod
project - Euromod tax-benefit software to compute marginal
tax rates - Â
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24Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Main Findings
- Optimal systems based on 'actual' data and
reasonable assumptions are far from actual
redistribution systems. - Systematically declining marginal tax rates
only way to have U-shaped curve is to have
decreasing social marginal welfare at the top of
the distribution. - Related conclusion relatively low marginal tax
rate at the top of the distribution - Rapidly declining marginal tax rates at the
bottom of the distribution (a shape that differs
from what is implied by strict means-tested
25Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Preceding exercise is probably the limit of what
can be done empirically to implement in a
reasonable way the OIRM. - Is it really conclusive ?
- After all, two main conclusions may be linked to
assumptions made on unobserved or badly observed
part of the distribution of productivities.
26Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- 4) Revealing social preferences
- Instead of comparing the optimal system linked to
'observed' f(w), arbitrary ?? and arbitrary
social welfare function, G( ), one may go the
other way. - 'Inverse optimal problem' (Kurz)
- Observing the actual redistribution system
through the marginal tax rates associated to
productivity levels, w, is it possible to infer
the social welfare function that would make that
system 'optimal' ?
27Trying to implement empirically the OIRM
- Inverse optimal problem work in progress (BS)
- Results encouraging in the sense that actual
redistribution systems observed f(w)
assumptions for unobserved parts of f( )
reasonable values for ? lead to
'non-contradictory' shapes of G'(u). - Revealed values of G'( ) decreasing with w, at an
accelerated rate for highest values of w - However, provisos with assumptions about
unobserved partd of f( ) still apply.
28C) Adequacy of the OIRM for redistribution
analysis in developed and developing countries
- Overall, results are somewhat disappointing
because they rely on rather stringent
assumptions, which are more or less all open to
debate. - Lets' consider four kinds of issues
- Representation of the whole economy and
functioning of the labor market. - In particular, are all households on their
labor-supply curve? Things would clearly be
different if non-workers were constrained on the
demand side of the market.
29Adequacy of the OIRM for redistribution analysis
in developed and developing countries
- b) Other sources of heterogeneity among
households capital income, household size,
gender issues within the household, etc - To what extent actual systems reflect
redistribution along these other dimensions? - Unfortunately, it is hopelessly difficult to
generalize OIRM to more than one dimension
30Adequacy of the OIRM for redistribution analysis
in developed and developing countries
- c) Concept of a social welfare function. What
would happen if G( ) were to reflect the views of
some decisive voter, or the outcome of some kind
of political economy equilibrium?
31Adequacy of the OIRM for redistribution analysis
in developed and developing countries
- d) Static model, whereas actual systems may take
into account dynamic features of individual
welfare as well as uncertainty aspects. - The insurance part of redistribution schemes.
- OIRM was an extremely promising framework.
Probably the best representation of the old
efficiency-equity trade-off - Yet it may be too simple for being of much
practical use, beyond theoretical economic
reasoning. - Workfield still open. Most likely that modern
computation techniques should permit to solve
some of the technical problems listed previously. - Remains true that good understanding of the
actual functioning of economies remain a priority.