Title: First data from TOTEM experiment at LHC
1First data from TOTEM experiment at LHC
- Fabrizio Ferro - INFN Genova
2TOTEM phyics
Diffraction soft and hard (with CMS)
3Total pp cross section
Current models predict for 14 TeV 90 130
mb Aim of TOTEM 1 First year 5
Luminosity independent method
special optics
4Physics with high b optics
-t 410-4 0.012
0.3 2.5
- Total cross section measurement at 5 (1)
- Elastic scattering 0.0004lttlt 2.5 GeV2
- Soft diffraction all masses - 65 of
diffractive protons seen - Classification of inelastic events rates
5Physics with low b
Single diffraction
ds/dM 0.025ltxlt0.15 1 lt M lt 3 TeV s(M)/M
2 - 5
Central diffraction
ds/dM 200 lt M lt 1000 GeV s(M)/M 2 - 5
Log M(GeV)
Elastic scattering
0.5lt t lt 5 GeV2 s(t) 0.2v t
6TOTEM detectors
10.5 m
14 m
Roman Pot stations in the LHC tunnel
RP (147 m)
RP (220m)
7T1 telescope (1)
2 arms of CSCs for track and vertex
reconstruction 3.1lthlt4.7 - Df2p
- Both T1 arms on the test line. Ready for
8T1 telescope (2)
Both arms successfully tested with pion and muon
beams Pions on copper target to get many-tracks
? reconstructed hits
CSC efficiencies with muons ?(triple coincidences)
Longitudinal vertex
Transverse vertex
9T2 telescope
2 arms of GEMs for tracks and vertex
3.1lthlt4.7 - Df2p
Both arms installed and taking data
10T2 event at 7 TeV
11Alignment and vertex reconstruction
12h distribution
Tracks pointing to vertex Statistical error
BeamPipe cone at h5.53
13TOTEM Roman Pots
14Roman pot alignment
- Critical and fundamental for any physics
- To align proton detectors means
- Resolve misalignments within detector assembly
? methods local track - Resolve relative positions of the pot
principal information source motor control (?
calibration, reliability, ) - ? method local track based (detector
overlap) - Resolve position of beam (uncertainties and
variations of optics) - ? method profiles from physics events,
Beam Halo
Beam Position Monitors Alignment with
collimators - Resolve left-right position
- ? method global (elastic) track based
15Roman Pot alignment (at 20s)
Vertical alignment
sectors 5-6 (IP5 minus side)
sectors 4-5 (IP5 plus side)
Tracks in horizontal pot
Tracks in horizontal pot
16Roman Pot alignment (at 20s)
Horizontal alignment
sectors 5-6 (IP5 minus side)
sectors 4-5 (IP5 plus side)
Halo protons
Tracks in horizontal pot
Tracks in vertical pot
17Diffractive protons at 7 TeV
Raw distributions, no selection Diffractive
protons background Estimated Dp/p 0.06 -
18A first elastic scattering candidate
RPs at 25s
Run 1964.004 Event 13682
19Analysis and data taking still in progress
Data taking with RP at 25s collected 3 M
events with RP only
5 M
RP T2 Data taking with RP at 20s
collected 6 M RP T2 Data taking with
RP at 15s under investigation with the machine
Full set of systematics sources under
investigation - Alignment - Beam position
- Beam divergence - Background from the machine
(halo, beam gas,.....) - Multiple scattering and
material interaction - Optics uncertainty on
the optical functions, crossing angle,
vertex.... and in addition - Estimate
Efficiencies (trigger, track reconstruction....)
- Luminosity - Physics Background Pile-up
- The TOTEM Detectors installed in the LHC (RP220m
and T2) have completed the commissioning and are
presently taking data -
- Once that the 220m RPs will be inserted at their
nominal position, TOTEM can move on to its physic
program at low b - - high mass Single Central Diffraction
- - large t elastic scattering (0.65 lt t
lt 5 GeV2) - - forward density of charged particles
- Precise measurements of elastic, diffractive and
total cross sections - require high b optics and the installation of T1
and of RP147m - - Elastic scattering in a wider t range
- - Diffractive physics over a larger
rapidity range 3.1 lth lt 6.5 - - Single and Central Diffraction at any
mass - - Measurement of stot with a precision of
5 (1)