Title: Moves Management: A Primer
1Moves Management A Primer
2What is Moves Management?
- If you dont know where you are going, any road
will take you there... - Moves Management- A system, a process and a plan
for building a relationship that moves individual
prospects to engaged, passionate donors.
Passion for your Organization
Created by Alexander Haas Martin Partners, Inc.
4What is a Move?
- Specifically tailored to the individual Donor
Centered - Increases engagement
- Increases involvement
- Increases your understanding of the donor
- Advance your strategies and goals
- Leads to solicitation
- Results in gift.
5Setting Criteria for Major Gifts Moves
- Identify types of moves
- Contacts- meaningful has to make progress in
relationship - Moves add new information
- Moves help present the case, introduce leadership
- Moves result in presenting a proposal or making
an ask.
6How do you Measure Success?
- It must be Quantifiable
- Number of solicitations and success rate
- Amount of money raised towards MGI
- As a trickle down, you should have
- More engaged donors
- More annual gifts
- Better attendance at events.
7Providing Guidelines
- Set dollar goals
- Determine number of solicitations
- Guidelines for meaningful contacts monthly
- Regular staff assessments what is working?
8Benchmarks for a Good Major Gifts Officer
- Prospect base up to 150
- Expectations
- One-third in active movement toward solicitation
- One-third moving from small annual gifts to major
gifts - One-third suspects being qualified and
introduced - 40-50 solicitations annually.
9How do you transform members into donors?
10Transforming Members into Donors
- Requires marketing research on members
- Requires assigning members donor motivation codes
- Requires tailoring communications and programs to
the psychological profiles of members not only
their membership level.
11Members Believe Donors Believe
- Primary Whats in it for me?
- Transactional
- Primary Museum positively impacts my
community - Transformative
- Upper level donors gain more access
to the collections
12Membership Program Development Program
- Event driven openings, receptions
- Benefits include free admission, magazine
- Affiliation I am a member of
- Social
- Transactional
- Broadly Educational
- Ask for support for a particular program
- Treats donors as motivated beyond benefits
- Affiliation with donor group
- Social
- Transformative gifts towards Vision
- Opportunities for personal contact.
13Marketing Research
- How well do you know your members?
- Surveys
- Focus groups
- Demographic profiles
- Psychographic profiles Looking Glass
- Interviews
- Tracking visits, ticket purchases, events.
14Wealth and Philanthropy Screening
- Interviews with volunteers
- Newspaper articles
- Google
- Research staff position
- Lists of donors to similar organizations.
15Traditional Stewardship Models
- Producers Circle
- Patron Member
- your 1000 donors
- Mrs. Betty Smith Legacy Society.
16What is a Donor-Centered Program?
- Designing programs based on an understanding of
the donor - See things from their perspective.
17Psychology of a Donor
18Psychology of a Donor
- What motivates someone to give?
19Donor Motivational Segmentation
- Understanding what motivates your members and
20Seven Faces of Philanthropists
- Written in 1994 by Russ Alan Prince and Karen
Maru File based on research of motivational
21The Communitarian
22The Devout
23The Investor
- Doing Good is Good Business
24The Socialite
25The Altruist
26The Repayer
27The Dynast
- Doing Good is a Family Tradition
28How do you implement this technique?
29Determine the Stations Motivational Segmentation
- What areas will you use for segmentation?
- Collection focus?
- Community focus?
- Family legacy?
- Socialite
- Interest in education?
- Interest in outreach?
30Utilizing Your Database as a Development Tool
- PBS examples
- Pledge drives with Brit com coding
- Ability to track and pull reports on how a member
is utilizing benefits - Tracking events and premium purchases.
31Coding Member and Donor Records
- Include event codes, interest codes, on
individual member records. - Database coding of individual records makes it
possible to pull all members interested in
- Create donor cultivation and recognition events
and programs that bring together people by
motivation NOT only their giving level. - Example all photography enthusiasts may be
invited to a private photography lecture whether
they are 500 donors or 5000 donors.
33Getting the Best Biggest Gifts
- Requires a lot or Rights
- The Right Strategy
- The Right person asking
- For the Right project
- And the Right amount
- At the Right time
34Thank You!