Title: Chapter Nine
1Chapter Nine
- Appraising and Managing Performance
2Chapter Outline
- Why Organizations Conduct Performance Appraisals
- The Performance Appraisal Process
- Methods for Appraising Performance
- Understanding the Limitations of Performance
Appraisals - Performance Management and Providing Feedback
3Chapter Outline (contd)
- Performance Management and Follow-Up Measures
- Evaluating the Performance Appraisal and
Management Processes - Legal Issues in Performance Appraisal
4Chapter Objectives
- Describe the purposes of performance appraisal in
organizations. - Summarize the performance appraisal process in
organizations. - Identify and describe the most common methods
that managers use for performance appraisal. - Discuss the limitations of performance appraisal
in organizations.
5Chapter Objectives (contd)
- Describe how performance feedback should be
provided by managers. - Identify and discuss frequently used performance
appraisal follow-up measures. - Identify and describe the basic legal issues in
performance appraisal.
- Performance appraisal
- The specific and formal evaluation of an employee
conducted to determine the degree to which the
employee is performing his or her job effectively - Performance management
- The general set of activities carried out by the
organization to change (improve) employee
7Why Organizations ConductPerformance Appraisals
- Both managers and employees tend to be
dissatisfied with performance appraisals. - The fact that performance appraisals are so
widely used in spite of this dissatisfaction is
an indicator that managers believe that
performance appraisals are important and play a
meaningful role.
8The Importance of Performance Appraisal
- It provides a benchmark for assessing recruiting
and selection processes. - It plays an important role in training.
- It should be fundamentally linked to the
compensation system. - It provides legal documentation.
- It plays a role in employee motivation and
development. - It provides valuable and useful information for
HR planning.
9Goals of Performance Appraisal
- Provide a valid and reliable measure of employee
performance along all relevant dimensions. - Provide useful and appropriate information for
the organization with regard to HR planning,
recruiting and selection, compensation, training,
and the legal context. - The ultimate goal is to improve performance on
the job.
10The Performance Management Process
11The Performance Management Process (contd)
12The Performance Appraisal Process
- The role of the organization
- Develop the process
- Determine how the information will be used
- Determine timing
- Ensure that performance standards and clear and
specific for managers and employees
13The Performance Appraisal Process (contd)
- The Role of the Rater
- Compare performance information with standards
- Consider the context of performance so that
extenuating conditions can be considered - Communicate standards to the ratee
- Collect information about behaviors and translate
that into ratings - Communicate results and consequences to the ratee
- Prepare the ratee to perform at desired levels
14The Performance Appraisal Process (contd)
- The Role of the Ratee
- Have a clear and unbiased view of his or her
performance - Have information about performance
- Be receptive to feedback
15Sources of Information forPerformance Appraisal
16360-Degree Feedback
- An approach to performance appraisal that
involves gathering performance information from
people on all sides of the managerabove, beside,
below, and so forth - Feedback from different sources is likely to be
inconsistent. - This approach is potentially helpful, especially
when used for feedback purposes only.
17What Gets Rated?
18Who Should Be Rated?
- With work teams, the organization must decide
whether to evaluate individual performance or
team performance.
19Methods for Appraising Performance
- Simple ranking method
- Having the manager rank-order, from top to bottom
or from best to worst, each member of a
particular work group or department - Paired comparison method
- Comparing each individual employee with every
other individual employee, one at a time
20Methods for Appraising Performance (contd)
- Forced distribution method
- Grouping employees into predefined frequencies of
performance ratings - Graphic rating scale
- A statement or question about some aspect of an
individuals job performance
21Example of Graphic Rating Scales
22Methods for Appraising Performance (contd)
- Critical incident method
- Using instances of especially good or poor
performance on the part of the employee - Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
- Appraisal systems that represent a combination of
the graphic rating scale and the critical
incident method
23Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
24Methods for Appraising Performance (contd)
- Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS)
- Use critical incidents like BARS but use
substantially more critical incidents to define
specifically all the measures necessary for
effective performance - Goal-based or management-by-objectives (MBO)
- Based largely on the extent to which individuals
meet their personal performance objectives
25Which System Is Best?
- It is difficult to suggest which system is best
because it is difficult to predict how a set of
employees will react to a given system.
26Understanding the Limitations of Performance
- Contextual performance
- Tasks an employee does on the job that are not
required as part of the job but that still
benefit the organization in some way - Projection
- The tendency to see in others characteristics
that we ourselves have and that we think
contribute to effectiveness
27Understanding the Limitations of Performance
Appraisals (contd)
- Contrast errors
- Occurs when we compare people against one another
instead of against an objective standard - Distributional error
- Occurs when the rater tends to use only one part
of the rating scale - Can be severity, leniency, or central tendency
28Understanding the Limitations of Performance
Appraisals (contd)
- Halo error
- Occurs when one positive performance
characteristic causes the manager to rate all
other aspects of performance positively - Horns error
- Occurs when the manager downgrades other aspects
of an employees performance because of a single
performance dimension
29Understanding the Limitations of Performance
Appraisals (contd)
- Organizations should work to reduce rating error
- Train managers to overcome weaknesses
(rater-accuracy training) - Reward raters for doing a good job in performance
appraisal - Punish raters who do not take the task seriously
- Convince raters that it is in their best interest
to do the best job they can in appraising
employee performance
30Performance Management andProviding Feedback
- After the appraisal is completed, the next major
activity is the provision of feedback, coaching,
and counseling. - Performance appraisals tend to focus on negatives
and, as a result, managers may have a tendency to
avoid giving feedback because when employees hear
negative feedback they may be angry, hurt,
discouraged, or argumentative.
31Performance Management andProviding Feedback
- If employees are not told about their
shortcomings, they have no reason to try to
improve and have no guidance concerning how to
improve. - It is critical that the rater follow-up the
appraisal by providing feedback to the employee.
32The Feedback Interview
- Provide feedback on a regular, ongoing basis.
- Have the individual appraise his or her own
performance before an appraisal interview. - Encourage participation and two-way
communication. - The manager should try to balance negative and
positive feedback. - The manager should take a developmental and
problem-solving orientation to the process. - Conclude with a future-oriented discussion.
33Archiving Performance Appraisal and Management
- The results of the performance appraisal should
be stored so that the records can be attained and
referred to later. - It is important that the manager have access to
this information when the next performance
appraisal is completed. - Archiving results is important in terms of equal
employment opportunity issues.
34Performance Management and Follow-Up Measures
- Effective performance management involves some
type of reward to employees who meet goals or
improve their performance. - There are many types of rewards that can be used.
- When performance is deficient corrective measures
should take place such as training and
35Evaluating the Performance Appraisal and
Management Process
- Performance appraisal feeds into the performance
management process, and because the ultimate goal
of this process is to improve performance on the
job, managers should be able to see real
improvements in organizational performance if the
process is working.
36Legal Issues in Performance Appraisal
- When performance appraisals are used as the basis
for human resource decisions, they are considered
the same as any other test under law. - Appraisals that show evidence of disparate impact
must be validated the same as any selection