Title: Chapter Nine
1Chapter Nine
Gardner's Art through the Ages, Concise Edition
by Fred Kleiner
Prepared by Kelly Donahue-Wallace Randal
Wallace University of North Texas
- Dates and Places
- 1500 to 1600
- Rome, Florence, Milan, and Venice
- People
- Humanism
- Reformation/Counter-Reformation
- Powerful courts
- Artist-genius
Interior, Sistine Chapel, 1473. Fig. 9-1.
- Themes
- Life of Christ and the Virgin Mary, saints
- Portraiture
- Mythology, antiquity
- Allegory, poesia
- Forms
- Balance, harmony, ideal beauty
- Venetian color, Mannerist distortion
RAPHAEL, Madonna in the Meadow, 15051506. Fig.
- Example
- Mathematical linear perspective
- Compositional emphasis on Christ
- Unity through pose and movement
- Studied emotion
- Capturing the observable world
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Last Supper, ca. 14951498.
Fig. 9-3.
- Example
- Wife of wealthy merchant
- Convincing likeness
- Personality, boldness
- Sfumato, chiaroscuro, atmospheric perspective
- Window onto landscape
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Mona Lisa, ca. 15031505.
- Example
- Papal library with Allegories of philosophy,
theology, poetry, and law - Philosophers of antiquity
- Semi-circular composition, illusionistic space
RAPHAEL, Philosophy (School of Athens),
15091511. Fig.9-7.
- Example
- Visually pleasing proportion, not mathematical
rules - Classical figure with emotion
- Anticipation of battle with Goliath, not victory
- Symbol of Florentine liberty
- Example
- Fresco in popes chapel
- Old Testament scenes on ceiling, Judgment on wall
- Creation, Fall, Redemption narratives
- Ignudi, ancestors, prophets, sibyls
- Architectural framework
- Expressive human body
MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI, ceiling, Sistine Chapel,
15081512. Fig. 9-10.
- Example
- Central plan chapel
- Classical order
- Added dome
- Sculptural architecture of volume and masses,
solids and voids - Site of St. Peters martyrdom
DONATO DANGELO BRAMANTE, Tempietto, 1502(?).
Fig. 9-13.
- Example
- Adjusts Bramantes central plan
- Greek cross inscribed in square
- Dome over crossing
- Colossal order
MICHELANGELO, Saint Peters,1546. Fig. 9-14.
- Example
- Private villa
- Near Venice
- Central plan
- Dome over crossing
- Four facades like temple portals
- Pantheon likely model
- Wrote architectural treatise
ANDREA PALLADIO, Villa Rotonda, ca. 15501570.
- Example
- Venetian painters love color (colorito),
atmosphere, texture - Oil on canvas glows
- Voluptuous body with smoky shadow
- Portrait or mythology?
- Color organizes composition
TITIAN, Venus of Urbino, 1538. Fig.9-20.
- Example
- Mannerist painting after 1520
- Self-conscious stylishness, not window onto world
- Complex, exaggerated, difficult
- Unstable composition, unnatural color
PONTORMO, Entombment of Christ, 15251528. Fig.
- Example
- Mannerist complicated allegory
- Folly of love revealed by time
- Lascivious, sensuous
- Strong contours, undulating and exaggerated
limbs, complex pose shows artists skill
BRONZINO, Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, ca.
1546. Fig. 9-23.
- Example
- Late Venetian painting
- Pageantry of event
- Classical setting
- Invented characters
- Renaissance balanced composition
- Inquisition challenges subject so changes title
PAOLO VERONESE, Christ in the House of Levi,
Italy, 1573. Fig.9-26.
16Holy Roman Empire
- Dates and Places
- 1500-1600
- Germany
- People
- Martin Luther
- Protestant Reformation
- Political change
ALBRECHT DÜRER, Four Apostles, 1526. Fig. 9-30.
17Holy Roman Empire
- Themes
- Life of Christ, Virgin Mary, Saints
- Portraits
- Forms
- Renaissance illusionism
- Surface description
- Naturalism
HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER, The French Ambassadors,
1533. Fig. 9-31.
18Holy Roman Empire
- Example
- Altarpiece for monastery church with hospital
- Gruesome description of wounds
- Emphasize suffering
- Catholic inclusion of Lamb, Christs blood,
plague saints
MATTHIAS GRÜNEWALD, Isenheim Altarpiece, ca.
1510-1515. Fig. 9-28.
19Holy Roman Empire
- Example
- Engraving
- Interest in Renaissance proportion of human body
- Combine with northern European surface
description and disguised symbolism
ALBRECHT DÜRER, Fall of Man (Adam and Eve), 1504.
Fig. 9-29.