Title: Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
1Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
2Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
3Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
4Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
5Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
6Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
7Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
8Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
9Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
10Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
11Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
12Keith Richards and Mick Jagger
What a drag it is getting older! "PhDs are
different today," I hear ev'ry faculty say Dr.
needs something today to pick him up. And though
he's not really ill He lacks publication
thrill He goes running for the shelter of
professor's little helper And RAs helps him on
his way, gets him through his busy day. "Life's
just much too hard today," I hear ev'ry faculty
member say The pursuit of A-hits just seems a
bore. And if you publish more of those You will
get an overdose No more running for the shelter
of professors little helper They just helped you
on your way, through your busy dying day.
Not Sung Ham