Title: Managing Your Money .. Planning Wisely with Your Present Resources
1Managing Your Money ..Planning Wisely with Your
Present Resources Vanderbilt University School
of Medicine January 21, 2009
Mary B. W. Fenton, MA National Executive, Health
Professions and Graduate Schools American
Student Assistance
2Participants In The Life Of A Student Loan(s)
- Identify what money means to you
- Conscious beliefs represent only a fraction of
our personal belief system. Like the tip of an
iceberg, the stuff that sinks ships is hidden
beneath the surface, in our unconscious. ..
Dr. Susan Forward (Money Demons) - When I was young I thought money was the most
important thing in life now that I am old, I
know it is. . Oscar Wilde - Identify steps to successful financial health
wealth - Identify steps to productive and successful
budgeting - Identify differences between discretionary and
fixed expenses
4YOUR Financial Plan
Key to managing your
dont let it get out of whack!!
5Questions About . Lead to Memories of
- -Family message about money as you were growing
up? - -Did you receive an allowance?
- If so, did you have to work for it or was it
just given to you? - - discussed in your home?
- -Work, as a teenager?
- If so, what happened to the you earned?
- -1st time you went into debt for
something you wanted? - -1st time you remember losing ?
- - influence your choice of
career? - - your friend or enemy??
6Common Sayings and Slogans About
- (The Love of Money) is the root of all evil.
- Money doesnt grow on trees.
- Money isnt everything.
- Do you think Im made of money?
- Money cant buy you happiness.
- Money CAN buy you happiness.
- Blood money
- Drug money
- Dirty money
- Funny money
7SO What Does Mean To You??????
- ?Love?
- ? Security?
- ? Independence?
- ? Pay bills dont think about the rest?
- ? NEVER enough of it?
- ? Dont think you deserve a lot of
it????? - ?Afraid to say I want to be
8You Cannot Get to Wealthy Without A Budget or,
A Plan..
- Wealth much money or property great worldly
possessions riches (Websters New World
Dictionary) - ?a relative term .
- Budget can have negative connotations
restrictive, oppressing, impossible to do, where
do I start, etc. - (Financial) plan sense of control, connotes
knowledge, understanding, personal teamwork,
(partner) teamwork, etc. - You cannot rock-climb without the proper
9Average (Vanderbilt Medical Student) Sample
Yearly Student Budget
Discretionary expenses approximately 28
10Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Standard
Student Budgets-2008-09
114 Years of Discretionary Expenses (average) ..
- 67,517
- What part of this can you save?
12What Is Discretionary Spending VS Fixed
- Fixed 72
- ?USMLE costs, etc.
- Rent ?cut costs with a roommate(s)
- Utilities ?cut costs with a roommate(s)
- Groceries ?co-op, discount food stores
- Insurance ?dont carry unnecessary insurance
- Laundry ?individuals will take in
- Eating out ?Ritz vs pot-luck dinner
- Phones ?limit amount of plan
- Entertain ?movie vs rental
- Vacations ?cruise vs local site-seeing
13Inventory of Your Present Financial Resources??
- ? Personal Resources???
- ? Family Resources???
- ? Grants/Scholarships???
- ? Federal Loans???
- ? Alternative/private Loans???
- ????????
14Why Arent Some of Us As Successful As Others
When It Comes to Managing Our Money?
- ?Fear
- ? Denial
- ? Inability to judge difference between
needs and wants - ? Lack of discipline
- ? Procrastination
- ? Lack of emotional support
- ? Conflicting societal values
- ?Dont know what resources
are available to them - ?Havent (clearly)
articulated goals
15Budgeting for Success ..
- ?Get out of denial
- ?Be realistic about what you can do to hold down
discretionary expenses - ?Identify all of your resources
- ?Know where your is going on a daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly basis - ?Live by your financial compass no one elses
- ?Set some financial goals, now, and . (LIVE ON
Less than the Standard Student Budget) - ?Reevaluate goals ( how youre handling your
budget), on a yearly basis
16Budgeting for Success (contd) ..
- ?Plan for emergencies (uncovered health/Rx
expenses, suit for residency interviews, etc.) - ?Decide what is absolutely necessary
- -cable/satellite??
- ?Shop only when you REALLY need something (or
leave credit card _at_ home) - ?Know when it is a WANT instead of a NEED
- ?Grocery shop with a list and stick to it dont
shop when youre hungry - ?Get in the habit of saving
- ?How do you do that on student loans???
- ?After medical school (during residency) save for
major purchases, i.e., car, vacation, etc.
17Interactive Budget Worksheet ..
18Interactive Budget Worksheet
19The Cost of a Mocha Latte 1 cup 4 1
cup every weekday 20 1 cup every weekday
for year 1,040
Discretionary/controllable costs can make a
difference in your future!!
20So whats another 1,040 when youre already in
so much debt???
- ?If you use a credit card or a student loan .
- ? If there is capitalization .
- ? If it is paid off over 10 years .
- ? ? It could cost 3,000
21Latte Savings ..
- Latte price 4
- Lattes/month 20
- Years 4
- Rate of return 8.5
- Source www. bankrate.com
- Home coffee 1
- Monthly savings 60
- Savings after 4 years
- 3,417
22What Can You Do, Now????
- ?This is the time to focus on your financial
HEALTH/WEALTH by minimizing educational debt - wealth is a marathon .. Dave Ramsey
- ? Lifestyle live moderately, now ..
- ? Try to live on less than (standard) student
budget - ? Focus on your financial goals
23Facts Regarding Graduate Students Credit
Card Debt!!
- In 2006 - 92 of graduate students at least one
credit card - - 4 decrease from 96 in 2003
- Average outstanding balance 8,612
- - increase of 10 from 2003 average of 7,831
- 94 used credit cards to pay (some portion) of
direct education expenses - - primarily textbooks
- 67 of graduate students took out first credit
card as an undergraduate student. - 93 TRY to keep their credit card debt under
control by making at least the required minimum
monthly payments - - only 20 said they pay off their cards IN FULL
each month - Source Nellie Mae
24Facts Regarding General Financial Issues
- 56 of senior college students carry four or more
credit cards, with an average balance of 2,864.
(Washington Post-2007/Nellie Mae) -
- On average workers between the ages of 25 to 34
must spend 25 cents on every dollar earned on
debt repayment. (Strapped Why Americans 20 and
30 Somethings Cant Get Ahead, Tamara Draut,
2006) - The number of 18 to 24-year-olds declaring
bankruptcy increased 96 in 10 years. (Richmond
Credit Abuse Resistant Education (CARE) Program). - 2007 foreclosures rose by 75 from 2006.
(RealtyTrac.com 2008) - 49 of adults say they are concerned they have
not paid enough attention to managing their
finances. (Harris Poll 22, 2007) - 48 are concerned they don't know enough about
financial planning. (Harris Poll 22, 2007)
25Helpful Websites .
- www.bankrate.com
- www.myfico.com
- www.annualcreditreport.com
- www.optoutprescreen.com
- www.equifax.com
- www.experian.com
- www.transunion.com
- www.quicken.com
- www.tcalc.com/calculators.asp
- www.simpletuition.com
26Bibliography ..
- Morris, Kenneth M., Siegel, Alan M., The Wall
Street Journal Guide to Understanding Personal
Finance. 1997. New York Lightbulb Press, Inc.
and Dow Jones Co. - Warren, Elizabeth, Warren Tyagi, Amelia, All Your
Worth, The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan. 2005.
New York Free Press. - Strauss, StevenD., Jaffe, Azriela., The Complete
Idiots Guide to Beating Debt. 2000. Indiana
Alpha Books. - Morris, Kenneth, M., Siegel, Alan, M., and
Morris, Virginia, B., The Wall Street Journal
Guide to Planning Your Financial Future. 1998.
New York Lightbulb Press, Inc. and Dow Jones
Co. - Orman, Suze. The 9 Steps To Financial Freedom.
2000. New York Three Rivers Press. - Klosowski, Allen, CFP. Personal Financial
Fitness, A Practical Guide to Improve The Health
of Your Wealth. 1997. Menlo Park Crisp
Publications. - Singletary, Michelle. Picking a Financial
Planner Takes Some, Well, Planning. The
Washington Post 19 August 2001 p. H01 - Quinn, Jane Bryant. Making the Most of Your
Money. 1997. New York Simon Schuster. - Dominguez, Joe, and Robin, Vicki. Your Money Or
Your Life. 1992. New York Viking Press.
27THANK YOU!!! Mary B. W. Fenton, M.A. National
Executive, Health Professions Graduate
Schools American Student Assistance 1-800-999-9080
ex. 2199 mfenton_at_amsa.com www.amsa.com
American Student Assistance 100 Cambridge
Street, Suite 1600 Boston, MA 02114
(800) 999-9080 (617) 728-4265 F A X (800)
999-0923 T D D