The CAP Safety Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The CAP Safety Program


How do I report a mishap? Refer to CAPR 62-2 and follow the ... mishaps promptly ... Fail to report a mishap promptly. And the two surest ways to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The CAP Safety Program

The CAP Safety Program
  • Maj Malcolm Dickinson, CAPDirector of Safety,
    New York Wing
  • 16 October 2004

Safety Program Requirements
  • Every unit must have a safety officer.
  • Every unit must have a safety program.
  • - Monthly briefings
  • - Quarterly reports
  • Annual survey
  • Every unit must display safety forms
  • Every unit must report mishaps promptly.

1. Every unit must have a safety officer.
  • Appoint the safety officer in writing. Keep on
    file either a CAPF 2a or a Personnel
    Authorization list.
  • When appointing a new safety officer, the
    squadron commander must inform the group and wing
    safety officers within ten days. (A simple memo
    or email is fine.)
  • Qualifications for the safety officer position
  • Good judgment
  • Conscientious about quarterly and annual reports
  • If the unit has an aircraft, the safety officer
    must be a private pilot.
  • Each safety officer must complete the AFIADL CAP
    Safety Officer Course. A new safety officer can
    begin the course after being appointed.

Safety officer appointmentsExcerpt from CAPR
62-1, Safety Program Manning paragraph
  • Safety officer positions outlined in CAPM 20-1,
    Organization of Civil Air Patrol, will be filled
    with the best qualified personnel available.
    Safety assistants will be assigned as needed to
    distribute the workload.
  • Written appointment of safety officer is
    required. A copy should be forwarded to the next
    higher headquarters safety officer so that a
    roster of safety officers can be maintained.
  • In units with aircraft, the safety officer or
    assistant should be a private pilot.

2. Every unit must have a safety program.
  • There are three required parts to the safety
  • Monthly briefings
  • Quarterly reports
  • Annual survey
  • The unit can add more safety-related activities
    if desired.

Unit safety program, part 1Monthly safety
  • Every unit must conduct a safety briefing at
    least once a month.
  • If the unit does not meet in a given month, the
    requirement is waived.
  • An attendance list must be made for each safety
  • This could simply be the units sign in sheet, or
    a blank piece of paper giving the date.
  • If the unit contains any pilots, the monthly
    safety newsletter, The Sentinel, must be used
    in the briefing.
  • Those who miss the safety briefing must review
    the briefing materials and sign something saying
    they have reviewed them.
  • The unit must maintain summaries of the last 12
    months of briefings at all times

Monthly safety briefingsExcerpt from CAPR 62-1
  • Safety Meetings. Ground and flying safety
    information will be briefed at unit meetings or
    scheduled safety meetings at least monthly.
  • In units with pilots and an active flying
    mission, the monthly Safety bulletin published by
    National HQ The Sentinel will be briefed to all
  • A roster of the individuals who attended the
    safety briefings will be maintained.
  • Summaries of safety material presented will be
    made available for review by those personnel not
    in attendance, that is, bulletin board or reading
  • All personnel not present at the safety meeting
    must read and initial these summaries. Summaries
    with attached attendance rosters covering the
    past 12 months will be kept on file.

Unit safety program, part 2 Quarterly Reports
  • Every unit must fill out a quarterly report form.
  • Currently we are using NYWF 94a for squadrons,
    and NYWF94 for groups.
  • These forms will be replaced in the next month or
    two. When this occurs, a copy will be emailed to
    every safety officer and unit commander.
  • Attendance sheets for each safety briefing must
    be attached to the quarterly report form.
  • The quarterly report is sent (email, fax, or
    mail) to the group safety officer. It must be
    sent NLT 5 days after the end of the quarter.
  • For example, third quarter reports were due on 5
  • The group forwards the report to wing Director of
  • Dont send to Wing HQ - use Maj Dickinsons home
    address, given on the wing web site, safety page.
  • Group safety officers do not hold all the
    squadron safety reports waiting for one late
    squadron. They send what they have and let the
    delinquent unit suffer the consequences.

Communication program to encourage units to
submit quarterly reports on time
  • Example Fourth quarter reports due 5 January
  • 15 December director of safety sends email to
    all group and squadron commanders and safety
    officers saying your report is due in 20 days.
  • 31 December email to the same people saying
    send your report to group now.
  • 5 January squadron reports are due at group
  • 15 January Director of Safety sends email to
    nywg-info, congratulating all units that have
  • 31 January Delinquent list is sent to wing
    commander(list of units that have not complied)

Unit safety program, part 3 Annual safety
  • Each unit must submit its annual survey to group
    NLT 5 January.
  • Use the new NY Wing form (form number TBA) which
    will be sent to all safety officers and will be
    available on the wing web site.
  • Submit the completed survey to the group safety
    officer (by email, fax, or mail).
  • Keep a signed copy of the survey on file. It will
    be checked during the next unit inspection.

3. Every unit must display safety forms.
  • CAPR 62-1 requires the unit to display two forms
    at the unit HQ.
  • CAPF 26 hazard report
  • FAA form 8740-5 safety improvement report
  • Both of these are available on the NY Wing web
  • If someone completes and turns in a form, the
    safety officer must log it in and forward it to

4. Report Mishaps Promptly
  • What is a mishap
  • How to report a mishap
  • When to report a mishap

How do I know whether to report a mishap?
  • The definition of a mishap is given in CAPR 62-2
  • If it is a bodily injury, use the list in CAPR
    62-2 to determine whether it is reportable or not
  • New York Wing no longer modifies this list!
  • Do not report non-reportable injuries
  • Do not report typical maintenance issues
  • If you have questions, call Maj Dickinson for
    help. Do not make assumptions like well, its
    on the reportable list, but its happened to this
    cadet before, so its not worth reporting.

How do I report a mishap?
  • Refer to CAPR 62-2 and follow the instructions to
    the letter
  • The NY Wing Supplement to CAPR 62-2 has the names
    and phone numbers to call or email
  • You must fill out a CAPF 78 and send it (fax or
    email) within 48 hours.

Examples of Reportable Injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations requiring sutures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Insect bites resulting in adverse reactions
  • Back injuries
  • Poisoning of any kind
  • All cases of heatstroke, exhaustion, frostbite,
    or hypothermia
  • Dislocated bones/joints
  • Serious injuries to eyes, ears, throat, or head

When do I report a mishap?
  • Immediately must be within 24 hours
  • Penalties for failure to report can be severe
  • Report to both the wing commander and the wing
    director of safety
  • Report by phone, by fax, or by email
  • Follow up with a CAPF78 within 48 hours.

Examples of Non-Reportable Injuries
  • Simple sprains, muscle pulls/spasms
  • Upset stomach, sore throat, stiff neck
  • Minor nicks and cuts
  • Sunburn, poison oak, etc.
  • Asthma attacks
  • Fainting during drill exercises (unless heat
  • Non-reactive insect bites
  • Intentionally self-inflIcted injuries
  • Minor sport injuries such as black eyes, sore
    muscles, etc.

  • What does my squadron have to do to stay in
    compliance with the safety program?
  • Answer Four things.

What does my group have to do to stay in
compliance with the safety program?
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • Appoint a safety officer in writing.
  • Conduct a safety program, consisting of
  • Monthly briefings
  • Quarterly reports
  • Annual survey
  • Display the necessary forms at squadron HQ
  • Report mishaps promptly and correctly.

The four most popular ways to get into trouble
with the safety function
  • Fail to file your quarterly reports
  • Fail to attach attendance sheets
  • Fail to file your annual survey
  • Fail to report a mishap promptly

And the two surest ways to get into trouble
  • Fail to maintain adequate clearance while taxing
  • Fail to stay proficient in nose-high, low-energy
    landings on the centerline of the runway

Closing remarks
  • If you see or hear that someone else is using
    poor judgment (flying or doing other CAP
    activities unsafely), talk to them and/or their
    unit commander.
  • If you notice an unsafe condition, fill out a
    CAPF 26 and turn it in. It will go through
    squadron and group all the way to the wing, and
    the situation will have to be fixed.
  • If you have questions, ask.

  • Thank you for helping us bring our wing into
    compliance with safety requirements.
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