Title: Info Rx
1Info Rx
- Providing Information First Aid to Your Users
Presented By Jean Shipman and Shannon Jones
2Info Rx
3Info Rx
4Info Rx
5Info Rx
6Info Rx
- http//www.foundation.acponline.org/healthcom/info
7Info Rx Goals
- Increase health literacy
- Promote MedlinePlus as reputable source
- Encourage physicians to talk with their patients
about their health - Empower patients to be partners in their health
care - Reduce health care costs
8Info Rx Goals
- Better treatment compliance
- Better understanding of treatment options
- Preventative care practice increased
- Reimbursable health insurance coverage?
- Encourage adoption and broad diffusion of
practice among health care providers
9Info Rx Pilot Projects
- Pilot Projects
- Iowa and Georgia
- Local ACP chapters physicians involved
- A total of 2865 invitations and surveys were sent
- 517 physicians participated
- Given promotional material package
- Survey results
10Info Rx Pilot Projects
Health Information Rx Pre-Pilot Website Referrals
To which of the following Internet sites do you
refer your patients?
n 308
11Info Rx Pilot Projects
Websites to Which Patients Are Referred Percent
Ranked 1st or 2nd Out of 5Post-Pilot
n 216
12Info Rx Pilot Projects
Change in Number of Patient Referrals to Internet
Since participating in Information Rx Pilot, has
the percentage of patients you refer to the
Internet for information increased, decreased, or
not changed?
n 210
13Info Rx Pilot Projects
Impact of Local Library Support on Willingness to
Refer Patients to MEDLINEplus
Would it increase your willingness to refer
patients to MEDLINEplus if local libraries
provided free access to the Internet and
assistance in locating health information?
n 209
14Info Rx Pilot Projects
- Overall, through a post-pilot telephone survey,
physicians rated the program 4.4 on a 5 point
scale - Patients who completed an online survey also gave
the program unanimous praise even though the
response rate was low
15Info Rx Pilot Projects
- Virginia
- January April 2004
- Promoted more widely
- Revised previous pilot materials based on
feedback received - INVOLVED LIBRARIANS
16Info Rx Virginia Pilot Project
- Over 250 ACP members participated
- Librarians helped to promote the project to all
types of health professionals - Promotional methods included
- Announcements at departmental meetings
- Employing institutional awareness channels
- Posters at national and local meetings
- Offered training sessions and demos
- Exhibited at professional meetings
17Info Rx Virginia Pilot Project
- Health Sciences Librarians also helped to promote
the project to other librarians in the state
through - Helping NLM to develop a librarians toolkit
- Writing articles for journals and newsletters
- Establishing a listserv
- Created a web site
- Training over 160 public librarians
- This talk ?
18Info Rx Project National Launch
- April 22, 2004
- New Orleans ACP annual meeting
- Press room with presentations from
- Georgia and Virginia Pilot Project Physicians
- Patient
19Info Rx Project National Launch
- Since launch, over 1450 health care providers
have registered - 90 of these initially were ACP members
- More librarians are registering
- Health sciences - 30 of monthly nos.
- Other librarians - 8
20Info Rx Project Registration
- Information Rxs can be ordered online at
_rx.htm - Also can order promotional materials such as
21Info Rx Project Registration
22Info Rx Project Registration
23Info Rx Librarian as Pharmacist
- Fill information prescriptions
- Promote awareness of the project _at_ your library
- Encourage use of MedlinePlus for finding reliable
health information - Assist patrons with navigating MedlinePlus
- Register for MedlinePlus E-mail Announcement
Lists - Stay abreast of other reliable health information
resources - Know your local and state resources for Health
24Info Rx Librarian as Pharmacist
- Join National Network of Libraries of Medicine
(NN/LM). Membership is Free! - Explore training opportunities for providing
consumer health. - Explore obtaining MLA's Consumer Health
Information Specialization - Join Info Rx and/or CAPHIS listserv
- Join Mid-Atlantic Chapter of MLA and/or Virginia
Council of Health Science Librarians (VaCOHSL) - Develop partnerships with your local health
science librarians
25Info Rx Project Outcomes
- Information Rx Librarian Toolkit
- Education Training Outreach
- Increased opportunities to partner with public
librarians - Appreciation gifts for VA Public Libraries
26Info Rx Librarian Toolkit
27Info Rx MedlinePlus.gov
- Why MedlinePlus?
- Information is up-to-date, reliable, and free
- No advertisements
- Information is not biased
- Registration is not required
- Resources for low level readers and
Spanish-language - Links only to authoritative sites, such as the
National Institutes of Health, Centers for
Disease Control etc
28Info Rx MedlinePlus.gov
29Info Rx The Road Ahead
- More patient feedback
- Evaluative research study
- Continued project promotion
- Encourage VA public librarians to join NN/LM
- Promote awareness about MedlinePlus
30Info Rx