Title: Goal Setting Preparation for a Personal Success
1Goal Setting Preparation for a Personal
- Sheila Chadwick
- Fall 2008
2What Are Goals?
- Goals have different elements in that there is an
accomplishment that is to be achieved, there is a
measurable outcome to the goal, a specific time
frame is established for reaching that goal and
specific cost constraints, rather it be money,
time or resources is taken into account therefore
the expanded definition is that - a goal is a specific and measurable
accomplishment to be achieved within a specific
time and under specific cost constraints.
3This Course
- As your instructor
- My Personal Mission Statement - My mission is to
take an active leadership role in educating adult
learners. -
- My Personal Goal Statement - My Goal as a program
developer is to create a positive environment for
learning with a program that will help
individuals increase their awareness of goal
planning so that they are able to set and achieve
personal goals. -
- My Personal Objective - To motivate, mentor and
coach adult learners with obtaining their
personal and professional goals.
4The Program
- The Program Objective is to provide education
support for adults with five major outcomes - 1. Understanding the importance of goal setting.
- 2. Analyzing yourself in a case study.
- 3. Critique your analysis so that it accurately
reflects your true goals. - 4. Set an action plan to obtain your personal
goals. - 5. Follow up with the measurable and
un-measurable achievements made. (Did you or did
you not meet your goals?)
The Primary Outcome The result of an individual
changed related to acquisition of obtaining new
knowledge, building on personal skills and an
examination of personal beliefs.
5- Individuals who attend this class will be able
to - 1. Define what a goal is
- 2. Identify goals
- 3. Learn the importance of goal setting
- 4. Locate opportunities for goals
- 5. Learn how to effectively reach goals in order
to accomplish what you set out to achieve. -
- Required Text
- None
6Course Requirements
- Participation and quality of contributions via
the web. Active participants produce ownership of
their commitment to define the accomplishment,
determine the outcome, created a realistic
timeline and identify the resources needed to
meet their goals. -
- As the instructor, my role in this process is as
a Guidant and director, managing both the goal
setting and the achievement process. The
three-step process of analysis will include
discussions, compromise and agreement as well as
assistance with participants using the Goal
Setting Worksheet keeping the SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible)
approach in mind.
7The Instruction Plan
8(No Transcript)
9Goal Setting Theory
- A life filled with happiness, satisfaction and
self-love begins with understanding ones
personal wants and needs. Setting goals helps us
to identify exactly what those wants and needs
are. - Dr. Richard Carlson (2005) elucidates it
perfectly when he states The beauty of paving
your own way is that you become empowered to make
independent decisionswhen you think
independently, you choose a career, find a
relationship partner, and make other important
life decisions based on your own values, wisdom,
and critical thinkingyou alone decide whats
important -
- Goal setting is important to the end result of
all aspects that the participant is involved with
including business interactions and family
obligations. Business goals are achieved through
the efforts of the individual person and family
obligations often commitment of the individual to
do their share of various tasks (physically and
emotionally speaking). - The key to commitment is through staying
motivated so any person with hopes of achieving
goals must find personal motivation to do so.
10The Pros of Great Goal Setting
- Goals put you in the drivers seat and they
motivate you to stay on the road with a clear
destination in mind. You steer the course than
drift along it allowing life to happen to you.
Without goals you are betting on luck with no
clear direction. Goals put the power in your
hands. Goals indicate progress. -
The Cons of Goals Targeted in the Wrong Area
The worst thing a person can do is to spend a
great amount of time working towards a goal that
in unobtainable, unrealistic and out of reach.
Although we go through life hearing that the
sky is the limit, there are situations where
limits that will prevent us from doing the things
that wed like to do. For example, I have a goal
in life to travel the world. This is a realistic
long term goal for me but unfortunately it is an
unobtainable, unrealistic and out of reach short
term goal because I cant afford to travel the
world and because of my parental obligations
which prevent me from leaving my children
unattended while I travel the world. Understand
which goals you can realistically achieve and the
time it will take you to do so. Dont be afraid
to be generous on the time. You are your own
measuring stick for success and you are
functioning on your own biological clock and
11How Goal Setting Works
- Setting your goals should be driven by passion
not by fad. What works for Jane or John Doe may
not be what is best for you. Make sure that your
goal is something that you really want and are
willing to work towards, not just something that
sounds good. -
- Your goal cannot contradict any of your other
goals. For example, its unrealistic to be a
freelance painter making an average of 20,000 a
year with a goal to purchase a 750,000 boat by
the end of the following year. The numbers dont
add up. You can, however research ways and set a
goal to sell your paintings at a higher rate in
order to earn more money to purchase a boat. -
- Dont be afraid to set goals in more than one
area in your life. You can set goals in the
areas of -
- Family and Home
Financial and Career - Spiritual and Ethical
Physical and Health - Social and Cultural
Mental and Educational -
- Write your goal in the positive instead of the
negative. - Write your goal out in complete detail
- Set your goal high enough.
- Write out all of the benefits you will receive
and enjoy by accomplishing your goals.
12Improving the Success of Goal Setting
- Set a deadline. Decide exactly when you are going
to accomplish your goals and put it down on
paper. -
- Identify the obstacles you will have to overcome
to achieve your goals. You will discover major
lingering obstacles in your mind. -
- Clearly define the knowledge you will need to
learn in order to accomplish your goals. -
- Get a clear mental picture of your goals as if
they are already attained. Picture in your mind
repeatedly seeing yourself succeeding and
achieving your goals. Just let your imagination
run wild. -
- Think of alternative routes that you could take
in order to reach your goal. For example, you
may want to start a business in horticulture but
you dont have the money to take the class at
your local Community college. You could always
learn by independent learning. Visit your local
library and check out books on the subject matter
for free. -
- Network with people that have already reached the
goal you are seeking. Sometimes, there are
certain resources available to you that you might
otherwise not know about if you werent
introduced to it through someone else.
13Key Concepts/Definitions
- Short-term 1 day to 3 month
- Mid-term / Intermediate/In between/halfway 3
months to 9 months - Long-term/ Long-range 1 year to span of
14Homework due November 11th
- Answer the following questions. You may share
your answers of these questions with me as I can
help you to identify if your goal is specific
enough and if you have it categorized correctly
(short/long, etc). You are not required to share
your goals with me. Feel free to email me any
questions that you may have. -
- My short-term goal is to _________________________
_____________. -
- My Midterm goal is to ____________________________
____________. -
- My Long-term goal is to __________________________
15Examples of Homework
- My Short-term goal is to paint the kitchen and
bathroom in my home. - My Midterm goal is to take a class on candle
making. - My Long-term goal is to travel to the UK.
16SMART Goals
- When you set SMART Goals, you set goals that are
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic
Time-Related. - For each that you have chosen, ask yourself if
they meet these criteria. Once that has been
established, you need to set an Action Plan. - What steps are you going to take to reach your
goal? You may already know exactly what you need
to do or maybe this is the area where things get
a little foggy. - Please keep in mind that there are a ton of
resources that can help you. You can check books
out of your local library and read up on the
subject or you can converse with someone whom has
already reached your intended goal. - Feel free to check with me and I can give you
more info on resources if you need it.
- You will receive various worksheets that are
designed to help you move forward with your goal
setting commitment. -
- The Sheet that is titled 246mygoals.pdf is the
main sheet of them all that you will be working
with. You will need three copies, one of each of
your goals or however many you need for each goal
you have set. This is the main sheet you will
look at everyday to keep your goals fresh in your
mind so you may want to first write it out on a
separate sheet of paper. Once it is filled out,
place this sheet someplace where you can see it
daily like a bathroom mirror or some other place
you often frequent. -
- The next sheet titled 072actionplan.pdf is the
next sheet that you will be working with. If
there is any field that seems foreign to you,
email me or skip it. You may not need this form
but its here to use in case you do. -
- Form 057visualizegoalexercise.pdf is used to help
you to visualize and prioritize your goals.
Again, you are not required to fill this out but
doing so is helpful. -
- Finally, for those of you that have set goals
related to your business or starting a business,
I am including form 333businessmissionstate which
is designed to help you formulate a Business
Mission Statement. Mission statements are not
only used with businesses. You can create a
personal mission statement.
18Some time ago, I created a personal ethics action
plan that contained a personal mission statement
and here is how it reads
- To find happiness, fulfillment, and value in
living I will - LEAD a life centered on the principles of
honesty, humility, fairness, and service. - REMEMBER what's important in life is family,
happiness, health, contribution, and personal
growth. - REVERE admirable characteristics in others, such
as being compassionate, balanced, giving,
trustworthy, ambitious, and respectful, and
attempt to implement similar characteristics in
my own life. - RECOGNIZE my strengths and develop talents as a
person who is a leader, a writer, spiritual, a
philosopher, kind, and confident. - HUMBLE myself by acknowledging that I can be
selfish, prideful, and unaware and by constantly
striving to transform my weaknesses into
strengths. - ENVISION myself becoming a person who
- My husband thinks is courageous, committed, and
forgiving. - My children think is compassionate, witty, and
independent. - My friends think is caring, creative, and
dependable. - Society thinks is a responsible leader who lives
by a meaningful code of ethics.
19- I have this posted in my bathroom where I can
refer upon it everyday as a reminder of what I
stand for as a woman and where I need to be. As
I mature and grow my statement could change but
thus far, it is still right on target for me. -
- You are required to submit any of these forms to
me as they are an important part of the goal
setting process. Writing your goals down gives
them Definiteness of Purpose. - Definiteness of Purpose is the starting point of
all achievement. All achievement begins with the
adoption of a definite major purpose and specific
plan for its attainment. -