Title: Java Server Pages
1Java Server Pages
- JSP Overview
- JSP and Java Beans
- Servlet Integration
- JSP Scripting
- Custom Tags
- JSP and WARs/EARs
3JSP Overview
- Document-centric specification
- similar to HTML
- markup code embedded in the document
- directives
- actions
- scripts
- Java is the currently supported scripting
language - Complementary to servlets
4JSP Example
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtJSP Examplelt/TITLEgt
- lt_at_ page import"java.util.Date" gt
- lt/HEADgt
- lt-- Embed Date in generated output --gt
- ltBODYgt
- The Date is
- lt new Date() gt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
5JSP Components
- JSP Tags
- Comments
- Scripting elements
- Actions
- Directives
6JSP Comments
- JSP comments are stripped out and do not appear
in the generated HTML page - lt-- This is a JSP comment --gt
- HTML comments are supported and do appear in the
generated HTML page - lt!-- This is an HTML comment --gt
7JSP Directives
- Instructions for JSP Container
- Processed when JSP page is converted to a servlet
- Directives do not cause information to be written
to JSPs output - Shorthand Form
- lt_at_ page importjavax.naming. gt
- XML Form
- ltjspdirective.page importjavax.naming. /gt
8JSP Page Directives
- Page directive attributes
- info - defines string returned from
Servlet.getServletInfo() - language - only required language is java
- contentType - defaults to text/htmlcharsetISO-8
859-1 - ltjspdirective.page contentTypetext/xml/gt
- extends - specifies the base class of the
generated servlet - generally not a good idea, limits the container
implementation options - import - specifies classes to import for
scriptlets/beans - ltjspdirective.page importpackage.Class/gt
9JSP Page Directives (cont.)
- Page directive attributes (Cont)
- session - defines implicit HttpSession session
variable - ltjspdirective.page sessiontrue/gt
- buffer - specifies size of output buffer
- autoFlush - flushes (true) buffer when
fullthrows (false) exception - isThreadSafe - dispatches requests in single
thread (false) or multiple threads (true).
Default is true. - isErrorPage - defines implicit java.lang.Throwable
exception variable - ltjspdirective.page errorPagetrue/gt
- errorPage - specifies JSP to invoke on uncaught
exceptions - ltjspdirective.page errorPage/ErrorPage.jsp/gt
10JSP Include Directives
- Static includes done at deployment
- lt_at_ include filefileRelativeURL gt
- ltjspdirective.include filefileRelativeURL /gt
- Same as include is C/C
- Imagine a page
- ltjspdirective.include fileHeader.jsp /gt
- lt jspdirective.include fileBody.jsp /gt
- lt jspdirective.include fileFooter.jsp /gt
- Another form may be done at runtimeltjspinclude
11JSP Declarations
- Create variables (or methods) for later use in
expressions or scriptlets - lt! String choice gt
- ltjspdeclarationgt String choice
lt/jspdeclaraiongt - Code is inserted in generated servlet outside of
service() method. - Object-level scope
- Example
- ltjspdeclarationgt
- int i0
- void print() System.out.println(i)
- ltjspdeclarationgt
- ltjspscriptletgtprint()ltjspscriptletgt
- Code to be inserted directly in the generated
servlet and executed when page is requested - i.e. inserted in service method
- lt choice request.getParameter(Product) gt
- ltjspscriptletgt
- choicerequest.getParameter(Product)
- lt/jspscriptletgt
- Default scripting language is Java so all
conditional statements, method invocations, etc.
are supported
- Insert results from code execution directly onto
the JSP Page - ltPgt
- The Date is lt new Date() gt
- lt/Pgt
- ltPgt
- The Date is ltjspexpressiongtnew
Date()lt/jspexpressiongt - lt/Pgt
- Automatically converts toString() and writes
14Implicit Objects
- page
- Pages servlet instance
- config
- ServletConfig (configuration data)
- request
- HttpServletRequest
- response
- HttpServletResponse
15Implicit Objects (Cont)
- out
- Output Stream for content (JspWriter)
- session
- HttpSession
- application
- ServletContext
- pageContext
- Context Data for page execution (PageContext)
- exception
- Available on error pages (java.lang.Throwable)
16Implicit Object Example
- ltHTMLgt
- ltBODYgt
- lt String visitorrequest.getParameter(name)
- if( visitornull) visitorUnknown gt
- Hello, lt visitor gt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
- http//localhost7001/jsp/implicit.jsp?nameDan
- Remember Keep URLs shorter than 255 characters
17JSP-Specific Tags
- jspforward
- Switch to another URL
- jspinclude
- Embed the contents of another URL in this page
- jspuseBean, jspsetProperty, jspgetProperty
- Embed and use JavaBeans in a JSP Page
- jspplugin
- downloads Java plugin to client
- Embedding code in the HTML page is convenient,
but . - We are mixing business logic with presentation
- Use JSP for simple coding e.g. Date
- Defer business logic to Beans and or Servlets
19JSP and Java Beans
20What is a Bean?
- Java class that follows a set of implementation
and naming guidelines - Typically named xxxBean
- Public no argument constructor
- Setters/Getters for attributes
- Indexed properties
- BeanInfo interface
- Should implement java.io.Serializable
- Event model, bound and constrained properties
packages corej2ee.examples.web.usebean public
class HelloBean implements java.io.Serializable
String name public HelloBean()
nameAnonymous public String getName()
return name public void setName(String
argName) nameargName
lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtTest of jsp use
beangtlt/titlegtlt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtEnter
Namelt/h1gt ltform action"usebean.jsp"
method"POST"gt lttable border"0"
width"30" cellspacing"3" cellpadding"2"gt
lttrgtlttdgtltbgtUser Namelt/bgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput type"text" size"20"
lttrgtlttdgtltpgtltinput type"submit"
value"Login"gtlt/tdgtlt/trgt lt/tablegt
lt/formgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
23Using Java Beans in JSP
- ltjspuseBean id"hellobean" class"corej2ee.exampl
es.web.usebean.HelloBean"/gt - ltjspsetProperty namehellobean property"name"
param"name"/gt - ltHTMLgt
- Hello, ltjspgetProperty name"hellobean"
property"name"/gt - ltBODYgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
24Setting Bean Attributes
- jspsetProperty tag
- Can initialize bean properties from HttpRequest
- ltjspsetProperty namehello propertyname
paramname/gt - Param attribute (from form) is the equivalent of
- request.getParameter(name)
- Property attribute (from JavaBean) is equivalent
of - hello.setName()
- Shortcut to set all parameters in bean that match
request parameter names - ltjspsetProperty namehello property/gt
- Use value attribute to set the property to a
specific value - propertyname valuehard-coded-value
25Bean Scope
- Bean lifetime defaults to the execution of the
page that contains the useBean tag - scope
- page - defined in jsp.PageContext
- request - defined in Servlet.service()s
request object - (jspforward, jspinclude)
- session - defined in users session object
- application - defined in Servlets Context
- Interesting servlet/jsp communication mechanism
26Benefits and Limitations
- Benefits
- Separates business logic from HTML content
- Easier maintenance
- Component Re-usability
- Can be configured with commercial tools
- Limitations
- Java Bean event model not supported
27JSP Summary
- Allows HTML authors to be HTML authors and not
Java programmers - While Java code can be embedded in the .jsp page
this should be kept to a minimum - Use JavaBeans for model data and tags as the
interface between the html page and the model - Avoid HTML output from Beans
- Custom Tags are useful for generating HTML
28JSP Custom Tags
29JSP Tags Overview
- Capability to define your own jsp tags in a
portable manner - Required components
- Tag Handler class
- Implements tag behavior
- Tag Library Descriptor File
- Define class to server and associate it with an
XML tag name - XML document
30Tag Handler
- Must implement the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
interface - doStartTag() and doEndTag() are key methods
- Frequently extend TagSupport
31(No Transcript)
32 Handler Example (DebugTag.java)
- package corej2ee.examples.web.tag
- import javax.servlet.jsp.
- import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.
- import java.io.
- import javax.servlet.
- / A tag that includes the body content only if
- the "debug" request parameter is set.
- ltPgt
- Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
- from Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems
Press, - http//www.coreservlets.com/.
- copy 2000 Marty Hall may be freely used or
adapted. - /
- public class DebugTag extends TagSupport
- public int doStartTag()
- ServletRequest request pageContext.getReques
t() - String debugFlag request.getParameter("debug
") - if ((debugFlag ! null)
- (!debugFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
- else
- return(SKIP_BODY)
33TagLib Descriptor FileWEB-INF/csajsp-taglib.tld
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"
?gt lt!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems,
Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
_1.dtd"gt lttaglibgt lttlibversiongt1.0lt/tlibversion
gt ltjspversiongt1.1lt/jspversiongt
ltshortnamegtcsajsplt/shortnamegt lturigtlt/urigt
34WEB-INF/csajsp-taglib.tld (Cont)
- ltinfogt
- A tag library from Core Servlets and
JavaServer Pages, - http//www.coreservlets.com/.
- lt/infogt
- lttaggt
- ltnamegtdebuglt/namegt
- lttagclassgtcorej2ee.examples.web.tag.DebugTaglt/
tagclassgt - ltbodycontentgtJSPlt/bodycontentgt
- ltinfogtIncludes body only if debug param is
set.lt/infogt - lt/taggt
- lt/taglibgt
35web.xml entry
lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN " "http//java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2
_2.dtd"gt ltweb-appgt lttaglibgt
-locationgt lt/taglibgt lt/web-appgt
Transitional//EN"gt - lt!--
- Illustration of SimplePrimeTag tag.
- Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
- from Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press,
- http//www.coreservlets.com/.
- copy 2000 Marty Hall may be freely used or
adapted. - --gt
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtUsing the Debug Taglt/TITLEgt
- HREF"JSP-Styles.css"
- TYPE"text/css"gt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ltH1gtUsing the Debug Taglt/H1gt
- lt_at_ taglib uri"csajsp-taglib.tld"
prefix"csajsp" gt - Top of regular page. Blah, blah, blah. Yadda,
yadda, yadda. - ltPgt
- ltcsajspdebuggt
- ltBgtDebuglt/Bgt
- ltULgt
- ltLIgtCurrent time lt new java.util.Date() gt
- ltLIgtRequesting hostname lt request.getRemoteHo
st() gt - ltLIgtSession ID lt session.getId() gt
- lt/ULgt
- lt/csajspdebuggt
- ltPgt
- Bottom of regular page. Blah, blah, blah. Yadda,
yadda, yadda. - lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
37Invoking debug.jsp
38Invoking debug.jsp with Debug
39Tag Complexity
- Tags can become very complicated
- Can parse body themselves
- Can become nested in other tags
- Looping constructs
- While beans are generally used for model data and
shared information, tags are typically confined
to a single page
40Tag Summary
- Tags are a portable extension mechanism for jsp
- Can build a library of components
- Ex. XSLT renderer of XML data
- Bridge to JavaBean model data
- Ex. Setting indexed properties
- Further eliminates the need for HTML authors to
learn Java
41JSTL and Expression Language
42JSP Standard Tag Library
- Encapsulates core functionality for many web
applications in custom tags - http//java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl
- Requires JSP 1.2
- Custom tags
- Iteration, Control, Internationalization,
Database Access - Expression language to simplify page development
43JSTL Libraries
- Core
- XML Processing
- I18N
- Database Access
44Expression Language
- Simpler syntax for accessing Java Bean properties
- Similar to JavaScript
- customerBean.name
- customerBeanname
- customerBean is in one of the JSPs scopes
- page, request, session, or application
- Implicit variables also available
- param collection of all request parameters
- cookie collection of all cookies
- header collection of all request headers
45Basic Example (e1.jsp)
- lt_at_ taglib uri"myTLD" prefix"c" gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtJSTL Basic EL Supportlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"FFFFFF"gt
46lth1gtBasic EL exampleslt/h1gt cookie.JSESSIONID.val
ue ltcout value"cookie.JSESSIONID.value"
/gt ltBRgt param'name' ltcout
value"param'name'" /gt ltBRgt header'User-Ag
ent' ltcout value"header'User-Agent'"
/gt ltBRgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
47(No Transcript)
48Iteration Example (IterateSetup.jsp)
lt_at_ page import"corej2ee.examples.web.jspstl.,
java.util.ArrayList" gt lt STLPerson
personnew STLPerson() person.setName("Dan")
person.setStreet("Poplar Ridge")
49 STLPerson person2new STLPerson()
person2.setName("Jim") person2.setStreet("Seve
rna Park") person2.setZip("21046") List
peopleListnew ArrayList() peopleList.add(pers
on) peopleList.add(person2)
request.setAttribute("people", peopleList) gt ltjs
pinclude page"Iterate.jsp" /gt
lt_at_ taglib uri"myTLD" prefix"c"
gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtJSTL Iteration
Examplelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbody bgcolor"FFFFFF"gt lt
h3gtSimple Iterationlt/h3gt lth4gtPeople listlt/h4gt
51ltTABLE BORDER"1"gt ltTRgtltTDgtNamelt/TDgtltTDgtStreetlt/
TDgtltTDgtZiplt/TDgtlt/TRgt ltcforEach var"person"
items"people" gt ltTRgt ltTDgtltcout
value"person.name" /gtlt/TDgt ltTDgtltcout
value"person.street" /gtlt/TDgt ltTDgtltcout
value"person.zip" /gtlt/TDgt
lt/TRgt lt/cforEachgt lt/TABLEgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
52(No Transcript)
53JSP and J2EE
54JSP and WARs
- JSPs can be treated like a static resource and
grouped with html and image files in the WAR - JSPs can also be configured like servlets in the
WAR file to - Map to a URL
- Receive initialization parameters, etc.
- ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtmyFoolt/servlet-na
megt ltjsp-filegtmyJSPfile.jsplt/jsp-filegtlt/serv
letgt - ltservlet-mappinggt ltservlet-namegtmyFoolt/
servlet-namegt lturl-patterngt/mainlt/url-pattern
55Web Architectures
56Session EJB
Action/ Worker Servlet
Java Bean
Controller Servlet
Entity Beans
View JSP
Custom Tags
57JSP Summary
- Page-centric technology for dynamic web pages
- Avoid Java code in JSP pages
- Use Java Beans
- Custom Tags
- For mid-large sites use MVC architecture
- Servlets for getting work done
- JSP for page templates