Title: Valuebill
A Local e-Government National Project
Barry Tuckwood, Project Manager barry_at_tuckwood.co.
- Becoming a trailblazer - Costs and Benefits
- What is Valuebill?
- What are the benefits to the Pilots?
- What is in the Starter Kit
- What do LAs need?
- What support will there be?
- How might they go about it?
- QA
3What does Valuebill Provide?The Future Process
Electronic Data Exchange
- Why it is being carried out
- Addressing the issues
- Needs and Benefits
- What we are doing
- How we are doing it
5Why is it Being Carried Out? - Are you getting
- To improve receipts for Council Tax and
Non-Domestic Rates. - Domestic rates 13.6Bn. 4 uncollected.
- Non Domestic 14.4Bn. 2 uncollected.
- To provide greater equity
- To identify any omissions 1?
- Improve information of changed and new properties
for local taxation
6Becoming a trailblazer - Costs and BenefitsWhy
do it?
- Valuebill supports all service areas which
require accurate property data.
7Priority Service Areas
- Schools
- Community
- Democratic renewal
- Environmental quality
- e-Procurement
- Payments
- Libraries, Sports Leisure
- Transport
- Benefits
- Support for vulnerable people
- Supporting new ways of working
- Accessibility of services
- High take up of web-based transactional services
- Making it easy for citizens to do business with
the council
8Customer Needs
- Joined up information and single point of service
- More accessible rating and council tax info for
home buyers
- Faster local taxation valuation services for
citizen and business purchase
- Fair and complete collection of taxes
- Transparency for modernisation of local
taxation, making valuations better understood and
accepted without need to appeal
9Local and National Government Benefits
- Increased rate of collection/equity
- Building control completions information used to
trigger local taxation
- Early warning info from planning applications to
- Seamless and fully automated electronic processes
- Improved policy targeting for housing and other
benefits. Enhanced take up
- VOA Local Taxation modernisation / transparency
10What are the Costs and Benefits?
- Costs
- Project Team Time
- Technical/Software changes
- Benefits
- Identifying all rateable properties
- Increasing the speed of changes to data to enable
improved collection - Improving the effective use of staff time on data
input and retrieval - Identification of new properties
- Improved data management
- Duplication minimised
11What is Valuebill?The Problem
- Data is currently disjointed and often repetitive
and manual
12Addressing The Issues
- At least 40 address lists in each authority
- The UK address-base is poorly defined
- Royal Mail Postal Address File is designed for
mail delivery 20m letterboxes vs 30m
properties. Addresses for non postal
addressable objects
- Lack of consistent data collection methodology
- NLPG has adopted industry sponsored British
Standard 7666
- Lack of standards and linkage protocols
13Addressing The Issue
Manor House 15-19
Church Street
24-36 Imperial Mansions
14Addressing The Issue
Every individual occupier needs services They
should all pay for those services Lets look at
all the occupiers on just one floor
Manor House 15-19 Church Street
15Addressing the issue
Every unit has its own National Land and Property
Gazetteer Unique Property Reference Number
Refuse Collection
Emergency Services
Social Services
Electoral Roll
Housing Benefit
Ownership/ Leases/licences
Council Tax/ Rates
Manor House 15-19 Church Street
Rights of passage
Gas, Water Electricity Supply
16Data FlowsExisting Process Defined by VOA
17A SolutionCommon Source and Clear Continuity
- Valuebill links up LA address data and VOA data.
18Data FlowsFuture Process Defined by VOA
19What is Valuebill?
- Data matching LAs to LLPG to NLPG to VOA
- New field in VOA database for NLPG Unique
Property Reference Number - New electronic process development within LAs and
VOA for local taxation - New processes for data collection
20What are we doing?
- Establishing data flow requirements and data
standards - Disseminating standards and protocols
- Improving data flows internally in Local
Authorities - Linking Billing Authorities to LLPGs to NLPG to
21How is Valuebill Being Carried Out?
- Data matching within LAs to embed LLPG address
references for local taxation - Data matching LAs to LLPG to NLPG to VOA
- New electronic process development within LAs and
VOA for local taxation - XML Schema to enable databases to talk to each
other - Starter Kit to enable rollout
- Capturing Issues and Solutions to use
- Case studies from the 10 Pilot authorities
- It joins up Local Address Data with VOA data
- It uses the Gazetteer
- It develops the Gazetteer from internal data
sources - The Gazetteer becomes an organisational resource
23What are we producing? What is in the Starter Kit?
- Business Case
- Benefits
- Costs
- Project Plan
- Processes
- FAQs
- Case Studies
- Supplier Aspects
24The schema
- Schema in XML for data transfer
- Open for suppliers to use
- Currently being reviewed by suppliers and VOA
25What do LAs need to do?
- Understand their internal processes
- Understand their use of address databases
- Commitment
- A team approach
26What does that mean for participation?
- Good Local Gazetteer
- Means to extract data from the systems
- Consistent approach for creating new addresses
- LLPG to be a common corporate resource
- Facility for including alternative addresses
which are regarded by individual departments as
the legal address
27What will change?
- Processes for data collection
- Data management
- Internal and external relationship management
- LAs internal
- LA Suppliers
- LA - Customers
28What specifically will this mean?
- Prevent uncontrolled address creation
- Minimise address databases
- Change data transfer
29What are the keys to avoiding duplication?
- Ensure compliance with address standards
- Review address management
- Build on what is already in place
- Focus on the Local Gazetteer
30Enhance the LLPG It becomes the central source
- Data matching internally
- Data matching with VOA through NLPG
- Data amendments
31What else can we do to be involved?
- Provide Ideas for the Starter Kit
- Comment on the Starter Kit
- Discuss with others in your LA Target audiences
for developing the rollout are
- Regional groups
- E-champions
- Chief Executives
- Finance
- Head of Council Tax
- Head of Business Rates
- Head of Local gazetteer
- The Leaders the Members
32What support will there be?
- Project Management support
- Practitioners from the Pilots the Partners
- Technical support
- Starter kit on CD/DVD
- Access to cross-reference tables for data
matching - Clear process for development
34How might LAs go about it?
- Review
- Existing processes
- Existing databases
- Identify key databases for addresses
- Review relationship with Local Gazetteer
- What about the technical side?
- Identify your key suppliers
- Review the schema
- Note that Valuebill is already talking to
suppliers - Clarify the functions to involve
- Confirm the Project Team
35Valuebill Project TeamAn example
- Head of Information Management
- Head of Revenues
- Local Taxation Manager
- Business Analyst (Project Manager for GIS and
LLPG) - LLPG Manager (Valuebill Project Manager)
36Thank you
37Where To Get More Info.
- Valuebill_at_idea.gov.uk
- www.newham.gov.uk/valuebill
- www.nlpg.org.uk
- www.idea.gov.uk
- www.odpm.gov.uk