Title: Secure Peering with AsteriskTM
1Secure Peering with AsteriskTM
VON.x San Jose, CA March 2008
2What is Secure Peering?
- Secure Peer to Peer VoIP based on a shared Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Peering Server
Branch Office
Sales Office
Call Center
Sales Office
3Establishing PKI Security Services
Certificate Authority (CA) for Peer to
Peer Authorization (OSP Server)
Client Device requests public-key and certificate
from CA
CA sends its public key and its certificate
Client Device sends certificate request to CA
CA returns signed certificate
4Benefits of secure multi-lateral peering
- Efficient peer to peer communications eliminates
signaling bottlenecks - Access control is greatly simplified
- IP access lists are eliminated
- Asymmetric key management is simpler and more
secure than shared secrets (passwords) - Eliminates complexity of many peer to peer
interconnect agreements
5Examples of Secure Peering
- Enterprise VoIP VPN
- Wholesale Inter-Carrier VoIP Services
- Tiered Peering
- Dundi Settlement Clearinghouse
6Enterprise VoIP Network
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting 4.
Autonomous local operation 5. Minimum bandwidth
1. Centralized routing
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting 4.
Autonomous local operation
2. Secure inter-office access control
4. Autonomous local operation
3. Centralized accounting
5. Minimum bandwidth
1. Centralized routing
Branch Office
Sales Office
Call Center
7Enterprise VoIP VPN
- Secure peering architecture provides VoIP VPN
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting 4.
Autonomous local operation 5. Minimum bandwidth
1. Centralized routing
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting
1. Centralized routing 2. Secure inter-office
access control 3. Centralized accounting 4.
Autonomous local operation
Peering Server
Branch Office
Sales Office
Call Center
2. Route Authorization
3. SIP INVITE with Token
4. CDR collection
1. Enrollment
8Wholesale Inter-Carrier Services
- Challenge How to manage interconnect access and
billing among thousands of ITSP peers
9Wholesale Inter-Carrier Services
- Conventional solution is to route all calls via a
softswitch or session border controller.
10Wholesale Inter-Carrier Services
- Secure peering is more scalable, more reliable,
better QoS, less bandwidth, lower cost.
Peering Server
Route Lookup
11Wholesale Inter-Carrier Services
- Call Detail Collection from both the source and
destination eliminates settlement disputes
Peering Server
12Tiered Peering
- Secure peering among multiple peering networks.
Peering Server
Peering Server
Purple Peering Network
Yellow Peering Network
13Tiered Peering CDR Reporting
- Top tier peering networks receive Call Detail
Records from both source and destination peers.
Peering Server
Peering Server
Purple Peering Network
Yellow Peering Network
- Distributed Universal Number Discovery
- Based on General Peering Agreement
- No Settlement
15DUNDi Clearinghouse
- DUNDi nodes enroll with CA
- DUNDi nodes enroll with CA
- Route and rate discovery with DUNDi
- DUNDi nodes enroll with CA
- Route and rate discovery with DUNDi
- Source submits route rate to clearinghouse for
digitally signed token
rate / minute?
2 / minute!
16DUNDi Clearinghouse
- SIP INVITE includes signed token
SIP INVITE with token
- Destination validates token and rate
- CDRs sent to clearinghouse
17DUNDi Clearinghouse
- Clearinghouse performs settlement billing
18Details of Secure Peering
- ETSI OSP protocol defines standardized messages
for the secure exchange IP based sessions. - An OSP server is a web server
- Message Formats
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Secure MIME
- Communication Protocols
19OSP Message Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server IP address of OSP
server Date Thu, 12 May 2005 183259
GMT Connection Keep-Alive Keep-Alive
timeout3600, max5000 Content-Length
1996 Content-Type text/plain lt?xml
version'1.0'?gt ltMessage messageId'11703738491'
random'21655'gt ltAuthorizationResponse
componentId'11703738490'gt ltTimestampgt2005-05-12T1
83259Zlt/Timestampgt ltTransactionIdgt47850982870685
43017lt/TransactionIdgt ltDestinationgt ltCallId
ltDestinationInfo type'e164'gtCalled
Numberlt/DestinationInfogt ltDestinationSignalAddr
essgtIP AddressPortlt/DestinationSignalAddressgt
HTTP Header
OSP Message
20OSP Message Example (cont.)
Unique Transaction ID per call
ltAuthorizationResponse componentId'11703738490'gt
ltTimestampgt2005-05-12T183259Zlt/Timestampgt ltTrans
actionIdgt4785098287068543017lt/TransactionIdgt ltDest
inationgt ltCallId encoding'base64'gtMTExNTkxOTE3
Ny45lt/CallIdgt ltDestinationInfo
type'e164'gtCalled Numberlt/DestinationInfogt
ltDestinationSignalAddressgtIP Address
ltUsageDetailgt ltAmountgt14400lt/Amountgt
ltUnitgtslt/Unitgt lt/UsageDetailgt
ltSourceInfo type'e164'gtCalling
Numberlt/SourceInfogt ltToken encoding'base64'gt
Call ID from source device
Called Number may be translated
Call authorized for 14440 seconds
IP Address of Called Number
Call authorized to start in 10 minute window
Protocol may be SIP, H323, IAX,
Digital signature of token ensures non-repudiation
21Tools for Secure Peering
- www.Asterisk.org
- Asterisk includes OSP client
- www.SourceForge.net
- osp-toolkit (client)
- RAMS OSP Server
- www.vovida.org
- OpenOSP Server (based on Apache)
- www.iptel.org
- SIP Express Router supports OSP
- www.OpenSER.org
- OpenSER SIP proxy supports OSP
- www.voxgratia.org
- OSP enabled H323 proxy
- www.TransNexus.com
- Free OSP server download