Title: L12: Privacy Protecting Technologies
1L12 Privacy Protecting Technologies
- CSCI E-170December 7, 2004Simson L. Garfinkel
- HW6 Grades sent out. (sorry for the delay)
- Projects How are people doing?
- Privacy Protecting Technologies
- Course Evaluations
- In class or on the website
3Technology Value Neutral?
- Does technology, on average, help or hinder
personal privacy?
4The Big Idea
- We can use technology to improve privacy
5Privacy Protecting Tools for Web Browsing
- Browser
- pop-up blocking
- Client Side
- Web proxy works with anything
- IE plug-in helper object
- Web Service
- Browser agnostic
- You must trust the service!
6Browser protection
- Safari and Mozilla provide
- pop-up blocking
- Cookie Management
- Demo look at whats offered
7Client-side Protection
- Ad-Subtract
- http//www.intermute.com/adsubtract/
- Bugnosis
- http//www.bugnosis.org/
- SpoofGuard
- http//crypto.stanford.edu/SpoofGuard/
- WebPwdHash
- http//crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/
8Ad Subtract
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Search Sanity
12Ad Subtract Client-Side Java Proxy
- Advantages
- Multiplatform
- Easy to debug
- Client/server
- Disadvantages
- Doesnt work with SSL
- Install footprint
- Need to parse HTML
13Ad Blockers
- Ad-Subtract
- Junkbuster Proxy
- Discussion?
- Features
- Browser helper object
- Accesses HTTP HTTPS
- Downloads updates
- Designed for journalists
- Browser plug-in (IE only)
- Rule-based spamassassin for websites
17SpoofGuard Controls
- Not quite sure how to set these? Youre not alone
18SpoofGuard rules
- Domain Name Check
- http//www.paypai.com/
- URL check
- http//www.paypai.com_at_123.123.123.123/
- Email Check
- Arriving at a URL by email is bad
- Password Field Check
- Lower threshold for pages asking for passwords
- Link Check
- Suspicious links are links that have suspicious
URLs - Image Check
- Images on one website similar to those on another
website - Password Tracking
- Password at one website same as another website
19SpoofGuard URL Check
20SpoofGuard Image Check
21SpoofGuard Download
- OpenSource - Good template for doing a browser
plug-in - Internet Explorer only
- http//crypto.stanford.edu/SpoofGuard/download.htm
l - Discussion?
- The problem Users tend to use the same username
password at every site - The solution Hash the password with the domain
at the browser and send the hash to the remote
- Advantages
- Each site gets a different password
- Protects against phishing
- Disadvantages
- Must trust the browser (doing that anyway)
- Cant run without the plug-in (unless you go to a
remote website) - Users must reset all of their passwords
- Doesnt work with handhelds, cell phones, etc.
- Discussion?
24Privacy Protecting Web Services
- Web Caches Open Proxies
- Remailers
- Anonymizer
- Anonymous Transport Services
- Freedom
- Onion Routing
- Anonymous Publishing Services
25Why use a privacy service?
- Prevent tracing to your IP address
- Get around a national, ISP, or business block
- China
- Saudi Arabia
- Fidelity
- Anonymity Loves Company
- Chaums mix-net scheme
- 1 mix you trust the mixer
- More mixes -gt Less Trust
- Mixing needs to be in space and time
27Practical applications of mixers
- Anonymous Remailers
- Anonymous Browsing
- Anonymous Publishing
28Anonymous Remailers
- Anonymous posting on Usenet
- anon.penet.fi
- Based in Finland
- Operated by Julf Helsingius
- 70,000 registered users 10,000 messages/day
- February 1995 Church of Scientology demands the
True Name of a nym an144108_at_anon.penet.fi - Revealed on February 8 to belong to
tc_at_alumni.caltech.edu under order from Finish
Court - (Information applied to the Finish court had
apparently been somewhat misleading) - August 30 After second court case,
anon.penet.fi shut down - full details at www.xs4all.nl/kspaink/cos/rnewman
29Craigs List
30Key features of an anonymous remailer
- Strips identity from messages passing through
- Provides mapping of nyms to true names
- But only if replies are important
- Optional
- Mixing - only if traffic in and out is observable
- Encryption Prevents intermediaries from knowing
whats going on.
31Freedom / Onion Routing
32Web Caches Less Sophisticated, but easier to
- No special software to install support for
caches is already built in. - Can work both ways a cache can also monitor you.
33Web Caches
cache-ntc-ah12.proxy.aol.com - -
10/May/2003224731 -0400 "GET
HTTP/1.0" 200 65536 "http//aolsearch.aol.com/aol/
search?queryfountainideaspage2" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible MSIE 6.0 AOL 7.0 Windows NT 5.1
.NET CLR 1.0.3705) cache-ntc-ah12.proxy.aol.com
- - 10/May/2003224739 -0400 "GET
HTTP/1.1" 206 688128 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible MSIE 6.0 AOL 7.0 Windows NT 5.1
.NET CLR 1.0.3705) cache-ntc-ah12.proxy.aol.com
- - 10/May/2003224744 -0400 "GET
HTTP/1.1" 206 1024 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible
MSIE 6.0 AOL 7.0 Windows NT 5.1 .NET CLR
1.0.3705) cache-ntc-ah12.proxy.aol.com - -
10/May/2003224747 -0400 "GET
HTTP/1.1" 206 75 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible
MSIE 6.0 AOL 7.0 Windows NT 5.1 .NET CLR
34Cache with anonymity
36Anonymizer.com rewrites URLs
lttd width90 style'backgroundaqua
text-aligncenter fontbold
font-familyArial'gt lta href'http//anon.f
p' title'Photos by and of Simson Garfinkel'gt
Photos lt/agt lt/tdgt lttd width90
text-aligncenter fontbold font-familyArial'gt
lta href'http//anon.free.anonymizer.com/h
ttp//www.simson.net/pubs.php' title'Publications
, both academic and journalistic.'gt Pubs lt/agt
lt/tdgt lttd width90 style'backgroundmagenta
fontbold font-familyArial'gt lta
imson.net/projects.php' title'Current projects'gt
Projects lt/agt lt/tdgt
37Open Proxy
- Like a cache, but no cache!
- No logs (usually)
- Anybody running an open proxy server
- Also used by bad guys
38Unresolved Issues
- How do you buy a book anonymously?
39Anonymous Publishing Services
- anon.penet.fi was really about the right to
anonymous publication on Usenet (1996) - The Eternity Service
- Ross J. Anderson
- http//www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rja14/eternity/etern
ity.html - Publius
- http//www.freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/publius.pdf
- Waldman, Rubin Cranor
- Free Haven
- KaZaA?
40Key Items Required for Anonymous Publishing
- Server Management
- Naming of Documents
- Publishing
- Updating
- Deleting
- Indexing
- Payment
41Private Messaging
- PGP first generation
- Hush Mail web based
- The Martus Project application specific
- Groove
- Disappearing Ink (Omniva) Deletion
- c.f. Microsoft Rights Management System
- Add-on
- Plug-in
- S/MIME vs. OpenPGP
- Political Baggage
43Hush Mail
- Second-generation
- Web-based
- Java Crypto Client
44Hush Mail
45Hush Mail
46Hush Mail
47Hush Mail
48Hush Mail Interface
49HushMail Diagram
- Closed system for filing human rights reports
- Oriented around bulletins
- Lots of clever ideas
51Martus Login
- Screen-based keyboard to defeat keyboard sniffers.
52Martus Bulletins
- Designed to be easily created, easily searched
- Based on 10 years of research by Patrick Ball
53Martus Design
- All information kept in an encrypted database
54Groove Virtual Office
- Peer-to-Peer
- Encrypted Space and Communications
- Messaging
- Future unclear
55Disappearing Ink / Omniva
- Self-destructing email for people who want to use
it. - Why bother? Because its hard to delete things
56Email gets copies a lot
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60Microsoft Rights Management System
- Like Dissappearing Ink, but you need to have
permission to get the key - Main use Preventing forwarding of Microsoft Word
documents to outside of an organization - Built into Office 2003
- EPIC Online Guide to Privacy Protecting tools
- http//www.epic.org/privacy/tools.html