Title: MTECH Partnerships Leveraging University Innovation to Strengthen Maryland Companies
1MTECH PartnershipsLeveraging University
Innovation to Strengthen Maryland Companies
Programs Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program
(MIPS) faculty research to enhance company
competitiveness Maryland Technology Extension
Service (MTES) manufacturing solutions for
Maryland companies Bioprocess Research and
Education Program bioprocess scale-up, technical
assistance, and training Maryland Performance
Excellence Awards driving performance
excellence and quality in Maryland
organizations ASPIRE undergraduate research
2Maryland Industrial Partnerships
- MIPS is a 2.2 M fund for academic-industrial RD
- Enabling technology commercialization in Maryland
through jointly funded university-company RD - Faculty and students gain funding to engage in
commercially-relevant research - Companies leverage their RD funding and gain
access to faculty expertise - Disciplines Engineering, and computer, physical
and life sciences - Scientific/technical evaluation
- Business/economic review
3Maryland Industrial Partnerships
- Successful MIPS Products Manufactured in Maryland
- Black Deckers Bullet Speed Tip Masonry Drill
Bit - MedImmunes Synagis
- Quantum Sail Design Groups offwind performance
racing sails - Marteks Formulaid
- Navmars Unmanned surveillance vehicle
- Hughes Network Systems DIRECWAY satellite
internet product - Cumulative revenue gt11.6 billion
4Maryland Technology Extension Service
- MTES is funded by UMCP, DBED and NIST,
- MTES Mission is Twofold
- Apply Clark School of Engineering resources to
benefit Maryland manufacturers. - Strengthen the competitiveness of Maryland
manufacturers by providing information, decision
support, and implementation assistance.
5MTES Services
- Operations and Production Improvement
- Lean manufacturing applications
- Process and Plant layout
- Logistics
- Environmental Pollution prevention assessments
- Engineering and RD Product improvement
- Business and Management Continuous Innovation
6Maryland Technology Extension Service
7Maryland Technology Extension Service
- MTES Impacts 97.2 M assisting Maryland
manufacturers - Increased and Retain Sales
- Cost savings
- Jobs Creation/Retention
8Bioprocess Research and Education Program
- BREPs Mission
- 1. Research Provide a core bioprocessing (scale
up and downstream purification) facility for
University of Maryland research faculty - 2. Education Enhance workforce development in
bioprocessing for the academic and industrial
communities - 3. Contract Services Strengthen the
competitiveness of Maryland biotechnology
companies by providing cost effective
bioprocessing facilities and expertise
9Bioprocess Research and Education Program
- BREPs successes
- Education coursework and training programs for
University of Maryland and local industry - More than 50 students have worked in this
facility - Contract Services has worked with more than 60
local bioscience firms in the past 20 years
10Maryland Performance Excellence Awards
- MPEA is the State of Marylands Baldrige type
award program - Year long program to improve quality in
organizations by employing strict excellence
criteria - Supported by US Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski
- Award ceremony in March each year
- Undergraduate research projects, awarded
competitively - ASPIRE awardees receive
- A scholarship of 1000 for each semester project
- "Undergraduate Research Assistant" notation on
their transcript - For summer projects, students receive a
scholarship of 3,000.
12Change from MTECH Partnerships toMTECH
13- MTECH Ventures
- Launches and accelerates the growth of
early-stage companies based on UM discoveries. - Provides hands-on technical, business, and
funding support to regional entrepreneurs
building new technology companies. - Educates technology creators to understand and
apply entrepreneurial practices and tactics.
14Innovation is the Future
- Technical innovations will catalyze economic
growth in the 21st century. - Innovations will be pioneered by entrepreneurs,
research scientists, and academics not by
corporations. - There are many obstacles and challenges
associated with successful technology venturing. - The ability of the US to remain the innovation
commercialization leader is in question, unless
the obstacles are mitigated.
15A Significant Gap Exists
Knowledge Gap Funding Gap Culture Gap Social
Capital Gap Infrastructure Gap
Research Innovations
Successful New Ventures
Bridging this gap is critical to the regional and
US economies.
16Venture Creation On Campus
- VentureAccelerator
- Selects technologies and launches companies.
- Campus wide participation faculty and students.
- Rigorous selection process VC-aligned.
- Inventor participation can vary from active to
consultative. - Brings company-building to the source of
innovation. - UM receives equity and deferred fees.
- Aligned with the licensing office.
- Simplified, single contract palatable to
investors/partners. - Typical active mentoring period of 18-24 months.
17The VentureAccelerator Process
Scalable Early Stage Company
- CEO recruiting team
- build-out
- Advisors and experts
- Angel grant
- fundraising
- Product launch alphas
- and betas
- Prepare to disengage
- Product planning
- Customer research
- Competitive analyses
- Organizational chart
- Significant hurdles
- risks mitigated
- Financial model
- funding requirements
- Completed business
- plan and presentation
- Unique IP
- Scalable market
- opportunity
- Feasible to assemble
- human and financial
- resources
- Extensive due
- diligence VC-aligned
Idea Invention
18-24 months
18Accelerating Regional Ventures
- Technology Advancement Program
- We selectively admit 2-3 regional early-stage
firms into our unique acceleration/incubation
program each year. - Companies receive
- Hands-on consultation in marketing, strategy,
structure, and team-building. - Access to networks of venture capitalists, angel
investors, team members, strategic partners, and
customers. - Technical expertise for product development
student labor. - Extensive infrastructure, including turnkey
offices and labs. - Rigorous selection process.
- UM receives equity, fees, and deferred
19Accelerating Regional Ventures
- TAP helps companies cross the bridge to
Grant, angel venture fundraising
Completed products/services
Methodical business plans launch strategies
Built-out team
First real customers
Seed Stage Technology Company
Sustainable Enterprise
- Venture financed rapid growth
- Customer financed early material revenues
- Licensing firm lucrative license
3-4 year duration
20Venturing Track Record
- 57 graduates from TAP
- 65 maintain material operations 5 years later
- 80 remain in Maryland
- 270 million in VC funding, through 2006
- Close to 30 million 2004-2006 alone
- Approaching 2,000 jobs mostly technology-oriented
- 2 IPOs, each over 1 billion
- Multiple private sales
- Current portfolio includes nanotech, alternative
energy and biosensor firms
21Educating Entrepreneurs
- Technology creators who comprehend
entrepreneurship can weave innovation into the
fabric of the US economy. - Our education programs train diverse
technologists to understand and practice
entrepreneurship - Stimulate entrepreneurial thinking among students
faculty. - Synthesize technical understanding and business
objectives. - Generate deal-flow for venture creation
initiatives. - Classroom and non-classroom education
- Hinman CEOs Program
- Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
- Undergraduate and graduate courses
- Seminars and symposia
- Boot Camp and Business Plan Competition
22Educating Entrepreneurs
- Hinman CEOs Program
- Top undergraduate students, from all disciplines,
live together and engage in risk-mitigated
venturing. - Dedicated courses, seminars, trips, and social
events. - Internships and hands-on mentoring.
- 100 students steady-state past valedictorian
many students go to top graduate schools. - Funded by Brian Hinman, founder of Polycom,
PictureTel 2Wire. - National recognition and model.
23Educating Entrepreneurs
- Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
- Innovative, new program for entrepreneurial
students in community colleges launched Fall
2006. - Students begin at Prince Georges Community
College and matriculate to UM after 2 years. - Designed to expand entrepreneurial
learning/opportunities to less privileged
students. - Dedicated courses, seminars, trips, and social
events. - Internships and hands-on mentoring.
- Ultimately 100 students steady-state cohorts of
25. - Funded by David Hillman, founder - Southern
24Educating Entrepreneurs
- Classroom education
- Introduction to Technology Venturing Course.
- Lab course places students with our portfolio
cos. for credit. - Case Studies course launched Fall 2006.
- Non classroom education
- Quarterly seminar series disseminates customer
demand for new technologies, motivates, and
communicates startup tactics. Networking too. - Annual Boot Camp (6th annual 11/3/06)
attracted over 400 registrants. - Annual Business Plan Competition
(7th annual) likely to
attract 70-100
entries. 50K in prizes.
- Bridging the gap between innovations and ventures
is criticality. - We are well positioned to fulfill UMs role as a
material contributor to economic development. - Our objectives are simple Build more tech
companies and Prepare technologists to be 21st
century innovators. - Our venture creation and education programs are
among the most complete and sophisticated within
any academic institution in the country. - We seek to serve as a model for other