Title: Most Innovative 3D Printing Companies in India - Aurum3D
13D Printing Companies in India Aurum3D
India is one of the countries where the 3D
printing industry is in a nascent stage. But
several market research studies suggest that the
3D printing industry in India has been growing
steadily and consistently. The consistent growth
of additive manufacturing industries allows for
both individual and enterprise customers to
choose from a large number of 3D printing
companies in India.
3D printing companies in India differ from each
other in many aspects. For instance, some of
these companies manufacture industrial and
desktop 3D printers, while others supply
different types of 3D printing filaments. At the
same time, many companies help customers to
overcome constraints related to skills and budget
by providing customized 3D designing, 3D
scanning, and 3D printing services.
But several 3D printing companies in India stand
out from competitors by fostering innovation and
creativity. In addition to accelerating
prototyping and customization, these companies
help clients to design and create unique items by
combining the right 3D printing technology and
filaments. We are shortlisting some of the most
innovative 3D printing companies by collecting
information from diverse sources.
2Identifying Some of the Most Innovative 3D
Printing Companies in India
Imaginarium has beaten competition by 3D-printing
over 2500 parts every day using 20 industrial 3D
printers. The 3D printing company has already
delivered 3D-printed parts and models to clients
from 40 industries. Recently, Imaginarium helped
a leading jewelry company in creating a world
record-breaking diamond ring using 3D printing
technologies. Also, the company helps
entrepreneurs to start their own jewelry brands
by launching an online manufacturing platform. It
allows customers to get customized 3D printing
services by choosing from a slew of hardware,
software, and filaments.
3Think3D is one of the 3D printing companies in
India that deal in various types of 3D printers,
3D scanners, and 3D printing filaments. At the
same time, the company has been providing 3D
design, 3D scanning, and 3D printing services to
companies from different sectors. Think3D has
already 3D-printed over 2 million parts using 69
in-house machines. At the same time, the
integrated 3D printing facility set up by the
company helps facilitate rapid prototyping by
combining a variety of services 3D printing, 3D
designing, 3D scanning, vacuum casting, injection
molding, and scale modeling.
4Aurum3D is one of the 3D printing companies in
Bangalore, India that have built a reputation in
a short amount of time by providing 3D design, 3D
printing, and 3D scanning services to companies
from various sectors. The Bangalore-based company
has already 3D-printed unique items for reputable
companies from engineering, manufacturing,
automotive, aerospace, education, and medical
industries. Recently, Aurum3D helped a leading
aerospace company to arrange and organize key
physical facilities by 3D-printing plant layout.
Likewise, they helped future architects speed up
natural disaster recovery by 3D-printing
prefabricated homes as a student project.
Altem Technologies stands out from the crowd by
providing cutting-edge 3D bioprinting services.
The customized 3D bioprinting services help
scientists and laboratories to carry out
breakthrough research. The item creates organs,
parts, and models using as the primary material.
But the company helps scientists and researchers
to cure or solidify the in a variety of ways
using DLP and holographic light technologies. At
the same time, it makes it easier for scientists
to work and experiment with varying biomaterials
using flexible extrusion-based bioprinting.
However, Altem also offers 3D printing services
that help customers create customized items using
three popular 3D printing technologies FDM,
SLA, and Polyjet.
6Novabeans is one of the 3D printing companies in
India that has been providing a variety of
additive manufacturing solutions to local and
offshore companies. The 3D printers and scanners
developed by Novabeans facilitate metal printing,
ceramic printing, food printing, and bioprinting.
At the same time, customers can 3D-print a
variety of items by buying appropriate materials
and filaments from the 3D printing company.
Novabeans enhanced its professional reputation
during the COVID-19 pandemic by 3D printing
essential medial parts and facilitating 3D
printing by providing technical support.
This company helps customers 3D print a variety
of items by developing desktop, professional, and
industrial 3D printers. At present, enterprises
from various sectors architecture, automobile,
medical, education, and casting use 3D printers
developed by Divide By Zero. Divide By Zero beats
the competition by leveraging a high-speed 3D
printing technology AFPM.
Unlike conventional additive manufacturing
techniques, AFPM reduces 3D printing time
drastically through automation. The new-age 3D
printing technology uses proprietary software to
identify potential pitfalls and take corrective
measures automatically during the 3D printing
process. The automation makes AFPM effective in
improving output quality.
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8About aurum3d.com Aurum3D is a 3D printing
company founded in September 2018 for bringing a
difference in education, technology, and start-up
space, by promoting and leveraging 3D printing
technology in India. Aurum3D strongly believes
that 3D printing technology will disrupt the
entire manufacturing industry and consumer
experience perspective. We provide custom 3D
printing, 3D designing and scanning solutions to
our prestigious clients across the country. We
also have our own 3D printers manufacturing setup
producing different variants to cater to the
needs of industry and individuals.
Contact sales_at_aurum3d.com
For More Information Call Us 8310758536 Web
- https//www.aurum3d.com/ Address 210, EWS
Colony, Stage 2, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India