Title: I stand to praise You
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2I stand to praise You But I fall to my knees My
spirit is hungry But my flesh is so weak
3So light the fire in my soul Fan the flame make
me whole Lord You know where I've been So light
the fire in my heart again
4I feel Your arms around me As the power of Your
healing begins You breathe new life right through
me Like a mighty rushing wind
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6Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of
creation O my soul, praise Him for He is thy
health and salvation All ye who hear, now to His
temple draw near Praise Him in glad adoration
7Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so
wondrously reigneth Shelters thee under His
wings, yea, so gently sustaineth Hast thou not
seen how thy desires e'er have been Granted in
what He ordaineth
8Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and
defend thee Surely His goodness and mercy here
daily attend thee Ponder anew what the Almighty
can do If with His love He befriend thee
9Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore
Him All that hath life and breath come now with
praises before Him Let the 'amen' sound from His
people again Gladly for'ere we adore Him
10Let the 'amen' sound from His people again
Gladly for'ere we adore Him
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12You are holy (ECHO) You are mighty (ECHO) You are
worthy (ECHO) Worthy of praise (ECHO) I will
follow (ECHO) I will listen (ECHO) I will love
You (ECHO) all of my days (ECHO)
13I will sing to and worship (You are Lord of
lords You are King of kings) the King who is
worthy (You are mighty God Lord of everything)
14I will love and adore You, (You're
Emmanuel You're the Great I Am) I will bow down
before You (You're my Prince of Peace who is the
15I will sing to and worship (You're my living
God You're my saving grace) the King who is
worthy (You will reign forever You are Ancient
of Days)
16I will love and adore You, (You are Alpha,
Omega, Beginning and End) I will bow down before
You (You're my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer and
17You're my Prince of Peace and I will live my life
for You
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19From the ends of the earth (ECHO) From the depths
of the sea (ECHO) From the heights of the heavens
(ECHO) Your name be praised From the hearts of
the weak (ECHO) From the shouts of the strong
(ECHO) From the lips of all people (ECHO) This
song we raise Lord
20Throughout the endless ages You will be crowned
with praises Lord Most High Exalted in every
nation Sovereign of all creation Lord Most High
be magnified
21Be magnified, Be magnified
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23Hungry, I come to You for I know You satisfy I am
empty, but I know Your love does not run dry So I
wait for You, So I wait for You
24Im falling on my knees Offering all of me Jesus,
Youre all this heart is living for
25Broken, I run to You, for Your arms are open
wide I am weary, but I know Your touch restores
my life So I wait for You, So I wait for You
26Hungry, I come to You for I know You satisfy
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28Larry Petton
- A Study of Spiritual Gifts
July 27 - Aug. 17
30 Last Sunday
Part I The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
- What Are the Spiritual Gifts?
Part II
32- A SPIRITUAL GIFT is a supernaturally designed
ability given to every believer in Christ through
which the Holy Spirit ministers to the body of
Christ and to a world of unbelievers.
33Quote of the Week
34- Your walk motivates you for ministry.
- Your spiritual gifts enable you for
ministry. - Your passion gives focus to your ministry.
- Your personality expresses your ministry.
- Your experiences develop your ministry.
35The Purpose of Gifts
- Summary of last weeks messsage
36- Gifts are for every believer.
- Gifts are not as important as fruit.
- Gifts are given by HS, not earned.
- Gifts are varied.
- Gifts are for service, not self.
- Gifts need to be developed.
- Gifts do not save.
- Gifts do not mean maturity.
- Gifts function differently than talents.
- Gifts are for todays church.
37- Above all
- Gifts show JESUS
- to others!
38- Many theologians think that believers in
Christ have a major ministry gift along with
other minor gifts - but we can FUNCTION IN ALL GIFTS whenever
Gods timing is necessary.
39- Where Do I Find My Spiritual Gifts?
- Romans 12 from the Father
- Ephesians 4 - from the Son
- I Corinthians 12-14 from the
- Holy Spirit
40- One way to organize the
- Gifts of the Spirit
- Service gifts
- Speaking gifts
- Sign gifts
41Sign Gifts Determined by the Holy Spirit _
Tongues _ Interpretation of tongues _
Miracles _ Healings _ Words of Wisdom _ Words
of Knowledge
- Secondary sense today
- missionary gift
- Gifted in cross-cultural
- communication
- plows new ground for
- the Gospel.
44PROPHET one who speaks clear truth from God.
This is one who is a forth-teller of Gods
Word. This person has the ability to see that
which is wrong.
45 EVANGELIST One who has a burden to share the
46 PASTOR One who desires to lead, feed, protect
and guide others spiritually
- Someone who is able to
- understand the deep
- things of God and explain
- them in a way that is easy
- to understand and live by
- in daily life
48Exhortation the ability to encourage and
motivate believers to do what God has called them
to do.
49 SERVICEThe ability to give selflessly to do
whatever needs to done without personal
50 ADMINISTRATION God-given insight into when
something needs to be done, who can do it, how it
can be completed and how to lead those people to
get it accomplished.
51 FAITH the divine ability to believe God in
spite of the circumstances or unbelief
surrounding a situation.
- The special ability that God gives to certain
members of the body of Christ to provide open
arms, open house and warm welcome for those in
need of friendship, a warm welcome, food and
- One who shows Gods compassion on those who
are hurting because of pain or failure.
54 Giving One who is blessed by God with
resources or time and able to give them where and
when they are needed with a cheerful heart.
55 DISCERNMENT of SPIRITS The ability to
know what demonic presence is involved in a
given situation
- Remember to take the online test at our website
this week crosspointenwa.com - When you know your gifts, write down in your
prayer journal an occasion where you used your
gift and email it to your pastor
larry_at_crosspointenwa.com or lpetton_at_hotmail.
- Do you know your top 3 gifts?
- Do you know how to get help from other gifts?
- Are you using your gifts to make a
difference in the lives of others?
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