Title: Pilbara Education Partnership
1Pilbara Education Partnership
- A joint venture between BHP Billiton Iron Ore and
Department of Education Training
2Hedland Senior High School
- Our School Vision
- To establish a safe, modern education institution
- that values cultural difference, promotes
- excellence in learning and empowers students to
- contribute positively in a world of constant
- change
3Creating a new era in education
- By ensuring all young people in the Pilbara have
access to the same high quality educational
opportunities as elsewhere in Western Australia.
4Pilbara Education Partnership
- Preliminary discussions commenced 2003
- Peter Browne appointed as consultant
- Late 2004 Draft Plan Developed
- June 2005 Final Negotiations completed
- August 2005 Program Launched
- Implementation commenced from August 2005.
5Creating a new era in education
- Enhanced programs, services and facilities
available at Hedland Senior High School. - Support for all students.
6Memorandum Of Agreement Signed
7Port Hedland Education Partnership
Supporting Indigenous Education in Hedland
Lawson Street Off Site Campus
8Existing Initiatives
- Kicking Goals Program.
- Community Safety Officer
- Port Hedland Education Partnership
- Refurbishment of Matt Dann Theatre
- Entry to the Matt Dann Theatre
9Kicking Goals Programme
Eagles visit Hedland Senior High School
10Kicking Goals Programme
Swan Districts visit Hedland Senior High School
11Kicking Goals Programme
Learning New Skills
Working as a team
12Improving School Buildings
Upgrades to the School to cater for Middle
13New Initiatives
- Technology
- Student Scholarships
- Secondary Literacy Strategy
- Sister Schooling
- On Line Tutoring
- Performing Arts
- Alternative Education Support
- Chaplaincy
- Flexible Learning in Schools
- Curtin On Course
- Education Officer
- Flexible Learning Centre
- TEE Revision
14New Iniatives - Performing Arts
15Successful Strategies in Place
- Year 12 Revision Programs
- Year 11 TEE Camps
16Successful Strategies in Place
17Successful Strategies in Place
18New Staff
The Pilbara Education Partnership brings two
Chaplains to Hedland Senior High School as a part
of the student services team.
Mr Dwayne Rocky Lawrence
Mrs Sandra Bettesworth
19New Staff Appointed
- Ms Toni McCosker The Arts
- Mrs Anne Madgin Drama
- Senior Constable David Johnstone Community
Safety Officer - Mrs Jan Van der Worp Education Development
Officer Term 2 2006
20Curtin On Course
Three Year 12 students enrolled for Curtin
Oncourse Units for 2006
21Student Scholarships
Scholarships for a student in Year 8 and for a
student in Year 11 to study at Hedland Senior
High School
One scholarship for a student entering University.
22Making a difference
23Anticipated Outcomes
- School/Community Partnerships
Growth of Sport, Arts and Culture
Improved outcomes for students
Positive Perception of School
Reduced Truancy
Increased staff retention
Together We Achieve through Care, Courtesy,
Respect Responsibility
Increased enrolments
Increased learning opportunities
Increased Community Involvement
Reduced Transiency
Flexible Learning Centre
24Growing and Building Together