Title: CLARAty Coupled Layer Architecture for Robotic Autonomy
1CLARAty Coupled Layer Architecture for Robotic
Mars Technology Program FY05 Year End Review
Base Technology NRA Regional Mobility
- Issa A.D. Nesnas
- Mobility and Robotic Systems Section (347)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 6-7, 2005 Hilton Pasadena
- Objectives
- Facilitate infusion of performance-enhancing
navigation and manipulation technologies into MSL
flight system - Provide a flexible framework for integrating and
comparing competing technologies on all research
rovers Rocky8, FIDO, Rocky7, K9, and FIDO5
Funding Profile (K)
Task Manager Issa A. D. Nesnas (818)
354-9709 nesnas_at_jpl.nasa.gov Participating
Organizations JPL, Ames Research Center,
Carnegie Mellon, U. of Minnesota, RMSA
Universities Facilities Rocky 8, FIDO, Rocky
7, K9, FIDO 5, ATRVs, CLARAty test bed, ROAMS,
Maestro, JPL Mars Yard
FY03-FY06 Milestones FY03 mobility and
navigation for long traverse FY04 pose
estimation, tracking, and manipulation for
instrument placement FY05-FY06 advanced
capabilities integrated on real (Rocky 8, FIDO)
and simulated rovers (ROAMS)
3Problem Statement
4Problem Statement
- Problem
- Lack of integrated and validated robotic
technologies prior to flight infusion - Redundant infrastructure for robotic projects /
platforms - No framework to capture technologies from
universities and other centers - No interoperable software among robotic platforms
(e.g Rocky 8, FIDO, Rocky 7, K9, ATRV) - Key Challenges
- Robots have different physical characteristics
- Robots have different hardware architectures
- Contributions made by multiple institutions
- Advanced research requires a flexible framework
- Software must support various platforms
- Lack of a common low-cost robotic platforms
- Software must be unrestricted and accessible
(ITAR and IP) - Software must integrate legacy code bases
5Mission Relevance and State-of-the-Art
- Mission Relevance
- Enable integration and validation of technologies
- Enable technology transfer to flight from a
single integrated source - Capture university technologies for future
missions - Make research rovers viable test bed for flight
- Adapt easily to future rovers with different
hardware architectures - Is relevant to MSL, AFL, MSR missions and lunar
robotic missions - State-of-the-art
- Within NASA robotic software is often unique for
each platform. JTARS (ESMD) investigating
interoperability among robots. - Outside NASA DARPA (JAUS), ESA (OROCOS), LAAS,
USC (Player/Stage), Robocup (Miro), U. Penn
(ROCI), U. Texas (OSCAR). - Similar in goal but different in scope
- Different technical approaches similar to
previous NASA efforts - Not directly applicable to NASA robots with a
wide range of computational capabilities - Interoperability limited to high-level
6Process and Collaborations
JPL Internal Programs
Other NASA Programs
Legacy AlgorithmsFlight Algorithms
Technology Tasks
Technology Tasks
Technology Tasks
Competed Mars Technology Program
Flight FocusedTechnology Programs
NASA Centers andUniversities Technology Tasks
NASA Centers andUniversities Technology Tasks
TechnologyValidation Tasks
NASA Centers andUniversities Technology Tasks
Jet Propulsion Lab
NASA Centers andUniversities Technology Tasks
TechnologyValidation Tasks
U. Minnesota
Rover Hardware
Operator InterfaceMaestro
Rover Simulation ROAMS
Science InstrumentsSimulation
7FY05 CLARAty Developers (Core Team)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Antonio Diaz Calderon
- Tara Estlin (Deputy Manager)
- John Guineau
- Won Soo Kim
- Richard Madison (Delivery Lead)
- Michael McHenry (Delivery Lead)
- Hari Das Nayar
- Mihail Pivtoraiko
- Issa A.D. Nesnas (Task Manager)
- Babak Sapir
- Erik Schweller
- I-hsiang Shu
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Clay Kunz (Center Lead)
- Eric Park
- Susan Lee
- Carnegie Mellon
- David Apfelbaum
- Nick Melchior
- Reid Simmons (Center Lead)
- University of Minnesota
- Stergios Roumeliotis (Center Lead)
For the complete list of developers and
contributors seehttp//claraty.jpl.nasa.gov -gt
Project -gt Team
8Technical Approach
9Technical Approach
- Capture requirements from domain experts
- Use global perspective across domains (motion,
vision, estimation, navigation) - Identify recurring patterns and common
infrastructure therein - Use domain expert to guide design
- Define proper interfaces for each subsystem
- Develop generic framework to support various
implementations - Adapt legacy implementations to validate
framework - Encapsulate when re-factoring is not feasible or
affordable - Develop regression tests where feasible
- Test on multiple robotic platforms and study
limitations - Feed learned experience back into the design
- Review and update to address limitations
- After several iterations one hopes to have
achieved a truly reusable infrastructure
10A Two-Layer Architecture
11Interoperability Software Hardware
SRI Stereo
ARC Stereo
Sojouner PoseFIDO 3DEKF 6D EKF
Stereovision JPL_STEREO
Stereovision JPL_STEREO
Stereovision JPL_STEREO
Pose Estimation MER_SAPP
Obstacle Avoidance MORPHIN
Pose Estimation MER_SAPP
Obstacle Avoidance MORPHIN
Pose Estimation MER_SAPP
Pose Estimation MER_SAPP
Obstacle Avoidance MORPHIN
CLARAty Reusable Software
Robot Adaptation
12Multi-level Abstraction Model
Use abstractions
Interface at different levels
13Statement of Work, Milestones and Deliverables
14Statement of Work (all years)
- Develop a unified and reusable design of robotic
software for I/O control, motion control and
coordination, locomotion, manipulation,
localization, navigation, science analysis, rover
control, and planning. - Peer review design
- Establish collaborations with other NASA centers
and universities - Iterate on the design and develop prototype
software - Adapt to a number of platforms (Rocky 7, Rocky 8,
FIDO, K9, ATRV) - Adapt to high-fidelity simulators (ROAMS) and
interface with science operator (Maestro) - Establish a multi-center remotely accessible test
facility - Clear both ITAR and IP to effectively share
software across the development community - Establish a process for deploying software to NRA
recipients - Work with technology providers to capture
technologies into framework - Investigate low-cost rover alternatives for
testing of new technologies - Integrate component technologies into framework,
mature technologies, test, and deliver for formal
validation - Capture requirements from flight project and
lessons learned from validation. - Review and update design to accommodate new
capabilities for future deliveries
15Milestones Highlights (all years)
- FY00
- Design of the two-layer architecture
- Peer review of the CLARAty architecture
- FY01
- Prototype CLARAty software
- Demonstrate Decision Layer / Functional Layer
operations by visiting multiple science targets. - Demonstrate interoperability by running on both
Rocky 8 and Rocky 7 in the JPL Mars Yard - FY02
- Establish a multi-center software development
environment (CMU, ARC) - Demonstrate integrated autonomous capabilities in
a 60 m traverse in rough terrain (path planning,
pose estimation, and navigation) - Extend adapted platforms to FIDO and K9
- Demonstrate locomotion with high-fidelity
simulator (ROAMS) - FY03
- Deliver technologies for formal validation (MSL
focused technology) - Demonstrate interoperability of competing
algorithms on multiple platforms - Pose estimation using EKF vs. visual odometry vs.
wheel odometry on Rocky 8, FIDO, and ROAMS - Navigation (Morphin local D one of the above
pose estimators) on Rocky 8 and FIDO - End-to-end integration of WITS, CLARAty, and
16FY05 Milestones/Schedule
Cancelled due to mismatch between homogeneous
Delayed due to
Implementation behind schedule due to
17FY05 Deliverables
LT Long-range Traverse Validation IP
Instrument Placement Validation
18FY05 AccomplishmentsSignificant Events
19Summary of Significant Events
Significant Event I From research to flight
Competed Mars Technology Program
Instrument PlacementValidation
Flight MER (06)
Visual Target Tracking (ARC, JPL)
Significant Event II From flight to research to
Flight MER (04)
Flight MSL (09)
Long Range Validation
GESTALT Navigator
20Significant Event I Visual Target Tracking
Infusion into MER
- Wonsoo Kim (lead)
- Developed Falcon Tracker through a competed MTP
task - Richard Madison, Max Bajracharya, Esfandiar
Bandari, Maria Bualat, and Issa Nesnas - Integrated Falcon Visual Tracker into CLARAty
- Adapted and tested on Rocky 8
- Delivered to Instrument Placement Validation task
- Technology matured and prepared for infusion into
flight - Technology accepted for infusion
- Importance
- Critical element for single-cycle instrument
placement and multi-target instrument placement - Integration with CLARAty enabled comparison
against other algorithms
Rocky 8
Target Tracking
21Significant Event I Visual Target Tracking
Infusion into MER
- Wonsoo Kim (lead)
- Developed Falcon Tracker through a competed MTP
task - Richard Madison, Max Bajracharya, Esfandiar
Bandari, Maria Bualat, and Issa Nesnas - Integrated Falcon Visual Tracker into CLARAty
- Adapted and tested on Rocky 8
- Delivered to Instrument Placement Validation task
- Technology matured and prepared for infusion into
flight - Technology accepted for infusion
- Importance
- Critical element for single-cycle instrument
placement and multi-target instrument placement - Integration with CLARAty enabled comparison
against other algorithms
Rocky 8
Target Tracking
22Significant Event II MER Navigation infusion
into CLARAty
- Mike McHenry (lead), I-hsiang Shu
- Integrated the MER GESTALT navigator into CLARAty
- Obstacle detection and avoidance
- Traversability mapping
- Stereo processing
- Adapted to ROAMS simulation
- Adapted to FIDO rover
- Delivered to Long Range Traverse Validation task
- Maturing MER navigation technology
- Integration into CLARAty enables
- Characterization and validation
- Deployment on JPL research rovers
- Deployment on high-fidelity simulations
- Importance
- Navigation is necessary for long-range traverses
- Integration with CLARAty enables comparison
against other algorithms - Integration with ROAMS enables controlled
experiments with varying pose estimates and
terrain difficulty - Integration and validation mature algorithm for
MSL infusion.
23Significant Event II MER Navigation infusion
into CLARAty
- Mike McHenry (lead), I-hsiang Shu
- Integrated the MER GESTALT navigator into CLARAty
- Obstacle detection and avoidance
- Traversability mapping
- Stereo processing
- Adapted to ROAMS simulation
- Adapted to FIDO rover
- Delivered to Long Range Traverse Validation task
- Maturing MER navigation technology
- Integration into CLARAty enables
- Characterization and validation
- Deployment on JPL research rovers
- Deployment on high-fidelity simulations
- Importance
- Navigation is necessary for long-range traverses
- Integration with CLARAty enables comparison
against other algorithms - Integration with ROAMS enables controlled
experiments with varying pose estimates and
terrain difficulty - Integration and validation mature algorithm for
MSL infusion.
24Navigation in ROAMS
25Significant Event III End-to-end Single-Cycle
Instrument Placement
- Richard Madison (lead), Wonsoo Kim
- Integrated end-to-end single-cycle instrument
placement components - Demonstrated autonomous operation on Rocky 8
- Falcon Visual Tracker
- Adaptable image-based camera handoff between
- Panoramic (17 FOV) and navigation cameras (45
FOV) - Navigation and hazard cameras (90 FOV)
- Morphin navigator
- Wheel odometry
- Rover base placement
- Manipulation (5DOF)
- Technology maturation of integrated single-cycle
instrument placement - Integrates vision-based target hand-off from
various cameras - Incorporates adaptive window scaling based on
distance - improvements that resulted from
validation - Importance
- SCIP increases science return by saving the
mission 2 sols out of 3 per placement. Key
component for multiple instrument placements. - Framework to plug in different technologies for
validation of end-to-end capability
26Significant Event III End-to-end Single-Cycle
Instrument Placement
- Richard Madison (lead), Wonsoo Kim
- Integrated end-to-end single-cycle instrument
placement components - Demonstrated autonomous operation on Rocky 8
- Falcon Visual Tracker
- Adaptable image-based camera handoff between
- Panoramic (17 FOV) and navigation cameras (45
FOV) - Navigation and hazard cameras (90 FOV)
- Morphin navigator
- Wheel odometry
- Rover base placement
- Manipulation (5DOF)
- Technology maturation of integrated single-cycle
instrument placement - Integrates vision-based target hand-off from
various cameras - Incorporates adaptive window scaling based on
distance - improvements that resulted from
validation - Importance
- SCIP increases science return by saving the
mission 2 sols out of 3 per placement. Key
component for multiple instrument placements. - Framework to plug in different technologies for
validation of end-to-end capability
27FY05 AccomplishmentsMilestones
28Level I Milestone Prepare CLARAty for R1.0
- Developed new checkout and build system that is
more maintainable, extendible, and efficient - Uses a new database that is about 5 times faster
to use - Developed an automated nightly build system for 4
targets (vxWorks, Linux) - Nightly building 35 of eligible CLARAty modules
(126 modules) - Developed tools for automated regression tests
(vxWorks, Linux) - Revised several modules SiteDefs, transform,
imu, and serial_port
29Level II Milestone Investigate flight
- Identified elements that make CLARAty a
non-flight qualified architecture - Met with key personnel from Flight Software
Sections (313 and 316) (e.g., Wette, Meyer,
Reinholtz) - CLARAty slightly ahead as JPL is just defining
the process for flight qualifying legacy and RD
software based on Software Development Reqs V5.0 - Technology-wise CLARAty appears strong however,
we needto convince project management and PEMs
of its value andaddress how CLARAty would retire
project risk - Generating report to address following
challenges - Programmatic
- Provide closed-loop procedures to backup claims
on functionality and reliability - Develop risk management plans and project
delivery schedule and budget - Organize project-led reviews need to be ready
and within projects integration range - Seek higher classification (CLARAty classified as
class D comparedto MER (class B/C) and Cassini
(class B)) - Improve bug tracking and resolution process
- Technical
- Characterize performance/resource utilization for
advertised capabilities - Address common flight practices (C vs C,
dynamic memory allocation, templates, STL,
multiple inheritance) - Address flight requirements for data logging
- Reduce 3rd party software that may be difficult
to qualify such as ACE - Division 31 reviewed and approved CLARAty
software development procedures
30Other Important Accomplishments
- Linux on FIDO (John Guineau (lead) - Joint work
with CLARAty Decision Layer Task) - Demonstrated on FIDO real-time performance of
Linux 2.6 with a hi-res timer patch - Achieved 1000Hz control rates for 12 motors
- Demonstrated locomotion on the FIDO rover
- Continuous Steering Trajectories (Level II)
(Antonio Diaz-Calderon (lead), Mihail Pivtoraiko,
Tom Howard (CMU)) - Captured technology for arbitrary trajectories
and continuous driving of rovers provided by A.
Kelly - MTP NRA (CMU)) - Integrated with ROAMS and on Rocky 8
- Tested on VxWorks and Linux
- New Technologies in CLARAty
- Mesh registration (ARC)
- Instrument safety checker (ARC)
- Digging and trenching (SOOPS)
- Integrating TEMPEST (CMU)
FIDO Benchtop
31Unification of Mechanism Modeling
32Distributed Software Development
AFS Backbone
U. Minnesota
Rocky 8
3rd Party
Rocky 7
Number of employees and not FTEs
33Some CLARAty Statistics
- 400 modules in repository
- 20 increase in FY05
- 6 increase in FY04
- goal is to limit modules
- 50 modules are technology contributions (13)
- 1.28 million lines of C (FY04 0.5 million).
- Major increase due to incorporation of MER FSW
and navigation - Will revise and reduce
- Five adaptations
- Rocky 8, FIDO, Rocky 7, ATRV, K9, and Pluto
- 350 infrastructure and adaptation module are now
classified EAR 734.7 (B) which can be released
to the public ?
- CLARAty Integration Levels
- Level I Deposited
- Level II Encapsulated
- Level III Refactored
- Level IV Formally reviewed
- Level V Open source and fully
34TRL Evaluation (for Software 1/2)
35TRL Evaluation (for Software 2/2)
36FY06 Plan
- Deploy new checkout/build process to all users to
speed up the development process (Nov 2005) - Capture changes from MER R9.2 into CLARAty (Dec
2005) - Integrate MSL version of Visual Odometry into
CLARAty and test on a rover. This is necessary
to carry out formal validation (Dec 2005) - Integrate Visual Odometry with MSL GESTALT (Feb
2006) - Complete mechanism model and an adaptation of the
rocker-bogie to ensure interoperability of
advanced algorithms on various platforms (June
2006). - Continue revision of modules in preparation for
wide dissemination (June 2006) - Setup nightly regression testing on the CLARAty
test bed to ensure runtime robustness of the code
base (June 2006)
37Response for FY04 Year-End Review RFAs
FY04 Year End AI Status
- JPL currently defining procedure for flight
qualification. Common practice on flight project
evolves with the technologies and does not
constitute flight software requirements. Biggest
hurdle to overcome is that of perception and
getting flight project buy-in - Carried out some localized analysis. Performance
overhead will vary across modules. General
estimate is at 5 overhead - Progress made toward developing tools for
automated regression testing. Characterizing
performance of each module will be developed over
several years - CLARAty Commerce classification has now been
reduced to EAR 734.7 (B). This means ready for
release. Awaiting IP clearance. - CLARAty has been separated from its technology
algorithm for clearing the infrastructure.
- The relationship of CLARAty to flight was not
clear - it would be a better use of
infrastructure resources if CLARAty could be
flown "as is" CLARAty should be architected so
that there are no obvious inconsistencies with
flight software requirements. - The task should quantify (or at least estimate)
the performance reduction . - The task should provide tools for measuring the
computational costs of each module/algorithm. - The task should get CLARAty approved for
unrestricted release and source-available - more useful to the community at large if a
subset were available for exposing problems
and developing bug fixes quickly, One approach
is to break CLARAty into non-IP-protected modules
with the most basic abstraction of sensors and
actuators, perhaps supporting a very inexpensive
commercial platform.
38Publications/Presentations to Date
- Professional Activities
- Invited speaker at the ICRA workshop on Software
Engineering in Robotic, Barcelona Spain, April
2005 - Co-organizing a Special Issue on Software
Development and Integration in Robotics for the
International Journal of Advanced Robotics
Systems (invited guest editor) - Publications
- R. Madison, Improved Target Tracking for Single
Cycle Instrument Placement, submitted to the
Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, 2006 - I.A. Nesnas, R. Simmons, D. Gaines, C. Kunz, A.
Diaz-Calderon, T. Estlin, R. Madison, J. Guineau,
M. McHenry, I. Shu, and D. Apfelbaum, CLARAty
Challenges and Steps Toward Reusable Robotic
Software, submitted to the International Journal
of Advanced Robotics, July 2005 - A. Diaz-Calderon, I.A. Nesnas, W.S. Kim, and H.
Nayar, Towards a Unified Representation of
Mechanisms for Robotic Control Software,
submitted to the International Journal of
Advanced Robotics, July 2005 - M.G. Bualat, C.G. Kunz , A.R. Wright, I.A.
Nesnas, "Developing An Autonomy Infusion
Infrastructure for Robotic Exploration,"
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 6-14, 2004.
pdf (14 pages, 0.7MB) - R. Volpe, "Rover Functional Autonomy Development
for the Mars Mobile Science Laboratory,"
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 8-15, 2003.
pdf (10 pages, 1.2MB) C. Urmson, R. Simmons,
"Approaches for Heuristically Biasing RRT
Growth," Proceedings IROS 2003, October, 2003 - I.A. Nesnas, A. Wright, M. Bajracharya, R.
Simmons, T. Estlin, Won Soo Kim, "CLARAty An
Architecture for Reusable Robotic Software," SPIE
Aerosense Conference, Orlando, Florida, April
2003. (730 KB) - I.A. Nesnas, A. Wright, M. Bajracharya, R.
Simmons, T. Estlin, "CLARAty and Challenges of
Developing Interoperable Robotic Software,"
invited to International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Nevada,
October 2003. (410 KB) - C. Urmson, R. Simmons, I. Nesnas, "A Generic
Framework for Robotic Navigation," Proceedings of
the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Montana, March
2003. (8 pages, 730KB) - C. M. Chouinard, F. Fisher, D. M. Gaines, T.A.
Estlin, S.R. Schaffer, "An Approach to Autonomous
Operations for Remote Mobile Robotic
Exploration," Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Montana, March 2003 (277 KB) - T. Estlin, F. Fisher, D. Gaines, C. Chouinard, S.
Schaffer, I. Nesnas, "Continuous Planning and
Execution for an Autonomous Rover," Proceedings
of the Third International NASA Workshop on
Planning and Scheduling for Space, Houston, TX,
Oct 2002. (168 KB)
39Issues and Resolutions
Issue Description
Solution Options/Schedule
- Significant portion of CLARAty funding comes from
MSL which ends June 2006 while NRA program goes
through FY08 - High current cost / user
- Intellectual Property and sharing of software
among NASA centers and universities.
- Secure funds from base Mars Technology Program
- Switch to new system for setting up accounts.
Requires technical support from various
institutions - Setup a consortium of all centers involved and
draft a license agreeable to the consortium.
40Challenges Ahead
- Mature framework and robotic capabilities
- Investigate relevance to flight and define
migration path - Develop regression tests for long-term
maintainability of robotic capabilities - very
hard and open research topic - Maintain current capabilities on existing
platforms - Develop new capabilities (e.g. continuous motion)
- Integrate new technologies from competed programs
- Develop a releasable version
- Develop formal documentation and tutorials
- Identify and deploy on low-cost rover platform
- Open source
- Developed a unified and reusable software
framework - Deployed at multiple institutions
- Deployed on multiple heterogeneous robots
- Integrated multiple technologies from different
institutions - Delivered algorithms for formal validation
- Enabled new technology developments on multiple
platforms - Integrated flight algorithms for detailed
performance characterization and operation on
research rovers. - Taking a technology from inception, to
development in CLARAty, to validation, and now to
integration into flight
42Thank you
43Back Up Slides
44CLARAty Test bed
45Supported Platforms
Rocky 8
Rocky 7
46New in the CLARAty Test Bed
FIDO2 Stack
Dexter ManipulatorBench top
Rocky 8 PPC Bench top
47CLARAty Test Bed
- Added two new targets
- Rocky 8 bench top with PPC for MDS/MSL
- FIDO2 stack hybrid of Rocky 8 and FIDO
- Used by
- CLARAty Developers
- MSL Manipulation task
- Validation tasks
- Remote Access
- Web camera
- Remote power cycle
48Unification of Mechanism Modeling
STL-like tree class for use in the
Mechanism_Model software - Implementation
includes a tree-structured container class,
pre-order, post-order, sibling and chain
iterators for traversing the tree, and methods
for manipulating and querying the tree.
- has application in modeling tree-topology
(open-chain) kinematics systems - has
application in modeling hierarchical
multi-resolution component solid models for
collision checking - tested on Solaris,
Linux and VxWorks Updated Transforms module in
CLARAty - created QTrans class to use
Quaternions instead of rotation matrices to
perform spatial transformation
operations more efficiently - re-designed
transforms classes to enforce common API,
streamline object hierarchy and use
Transforms based on rotation matrices,
quaternions, etc. interchangeably. - tested
on Solaris, Linux and VxWorks Mechanism_Model
software - prepared Requirements and Design
document for development of Mechanism_Model
software package. - Implemented software to
read input XML data files using ME_Body, D-H
Craig or D-H Paul model formats.
Converts all formats into a common internal
format and can save internal format to a
common XML output file. - Model objects (for
example ME_Body, ME_Joint, etc.) responsible for
extracting and storing their respective
data. - read in data from multiple XML files
and attache model objects to a single
tree-structured mechanism model -
implemented forward kinematics using iterative
and recursive algorithms.
49Status of Navigation Algorithms in CLARAty
Simple Sim a simple and fast CMU simulator that
generates binary terrain for navigation testing
50Level I Milestone - Key Challenges
Changes in FOV
1st Frame
37th Frame after 10 m
51Video of Single-cycle Instrument Placement
Some delays attributed to late integration of new
5DOF arm on the rover