Title: Contents
1- Lecture 4
- Contents
- Numerical shape descriptors
- Simple scalar descriptors
- Convex hull
- Moment based descriptors
2Eccentricity A/B
3Elongatedness A/B area/(2d)2 where d is the
number of erosions necessary to remove the
structure Rectangularity area/(AB) Triangularit
y could also be defined
4Compactness (region_border_length)2/area 16
for a square 4p for a circle Compactness in
digital images depends on whether the border
length is the outer or inner boundary.
5Convex hull
6Disussion so far Eccentricity, elongatedness,
rectangularity, convex hull all depend on a few
pixels near the decisive border sections. This
means poor noise tolerance. Compactness depend
on the definition of region_border_length.
Compactness is not rotation invariant due to
aliasing effects
- These drawbacks are reduced in case of
- subpixel definition of border points
- use of regional descriptors cartesian moments
7 8f has 4 solutions between 0 and 2p. Reduction to
two solutions between 0 and 2p can be achieved by
solving the equations cos2f
A( m2,0, - m0,2 )
sin2f A m1,1 An algorithm giving one angle
between -p/2 and p/2 f ½ atan2(
m1,1, m2,0 -m 0,2 )
9- f has 4 solutions between 0 and 2p. Reduction to
two solutions between 0 and 2p can be achieved by
solving the equations - cos2f A( m2,0 - m0,2 )
- sin2f A m1,1
- In code giving an angle between -p/2 and p/2
- Phi 0.5atan2(mStar11,mStar20-mStar02)
- This gives the angle between the x-axis and the
elongated principal axis. The remaining 180
degree ambiguity can only be removed using higher
order rotated moments (defined later), e.g. h1,2
(f ) lt 0.
10 Exercise Prove that h1,1 (f ) 0 if
tan2f m1,1/(m2,0 -m0,2)
11(No Transcript)
12Rotation invariants
13Noise tolerance of rotation invariants
14The weakness of central moments Low sensitivity
near the centre-of-mass. Remedy Weighted moments
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Central second order moments as fast detectors
for co-linearity
18Project related to moments Using graytone
interpolation, one can derive a subpixel-defined
region border. One can assign an arc length Ds to
each border pixel. Compare the two types of
descriptors 1. Central moments over a
region 2. Border moments defined as mbi,j
S (x - xo)i (y - yo) jDs xo S x Ds /
SDs yo S y Ds /SDs Are they equally
suitable for generation rotation
invariant descriptors? Note If subpixel borders
are available, then the border moments are much
faster to calculate than region moments.