Title: Anisotropic Flow RHIC
1Anisotropic Flow_at_ RHIC
- Hiroshi Masui / Univ. of Tsukuba
- Mar/03/2007
- Heavy Ion Cafe
2Anisotropic Flow
- What ?
- Azimuthally anisotropic emission of particles
with respect to the reaction plane - Why ?
- The probe for early time
- Initial spatial anisotropy (eccentricity, ?)
- Low pT
- Re-scattering (pressure gradient)
- Intermediate pT
- Quark coalescence/recombination
- High pT
- Jet quenching
Reaction plane
- Particle azimuthal distributions by Fourier
expansion - v1 Directed Flow
- v2 Elliptic Flow
S. Voloshin and Y. Zhang, Z. Phys. C70, 665
(1996) A. M. Poskanzer and S. A. Voloshin, Phys.
Rev. C58, 1671 (1998)
4Flow analysis _at_ PHENIX
PHOBOS PRL91, 052303 (2003)
- Event plane method
- Determined at forward and backward beam counter
(BBC, ? 3.0 - 3.9) - Correlate paticles at mid-rapidity (? lt 0.35)
and BBC event plane
5Event plane method
- Event plane
- Estimate of true reaction plane
- Brackets denote average over all events and all
particles in a selected rapidity window, ?kn is
event plane resolution - w (weight) is chosen to maximize the event plane
resolution (ex. pT, multiplicity etc) - The best weight is vn itself
6Flattening correction
- Acceptance anisotropy should be removed
- Re-centering correction
- black -gt blue
- Flattening correction
- remove remaining non-flat contributions (blue -gt
red) - ?? should be small
- Isotropic distribution -gt vanishing of k-th
Forier moment of the new distribution (?)
7Large v2 at RHIC
QM2005, H. Masui
FOPI Phys. Lett. B612, 713 (2005). E895
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1295 (1999) CERES Nucl.
Phys. A698, 253c (2002). NA49 Phys. Rev. C68,
034903 (2003) STAR Nucl. Phys. A715, 45c,
(2003). PHENIX Preliminary. PHOBOS
nucl-ex/0610037 (2006)
- 50 increase from SPS to RHIC
- Hadron cascade underestimate the magnitude of v2
at RHIC - Due to the small transverse pressure in early
8Event plane reaction plane ?
- We cannot determine the direction of 2nd moment
BBC event plane w.r.t. the reaction plane ? sign
of v2 is unknown - 1st moment event plane give us the reference
9Validity check (1)
- 2nd moment BBC event plane
- Same direction
- Cannot distinguish in-plane or out-of-plane
10Validity check (2)
- 2nd moment Central Arm Event plane
- Same direction to BBC Event plane
- Still, sign is unknown
11Validity check (3)
- 1st moment BBC and SMD Event plane
- Back-to-back direction for both BBC and SMD
12Validity check (4)
- BBC(1st) - SMD(1st) correlation
- Opposite direction to same side SMD
- Opposite v1 for BBC and SMD
13Validity check (5)
- BBC(2nd) - SMD(1st) correlation
- Positive correlation ? v2 is in-plane !
- Large v2 at RHIC
- v2 is in-plane ! Initial geometry origin ?!
- v2 is expected to be driven by
- initial eccentricity
- pressure (density) gradient
- Explore the origin of v2 Several scaling
properties of v2 - Eccentricity scaling
- Transverse kinetic energy (KET) scaling NCQ
(Number of Constituent Quark) scaling
- Estimate eccentricity by Glauber Model
- ?std (?part) gives minimum (maximum) eccentricity
- Since ?part include auto-correlation
- True ? lies between ?std and ?part ?
16Eccentricity scaling (1)
- Scaling of v2/??part? in CuCu and AuAu
- Participant eccentricity is relevant geometric
quantity for generating elliptic flow
PRL nucl-ex/0610037
PRC C72, 051901R (2005)
CuCu 200 GeV
Statistical errors only
AuAu 200 GeV
PHOBOS CollaborationPRL nucl-ex/0610037
17Eccentricity scaling (2)
QM2006, S. A. Voloshin
- v2ZDC scales ?std
- Insensitive the fluctuations in the participant
eccentricity - Linear increase of v2/? from SPS to RHIC
- Incomplete thermalization ?
- Saturation ?
18Eccentricity scaling (3)
- PHENIX uses integrated v2 as the estimate of
eccentricity - Assume ? k ? v2, k 3.1 ? 0.2 from Glauber
model - Cancel systematic error from event plane
- v2 scales with ? and the scaled v2 values are
independent of the system size - Centrality independent shape of v2(pT)/?v2?
- ?pT? does not change so much
19KET scaling
PRC69, 034909 (2004)
- Pressure gradient ? Collective kinetic energy
- Radial flow with common velocity ??T? 0.5c
- Gain more energy for heavier particles ? mass
ordering of v2 - KET scaling holds up to KET 1 GeV
- Clear meson and baryon splitting at intermediate
20Centrality dependence
- KET scaling holds for measured centrality range
up to KET 1 GeV - Centrality dependence ?
21NCQ scaling of v2
- NCQ scaling indicate the collective flow evolves
in quark level - Number of Constituent Quark scaling by quark
coalescence / recombination model - Assumption
- Exponential pT spectra
- Narrow momentum spread (?-function)
- Common v2 for light quarks (u, d, s)
R. J. Fries, et., al, Phys. Rev. C68, 044902
(2003) V. Greco, et., al, Phys. Rev. C68, 034904
22? meson
- ? meson v2
- Important test at intermediate pT
- m? mp
- Mass (radial flow) effect, or constituent quarks
- ? scales like a meson
- s-quark flow, not mass effect
- Smaller radial flow velocity also support the
partonic flow at pre-hadronic stage
QM06, A. Taranenko
SQM06, N. Xu
23Universal scaling of v2
QM06, A. Taranenko
- Substantial elliptic flow signals are observed
for a variety of particles species at RHIC
24Universal scaling of v2
QM06, A. Taranenko
- Eccentricity scaling
- RHIC v2 is driven by eccentricity
- In-plane v2, and eccentricity scaling
- Participant eccentricity is relevant geometric
quantity for generating elliptic flow - KET scaling
- KET scaling of v2 holds up to KET 1 GeV
- Consistent with the flowing matter with common
velocity - At intermediate pT, NCQ scaling holds a variety
of particles species - Indication of light quark (u, d, s) collectivity
at pre-hadronic stage - Universal scaling of v2 (Eccentricity KET
NCQ) works for a variety of particle species and
for a side range of centrality - Need to investigate the validity range of scaling
26Back up
27BBC - SMD EP correlation
- Positive correlation, v2 gt 0 at BBC
- Expected ?cos(2??)? is given by
28Differential v2, v2(pT) PHENIX vs STAR (AuAu)
STAR Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 252301 (2004) PHENIX
QM2006, S. A. Voloshin
- Non-flow effects are under control
- v24 ? v2BBC v2FTPC lt v22
- Similar acceptance BBC, FTPC
29v2(pT) in CuCu
STAR preliminary (QM06, S. A. Voloshin)
PHENIX nucl-ex/0608033
- Larger non-flow effects in smaller system
- Dominant non-flow is O(1/N)
30Clear ? signal
- ? ? KK-
- Typical S/N 0.3
- Centrality 20 60
- S/N is good
- Event plane resolution is good
- Separation of v2 between meson and baryon is good
- Magnitude of v2 do not vary very much
Before subtraction
Signal Background
After subtraction