Title: Safety First
1Safety First
- Photos Courtesy of Dr. Woelk
- and
- The Psych 307 Players.
2Always Pay Attention to what you are doing.
You never know when an accident might occur.
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9Never Eat or Drink Anything in the Lab.
This applies not only to the chemicals found in
the lab, but also to food and drink you might
bring with you. If you feel the need to eat or
drink something, ask your TA for permission to
leave the lab so you can eat or drink somewhere
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14Never Apply Make-up in the Lab.
This includes lip balms, hand lotions, etc. If
you feel the need to freshen up, please leave
the lab prior to doing so.
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17Use Hoods Properly.
Waste Chemical Containers are often stored in the
Hood. Do not lean into the hood to pour
chemicals in the containers.
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20Never Smell Any Chemicals Directly. Always
Not all hazardous chemicals have an odor.
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26The End.
Again - A Big Thank You to Dr. Woelk!