Title: Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
1Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Myriam Arrue, Markel Vigo and Julio Abascal
- Laboratory of Human Computer Interaction for
Special Needs - University of the Basque Country
10th International Conference on Computers
Helping People with Special Needs
2Introduction I
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Different overlapping terms refer to Universal
Access - Design for All
- Accessible design
- Inclusive design
- Online services in the Internet should be
accessed by - Anyone ? people with disabilities
- Different technologies ? hardware and software
- Diverse situations ? different environments
- Several online services still fail to be
? Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
3Introduction II
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Inclusive guidelines such as WCAG have been
published and adopted by several governmental
institutions. - Useful for accessible content development.
- They have extended web accessibility awareness.
- However, WCAG are a generic approach and do not
take into account specific disabilities. - Web sites failing to accomplish WCAG may be
accessible for some user groups. - On the other hand, even if a website fulfils all
the guidelines it is possible that some users may
continue having problems.
? Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
4Introduction III
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Developers cannot be aware of all user groups'
restrictions. - There are not guidelines for all potential
users/disabilities. - There are not automatic evaluation tools.
- It is unmanageable to consider all user groups'
? Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
5Personal Web Accessibility (PWA) I
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- The need for guidelines personalization and
customization - What we understand by Personal Web
Accessibility - "The profile associated to a user or group of
users that let developers design websites
according to their special" - Different sets of guidelines associated to a
specific user group in a specific situation - How is a PWA profile defined
- Accessibility guidelines set(s)
- Definition of the device accessing the WWW
Introduction ? Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
6Personal Web Accessibility (PWA) II
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Once the profile is created we can infer
accessibility metrics when performing
evaluations. - Quality assurance
- Information retrieval processes
- A framework to assist web developers creating
accessible websites for particular users - PWA framework requirements
- 1. Guidelines for specific users ? guidelines
manager - 2. Accessing device definition ? a common
vocabulary - 3. A flexible evaluation tool so that evaluations
can adapt to new profiles - 4. A module to gather evaluation information and
infer metrics - Adaptation and customization of accessibility
evaluation tools can be performed
Introduction ? Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
7Integrating profiles into a evaluation tool
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Flexible implementation of guidelines
- Machine understandable guidelines ? Guidelines
in XML - Statements in natural language should be
expressed - An interface to manage guidelines and profiles
- Define new accessibility guidelines
- Create and edit new profiles
- Create new profiles combining existing ones
- Publish developed profiles and guidelines so
that users can extend or edit them - Find guidelines according to different criteria
- Operable by humans and other software modules
- A module for guidelines evaluation
- Independent from guidelines
- Evaluate according to guidelines within profiles
Introduction ? Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
8PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
Guidelines and profiles are stored in a XML
ICCHP 2006
9Guidelines in XML in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- GXML is a XML based language for guidelines
definition - Currently WCAG 1.0 and Mobile Web Best Practices
(MWBP) are defined
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
WCAG 1.0 http//sipt07.si.ehu.es/evalaccess2/index
MWBP 1.0 http//sipt07.si.ehu.es/evalaccess2/mobil
ICCHP 2006
10PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
Guidelines and profiles are stored in a XML
A user creates a profile by using the profile
manager (optional)
ICCHP 2006
11Profile Manager in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- A web application for guidelines and profiles
definition - No need to understand GXML
- Not necessary software installation
- Universal Access from Web Browser
- Guidelines and profiles centralized management
- Access to guidelines repository
- Guidelines search, use and extend
- Permission management to guidelines
- Example
- Accessibility guidelines for the elderly
Kurniawan - E-learning accessibility guidelines Freed
- Result e-learning guidelines for the elderly
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
12Profile Manager in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ltGUIDELINEgt ltIdgt6lt/Idgt ltTitlegtEnsure that pages
featuring new technologies transform
gracefullylt/Titlegt ltURLgthttp//www.w3.org/TR/WCAG1
0/gl-new-technologieslt/URLgt ltCheckpointgt
ltIdgt4lt/Idgt ltDescriptiongtFor scripts and
applets, ensure that event handlers are
input device-independent.lt/Descriptiongt
ltPrioritygt2lt/Prioritygt ltKeywordgt
ltNamegtAlt/Namegt ltAttributegt
ltValuesgt ltValuegtONKEYPRESSlt/Valuegt
lt/Valuesgt lt/Attributegt
ICCHP 2006
13PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
Guidelines and profiles are stored in a XML
2. The evaluation module retrieves guidelines to
be evaluated
A user creates a profile by using the profile
manager (optional)
1. The manager interacts with the XML DB
ICCHP 2006
14Websites Evaluation in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Apart from the web interface, the profile
manager has a programming interface - The evaluation module gathers the required
guidelines from the database via the profile
manager - After performing the evaluation, results are
reported to the Report Manager
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
15PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
3. After evaluation errors are reported
Guidelines and profiles are stored in a XML
2. The evaluation module retrieves guidelines to
be evaluated
A user creates a profile by using the profile
manager (optional)
1. The manager interacts with the XML DB
ICCHP 2006
16Evaluation Reports in XML in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Evaluation results are also formatted in an XML
based language - Automatic report manipulation
- Statistical data
- Reports customization
- Customized evaluation tools can be easily
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
Example with Mobile Web Best Practices
ICCHP 2006
17PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
4. Metrics are calculated
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
3. After evaluation errors are reported
Guidelines and profiles are stored in a XML
2. The evaluation module retrieves guidelines to
be evaluated
A user creates a profile by using the profile
manager (optional)
1. The manager interacts with the XML DB
ICCHP 2006
18Metrics in PWA Architecture
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Report Manager gets evaluation results from
evaluation module - Machine-understandable (XML) format
- Evaluation data are automatically obtained
- Number of errors and their priorities
- Number of potential errors
- The metrics manager obtains valuable data useful
for - Information retrieval processes
- Web accessibility evolution measurement
- Quality assurance
- Customized evaluations and metrics are obtained
- In the end, the framework allows to keep track
of personalized accessibility profiles
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility ? PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
19Accessing device to the WWW
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Profiles are enhanced using CC/PP (Composite
Capability / Preference Profiles) - CC/PP is a RDF-based common vocabulary for
profiles description - Hardware and software features are described
- Evaluations could be personalized if access
constraints are available - Accessing device features are used in the
evaluation guidelines - Best practice LARGE_GRAPHICS in MWBP 1.0
- "Do not use images that cannot be rendered by
the device" ? large images in mobile devices have
to be avoided - "Large" is ambiguous. It is necessary to know
the size of the screen
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture ? Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
ICCHP 2006
20Accessing device to the WWW
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//w
ma" xmlnsex"http//www.example.com/schema"gt
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.example.co
ltccppcomponentgt ltrdfDescription
Hardware"gt ltrdftype rdfresource"http//www.e
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture ? Accessing device to the
WWW Conclusions
Guideline Large images in mobile devices have
to be avoided"
ltKeywordgt ltNamegtIMGlt/Namegt ltAttributegt
ltNamegtwidthlt/Namegt ltTypegt2lt/Typegt ltValuesgt
ltValuegt320lt/Valuegt lt/Valuesgt
lt/Attributegt lt/Keywordgt
Enhanced guideline "If there is an image wider
than 320 pixels report an error"
ICCHP 2006
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Scenarios of use
- Research derived guidelines validation
- User specific evaluation tools can be designed
- Work in progress
- Future Work
- Adapt Evaluation Reports to EARL
- Make possible CC/PP integration in the framework
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the WWW ?
ICCHP 2006
Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Kurniawan Kurniawan, S. and Zaphiris, P.
(2005). Research-derived web design guidelines
for older people. In proceedings of International
ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies 2005,
ASSETS, 129-135. - Freed Freed, G., Rothberg, M. and Wlodkowski,
T. (2003) Making Educational Software and Web
Sites Accessible, http//ncam.wgbh.org/cdrom/guide
Introduction Personal Web Accessibility PWA
Architecture Accessing device to the WWW ?
ICCHP 2006
23Architecture for Personal Web Accessibility
- Myriam Arrue, Markel Vigo and Julio Abascal
- Laboratory of Human Computer Interaction for
Special Needs - University of the Basque Country
10th International Conference on Computers
Helping People with Special Needs