Where there is hate, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Where there is hate,


an occasion with the divine each. in our own way, to strengthen our. bonds of support for each other & to ... Feel detached,hostile,or unconcerned about others ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Where there is hate,

U.S.A Healing Prayer
Where there is hate, may there be Love. Where
there is anger, may there be Wisdom. Where there
is sorrow, may there be Comfort. Where there is
injury, may there be Healing. Where there is
loss, may there be Renewal. May this great
tragedy be an occasion with the divine each in
our own way, to strengthen our bonds of support
for each other to rekindle our resolve to bring
about a world of greater peace, harmonywell-being
. Bless be.
This prayer, written by Rev. Selena Fox was first
offered at the monthly meeting of the Madison
Interfaith Dialogue where there were
representatives of a variety of religions. Rev.
Fox is an executive director and senior minister
of Circle Sanctuary in southwest Wisconsin.

Coping after 9/11
The Terrorist Attack that occurred in New York
and Washington D.C. on Sept. 11, staggered the
nation. What happened affected all New Yorkers
those lost their lives at the World Trade
Centerthe people who were injured, and those
who escaped the people rescue and the relief
workers people whose friends and relatives were
killedthose who saw it happen from the
street ,or from their windows, or over and over
on televisionpeople who lost their jobs or
homes as a result of catastrophe. Unlike other
disasters that seem to have an end, the attacks
on New York and Washington have been followed by
other disturbing events including the threat of

Project Liberty
The World Trade Center terrorist attacks of
September 11th have affected us all- from the
families and friends of those who died to the
many thousands of New Yorkers who watched the
towers fall over and over again on television.
As a result of the disaster, we have been
facing hard times. These are times when reaching
out to and supporting each others matters.
Project Liberty is a program that provides
free crisis counseling services to people,
families and groups most affected by the
September 11 World Trade Center disaster. We
offer services in five boroughs of New York City
and in Delaware, Dutchess,Nassau, Orange,
Putnam, Rockland,

Visiting Places in the Lower East Side that Serve
as Healing Places
University Settlement
has yoga, painting, dance helps people after
9/11 government made it
was the first settlement has been around since
1886 teaches children and parents helps
homeless people has after school programs works
with 5 schools plays with different kind of
children has mental health clinic helps young
and old people has a Project Liberty
program Project Liberty started after
9/11 people become anxious after 9/11
Emotional Reactions
People feel and express their reactions to a
crisis differently. You may Feel intense
anxiety,loss,helplessness, fear, sadness or
anger. Have a sense of hopelessness about the
future. Feel detached,hostile,or unconcerned
about others Feel numb or flat,unable to
experience love or joy. Be irritable of have
outbursts of anger. Get easily upset or
agitated. Experience recurring and distressing
Physical Reactions
How people physically react to a disaster
varies. You may Have an upset stomach, eat
too much or too little, or have other
gastrointestinal problems. Experience a pounding
heart, rapid breathing, severe headache, or
sweating when thinking about the event. Have
trouble falling or staying asleep, or too
much. Be in the daze.

Feel on guard and constantly alert. Feel
jumpy and easily startled at unexpected
noises. Experience a worsening of certain
chronic conditions. Feel exhausted.
Avoid people,places, things associated with the
disaster. Forget important aspects of the
event. Have trouble concentrating. Feel that
your surroundings are unreal.
University Settlement

U.S. building
On February 14,2003, we went to University
Settlement to interview Ms. Vanessa Brown. She
is a counselor from Project Liberty. Before we
went on our interview, we talked about what it
means to cope after 9/11. The meaning of coping
is to struggle or try to manage especially with
some success. Then we worked in teams to write
questions to ask Vanessa B. My team wrote How do
you feel helping after 9/11? Why did you choose
this job? As a child did you help others in
need? Other teams wrote questions like do you
have enough translators for the languages in our
community? We chose the representatives for our
teams to ask the questions to Ms.Vanessa. This is
a wonderful experience for all of us.

Mariel H.
Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester
counties. Sponsored by Federal Emergency
Management Agency(FEMA) and the center for the
Mental Health Services , Project Liberty is being
administered by the New York State Office of
Mental Health.It is a collaborative effort of
the Office of Mental Health, local governments
and provider agencies. Project Liberty
offers one-to-one or group sessions wherever you
wish to have them-in your home,school, business,of
fice,or church. We reach out to disaster
survivors in their own environments,to provide
face-to- face crisis counseling and education
services. At the heart of all the support
activities of Project Liberty are the values of
hope, respect, safety excellence and recovery.
At Project Liberty, we strive to help people.
Project Liberty
Team 3 Interviews Ms. Brown
Today my class went on a trip to University
Settlement. It was interesting to learn about
the settlement. We were there to interview Ms.
Brown about Project Liberty.
Nicole R.
February 14,2003
Dario G.
We learned a lot about University Settlement.
This place helps our community in many ways.
Today it serves as an healing center for people
coping after 9/11. The program is called Project
Liberty. It is was the idea of the Federal
Team 5 Interviews Ms. Brown
First, Ms. Brown told us all about University
Settlement. They help people of all ages. Then
we went to her office in small groups. We asked
her questions and took notes as she said her
Jefferson W.
Interviewing Vanessa B.
On February14, 2003 my class went to University
Settlement. We went there to interview Vanessa
Brown. She is one of the of the people in the
program Project Liberty. Project Liberty is a
program that when counselors (like Vanessa) help
people cope after 9/11.
Kierrah S.
Team 1's Questions
Nicole Do people come to this program to get
help if they lose there jobs or homes after
9/11?Vanessa Yes, they do. They come to us
for homes and jobs. A lot of people lost homes
and jobs after 9/11. Also people that were
suffering came to this program to get
help.Nicole How did you come up with the idea
of Project Liberty?Vanessa B The government
wanted a program toHelp people that were
suffering after 9/11, so they make this program
called Project Liberty
Adriana How do you feel helping
people after 9/11? Vanessa B I wanted
to do something that will make me feel helpful
because I help people. I feel good to see the
people I help feel sad at first but then feel
good Adriana Why did you choose this job?
Vanessa I wanted tohelp people with
problems. I also wanted to work with people.
Adriana As a child did you help people in
need? Vanessa B I volunteered to work in
a clinic when I was 14 years old. That was my
first job helping others.
Team 4's Questions
Educational Alliance
On February 28, 2003 a team leader named
Emmanuel Felton came to our classroom. He came
from Project Liberty. He told us that after 9/11,
people are effected. He told us that horrible
tragedy people get sad because there loved ones
birthday comes up. So on that day joyful day
they cry instead. Emmanuel also said that when
people come to him they talk about their
thoughts and feelings about 9/11. He started
talking about the Twin Towers.

Taking Notes as Emmanuel Speaks
We are the future Important to learn Up to us
to get better Educational Alliance has been
helping immigrants for years Project Liberty is
trying to help people cope with their feelings
after 9/11
Reading the books Emmanuel brought for us
On February 28,2003, my class met a leader named
Emmanuel Felton. He works for Project Liberty.
Project Liberty is a program made by
the government to help people after 9/11.
Counselors help the affected people by 9/11.
Emmanuel gave us a book made by Project
Liberty.It is called Honor the past,Embrace the
Future. It shows how to cope and deal with
9/11.My favorite quote was New York is getting
stronger Everyday.
Today a team leader from Educational
Alliance talked to us about Project Liberty. He
told us what Project Liberty does and how it
helps people affected by 9/11. He wants us to
tell New Yorkers that they are not alone. He
wants us not to be ever scared. He said that
thereare a lot of people affected in New York
and Washington D.C.
By Cheng L
February 28,2003
Educational Alliance
Today a counselor named Emmanuel Felton came to
my class. He is a member of a program called
Project Liberty. Project Liberty is sponsored
by FEMA. Project Liberty helps people feel
better after 9/11. People express their feelings
of 9/11. He talked to us about 9/11 too. He said
that the new design should be a memorial for all
the people that died for us on 9/11. Other think
they should built a building on Ground Zero.

We think that the government should make a
memorial instead of a building. Peoples lives
are more important than just a tall building.
The city will waste a lot of money on a building
instead of donating the money to the
homeless people. What if the terrorists attack
again. We will lose a lot of money and people for
no reason. They should just make a big memorial.

Mahbubur, Dario,Kevin

Coping After 9/11
Interviewing Our School's
Guidance Counselor
Ms. Sarah Rivera
Today we interviewed Ms. Rivera about 9/11. My
question was , How did 9/11 Affect the school?
She answered that their was a lot of reactions
and everybody was donating things to this school!
On September 11th ,01
Cheng L.
Today we went to interview Sara R. Before
going We prepared questions. The questions I
asked were What services did you provide in the
school? She Said that they were closed the
next day. So when they Came back the next day
,the Crisist team came. The Crisis team are
social workers, from the red cross, to Help
kids. My second question was Did you know
right away That something bad happened? She said
that when The second plane crashed, she knew
something bad Was happening. She also said that
a woman came Looking for her child. The mother
told Sara that the Twin Towers collapsed . I
think Sara really bad for the Kid that lost a
Adriana E.
I saw the disaster that broke my heart. It was
so bad. I just keep on asking why,why,why,,I
still remember that day
Cheng L.
Hi! My name is Ruben. My class interviewed our
Schools guidance counselor. I felt sad for the
stories She told us about the children. I asked
Did the Students have mentally,
physically,emotionally problems? She
answered Mostly everybody was Affected and the
children are more quiet. She also Said Children
didnt want to leave their parents. On
September 12,2001 , she had a meeting with
other Teachers and said prayers. Also parents
asked how their children were safe at all.
Ruben L.
Honor the Past, Embrace the Future
I chose the sub title Coping after 9/11. I
learned that people lost their lives, some
escaped but were injured badly. The peoples
friends and relatives died. Some even lost
their jobs. I learned that the emotional
Reactions are like losing someone, or feeling
intense.They are scared ,sad, or feel upset.
Physical reactions is when They get an upset
stomach. They shouldnt get too mad or hesitated
and they should share their thoughts and
express their feelings. It would help people feel
much Better.
Stephanie S.
New York's Bravest
My favorite topic in the book, Honor the Past,
Embrace Your Future, Through the childrens
Eyes. It is my favorite topic because the one
who is most affected by September 11th are the
children. It tells what the children are doing
to work through their feelings about September
11th. Like drawing, painting, writing, and other
activities are what most of the children are
doing. I feel that the children are doing a
perfect job getting over their fears about
September 11th. They are really honoring the
past. Theyre telling the policemen and the
firefighter how they feel and thanking them. I
hope they continue this and wish them good luck.
Eric C.
Spirit of the City
Governor Pataki, current mayor Bloomberg and
Giuliani led New York out of its darkest hour.
They drew strength from the people to help get
New Yorkers back on their feet. They all saw
clearly how the 9/11 attack in N. Y. and
Washington D.C. affected people. Some who lost
their loved ones, or those who risked their lives
to help others, have an experience Grief and
sadness. The three men that led New York
have known grief too (as for Pataki.) He
suffered a loss as his friend Levin, an
executive director of the Port Authority, which
owns the World Trade Center site. Well never
forget the loved ones we lost, he said. The
governor felt better at the Selfless acts
displayed after 9/11. It was a tremendous to see
the tens of thousands New Yorkers
''Coping after 9/11''
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