Title: The Purposes of Government
1The Purposes of Government
2 The Government of the U.S. began when
colonists decided they did not want to have a
- The colonists didnt want to be ruled by King
George because he was unfair. - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vofYmhlclqr4feature
related - School House Rock No More King
- So they established their own government.
- Everything about our government is described in
the constitution.
3The Constitution
- The constitution is a living document. We say
that because it can be changed or amended.
4The beginning of the constitution is called the
Preamble to the Constitution.
- Preamble
- to the U.S.
- Constitution
- We the People of the United
- States, in Order to form a more
- perfect Union, establish Justice,
- insure domestic Tranquility,
- provide for the common defense,
- promote the general Welfare, and
- secure the Blessings of Liberty to
- ourselves and our Posterity, do
- ordain and establish this
- Constitution for the United States
- of America.
5The Preamble to the Constitution
- Listen to this video on the Preamble
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vQ_TXJRZ4CFc
6The Purpose of GovernmentC-1A-E2 Explain the
purpose of government.
- There are 6 purposes for government.
- Form a more perfect union (a common set of rules)
- Establish justice (fairness)
- Ensure domestic tranquility (peace)
- Provide for the common defense (protection)
- Promote the general welfare (help the needy)
- Secure the blessings of liberty (freedom)
7Government- helps meet basic needs of society.
- providing education
- supplying social welfare
- building and maintaining roads
- providing and maintaining public facilities
(post office, hospitals, schools, - libraries)
8Government Provides Education
- Public education is education mandated for or
offered to the children of the general public by
the government, and paid for, in whole or in
part, by taxes.
9Government Supplies social welfare
- Social welfare refers to any program which seeks
to provide an income, service, or other support
for disadvantaged peoples such as the poor,
elderly, disabled, students, unpaid workers such
as mothers and other caregivers, and
underprivileged groups.
10Government - Builds and Maintains Roads
- Interstate highways are an example.
- Interstate highways receive federal money but
they are repaired and operated by the states.
11Government Provides and Maintain Public Facilities
- Post office
- Public Library
- Hospitals
- Schools